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1、九年级英语Unit 1Unit 8 单词复习课件 九年级英语备课组,Words of Unit One,1.What are your_(明确的)aims? 2.We get_(兴奋)about trip to Beijing. 3.He made a lot of_(误)in_ (语法) 4.The teacher listened to the children reading_(出声地). 5.I cant understand_(口语)English. 6.There are no_(区别)between English names and American names.,specif

2、ic,excited,mistakes,grammar,aloud,spoken,differences,7.They hope to join an English club to practice_(说)English. 8.I find it_(令人失望的)that I cant speak English_(好). 9.Do you know the_(发音)of the word? 10.Class 1_ _(挑战)Class 2 to a race yesterday. 11.I cant_(发音)some of the words. 12.I think English gram

3、mar is boring,but Wei Ming feels_(不同的).,speaking,frustrating,well,pronunciation,pronounce,challenged,differently,13._(记忆)the words is very important 14We are so e_that we jump and sing_(高兴的). 15.He thinks m_words is a great way to learn a language. 16.Its impolite to l_at the people in trouble. 17.J

4、_the English club can improve your English.,Memorizing,xcited,happily,emorizing,oining,augh,18.Do you often make m_in English? 19.Many_(士兵) died in the war. 20.I believe_(友谊) is first. 21.I cant make c_sentences. 22.This is a s_between you and me.Dont tell others.,ecret,soldiers,istakes,friendship,o

5、mplete,Words of Unit Two,1.She u_to hate tests,didnt she? 2.I am afraid of flying in an a_. 3.The girl used to be t_of the snakes. 4.The boy is afraid of the d_.He usually goes to s_with the bedroom light on. 5.We all like eating c_.Its sweet. I?,sed,irplane,errified,ark,leep,andy,6.The teacher saw

6、her c_gum in the room yesterday. 7.Students like c_online with others. 8.My d_(日常)life has changed a lot in the past few years 9.My math teacher is very p_.I love her. 10.I h_have time for concerts these days,do,hewing,hatting,aily,atient,ardly,11.It s_that Yu Ming has changed a lot. 12.I am afraid

7、of b_alone. 13.I love spiders and other _(昆虫). 14.I am interested in p_pictures. 15.Now I dont worry about _(考试). 16.The accident caused his fathers_(死亡). 17.In the end they made a _(决定) to go there.,eems,eing,insects,ainting,tests,death,decision,18.To my _(惊奇),he got good grades this time. 19.Pleas

8、e g_up smoking.Its bad for your health. 20.If you dont study,youll w_your time in school. 21.He wanted his mother to pay more a_to him. 22.Martin has really _(变化).,surprise,ive,aste,ttention,changed,Words of Unit Three,1.T_should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 2.Sixteen-year-olds should be

9、a_to drive. 3.Students shouldnt be allowed to get their ears p_. 4.They talked instead of d_their homework. 5.Im afraid of my head teacher.Hes very s_. 6.Students shouldnt be allowed to s_up until 11pm. 7.Students have to wear u_at school.,eenagers,llowed,ierced,oing,trict,tay,niforms,8.If you c_mor

10、e on your clothes,youll less care about your studies. 9.D_our own clothes is interesting. 10.Its a good way to allow students to study in g_. 11.I want some o_to volunteer at the local hospital. 12.Please clean up the classroom.Its a real m_. 13.I cant c_which pair of jeans to buy. 14.Everyone needs

11、 to have at l_ eight hours sleep a night.,oncentrate,esigning,ess,roups,pportunities,hoose,east,15.Last summer I v_in the west as an English teacher.I want to do more volunteering. 16.He should stop wearing these silly e_. 17.The boy always feel_(困倦) in Chinese class. 18.At last they _(成功)last year.

12、 19.Students shoulnt be_(允许)to smoke at school. 20.English is_(说) all over the world. 21.In their school French is _(教).,olunteered,arrings,sleepy,succeeded,allowed,spoken,taught,22.He wants to have his watch_(修理). 24.Please clean up the classroom.what a m_! 25.It would be a good e_ for me because I

13、 want to be a doctor when I am older. 26.Wearing our own clothes is more_(舒服) and that is g_for our study. 27.Tian Ge wants to w_for a newspaper. 28.Everyone needs to have at l_eight h_(小时)sleep.,repaired,ess,xperience,comfortable,ood,rite,east,ours,Words of Unit Four,1.He needs three_(百万)to build t

14、he school. 2.Please take the_(药)three times a day. 3.The old man gave his money to_(医学)research. 4.What would you do if you had a million d_? I would give the money to c_. 5.If I w_you,Id take a small present. 6.W_if I dont know anyone? 7.I asked his_(允许) to use his bike.,million,medicine,medical,ollars,harity,ere,hat,permission,



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