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1、教 案教师姓名 邱明华 授课班级 1113 会电 授课形式 讲授授课日期 2012 年 9 月 3 日 第 1 周 课时 2授课章节名 称 Unit One World of work教学目的1.熟悉与工作领域相关的词汇2.学会谈论培训课程、工作职责以及如何处理好工作与生活的平衡关系3.练习在听力和阅读过程中寻找相关信息4.掌握一般现在时和频率副词的用法教学重点、难 点1.The words about world of work2.The reading skills of reading and listening.3.The practice of present tense.更新、补充

2、、删节内容使用教具 Computer and texbook课外作业1. Preview 1.22. Review 1.13. Exercises课后体会Unit 1New words and Expressions business n. 工商企业;商行;商业 technique n. 技巧,技能 cross-cultural adj. 跨文化的 Internet n. 英特网,国际互联网 presentation n. 口头报告,陈述,叙述 public speaking 演说,演讲 consultant n. 顾问 consultancy n. 咨询公司 run vt. 开办(课程/ 讲

3、习班) one-to -one 一对一的 accredited adj. 公认的 motivational adj. 激发积极性的, client n. 客户 entertaining adj. 有趣的,使人愉快的, professional adj. 专业的,职业的 involve vt. 包含、需要、使成为必要部分 responsibility n. 责任,所负责的事情 be responsible for sb./ sth. 对某人/ 某事负责 title n. 头衔,职称 sample n. 样品 试用产品 account n. 账目,账户 correspondence n.(来往的)

4、信件 badge n.徽章 identify vt. 发现,确定 workshop n. 研讨会,讲习班 catering service 餐饮服务 MD managing director 的缩写,总经理,执行董事 gadget n. 小巧的器械,小玩意儿 interior adj. 车内产品,内部装饰 memo n. 备忘录,便条,便笺 electrical appliances 电器,家用电器 ship vt. 运送 power point 电子版幻灯片 bonus n. 奖金 catalogue n. 产品目录 positive adj. 积极乐观的 presence n. 仪态,风度

5、,风采 diary n. 记事簿 Athens n. 雅典(希腊首都)Expressions on Job Do you like your job? Do you often travel abroad ? How are you? Not too bad, thanks. I work for a company that I work as What does your job involve ? My job involves doing What do you do ? I deal with Who is your MD? I am based in .Reading: Train

6、ing and workshop培训与研讨会、讲习班Background knowledge多种多样的培训 依据培训地点不同通常有: 1. 内部培训(Internal training 或称 in-house- training )是一种在工作场所进行的在职培训,因此也称为 on-the-job training,其特点是经济实惠。 2. 外部培训 (external training),是一种将员工送往专门培训机构的离岗培训,因此也称为 off-the-job training。 3. 网上培训 (web-based training)是一种基于网络环境下的培训尤其受到那些公司员工分布地域广

7、的公司的青睐。Reading: Training and workshop 依据培训内容不同通常有: 1. 新员工岗前培训 (New employee orientatiion training) 2. 领导才能培训 (Leadership training) 3. 实施绩效评价培训 (Performance appraisal training) 4. 个人电脑培训 (Personal computer training) 5. 团队精神培训 (Team building training) 6. 招聘培训 (Hiring process training) 7. 培训师培训 (Traini

8、ng the trainer) 8. 新设备操作培训 (Operating new equipment training) 9. 防止性骚扰培训 (Sexual harassment training)J&C 培训公司简介 J&C 是一家为个人和职业发展提供咨询服务的培训咨询公司。总部设在牛津,由Janet Coyte,珍妮特.考约特掌管。珍妮特是一位经验丰富的教师和咨询师.她为公司和大学开设各种课程和讲习班.作为培训师,她的工作是帮助商业人士摆脱困境 。有时她也提供一对一的电话咨询或电子邮件咨询。 她著有两三本书,也写些关于演讲技巧和口头报告技巧的文章。同时,她还是国际著名的演说家,在世界各

9、地发表鼓舞人心的演讲。 J&C 的客户说他们的课程生动、专业、而且非常实用。Listening: What does your job involve?你的工作包括哪些职责? Job titles 工作头衔 Chairman of the Board of Directions 董事长 Managing Director/ General Manager 总经理 CEO: Chief Executive Officer 执行总裁,首席执行官 CFO: Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官 Financial Director 财务总管 Marketing Director

10、 营销总管 Production Director 生产主管 Personnel Manager/Human Resources Manager 人事经理 Chief Accountant 总会计师 Sales Manager 销售经理 Marketing Manager 营销经理 Public Relations Manager 公关经理 Advertising Manager 广告经理 Works/Factory/Production Manager 生产经理 Purchasing Manager 采购经理 After-sales Manager 售后经理 Communication/ I

11、nformation Manager 信息经理 Quality Manager 质检经理 R. & D. Manager 研发经理 Management consultant 管理咨询师 Personal assistant 个人助理,私人助理 Sales representative 销售代表 Consultant 顾问Grammar:The present simple 一般现在时 一般现在时用于描述:1.稳定的、经久不变的情形(Permanent situations)2. 习惯动作或经常性的动作(Habits and frequency of activities)3. 作息时刻 (与

12、时间短语连用)(Timetables with a time expression)Adverbs and expressions of frequency1. Adverbs of frequency: Words such as always, usually, often, sometime, occasionally, rarely, seldom, and never usually come before the verbs.2. Expressions of frequency: once a week, twice a month, every Monday, on Thurs

13、days. These usually go at the end of the sentence.频率副词在句子中的位置:动词前 be 动词后Adverb Frequency always 100%usually 90%often 75%sometimes 30%rarely 10%never 0Speaking: Work-life balance 工作与生活的平衡 Discussion1. Do you work or study too much?2. Do you know how to balance your work with you life?3. What kind of life do you prefer, love the life you live or live the life you love?4. Ways of work-life balance (保持工作与生活平衡的途径)1. Prioritize tasks (区分任务的优先次序)2. Set aside one night each week for recreation(每周留出一个晚上放松娱乐)3. Seek professional help (寻求专业帮助)



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