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1、Its a Boy Girl Thing scriptGive me my Romeo, and when he shall die, take him and cut him out to little stars - and hell make the face of heaven so fine. And all the world will be in love with the night - Mystical: Shake Ya Ass and. make the face of heaven so fine that all. the world will be in love.

2、 Mystical: Shake Ya Ass . all the world will be in love with the night. Excuse me! Excuse me! - Woody, will you turn that down? - Sorry, I cant hear you! Turn the noise down! Sorry, did you say something? Im trying to study but its impossible with that racket going on! - Its not racket, thats Mystic

3、al! Whatever it is, will you please switch it off? - Whats it worth? - The gratitude of a music lover? Alright, I turn it off! If you flash me! Show me what girls are all about! You are a pig! - Anyway, Ive seen them before! - What! You have not! Have now! Good morning, Mr. Fluffy. - Woody, are you

4、up yet? - Oh, yeah! - Good morning, Daddy! - I have some mail for you, princess. Its from Yale! I have an interview next week! I applied for early action for you, honey! My precious little girl are going to Yale! I have to get through the interview first, mother! - You wont let us down, never have.

5、- Never has. - Isnt it exciting, Ted? - Its very excititing, Katherine. - Are you excited? - I am. Im so excited I could yell it from the roof tops! Thank you, mother! Bachman Turner Overdrive: You Aint Seen Nothing Yet Bachman Turner Overdrive: You Aint Seen Nothing Yet Everything OK back there? No

6、 problem, honey. Just searing off a couple of finger prints. Carry on, my good woman. - Big games coming up soon, son? - Yep! Coach says all the big college scouts gonna be at the game. Yeah, I know. Speciality of the House! I call it Eggs What the Heck So much of fine cuisine is down to presentatio

7、n, dont you think, son? Oh yeah, absolutely! Youll be the first member of my family to go to college. Hell be the first member of your family to go to freaking school! Thats true. But son, if things dont work out, therell always be a job for you - with Stan the Man at Spatula World. - To me, the gre

8、atest living American should. have individual accomplishments - but also have a lasting influcence on America and with the world. And that is why after careful consideration my candidate. - Yo, whats up boy? - Hi, Horse! - Nice grab, Horse! Hows it hanging? - To the floor, my friend! What say we shi

9、ft this baby into warp drive, huh? I want you to feel the wind blowing through. the hair of your fine muscular ass! Hit it please! Eminem: Without Me Well, looky here! Is that not a pencil necked virigin girl I see before me? I do believe it is. Shes standing dangerously close to a vast pool of wate

10、r. For a smart girl, that aint so smart. Thank you! OK, just keep walking. No one will notice. Who wants cotton candy? Hey, Nell, I love what youve done with your hair! Thanks, Glixen. Three, two one. Hey, watch it! - Harry! - Whats up baby! Wow wow, people around! Nice look! Special needs boy and h

11、is muse, the lovely Clamydia. My names Breanna, you geek! By the way, sorry about this morning. That puddle just. showed up in front of us! Oh, thats OK, please dont apologize it, I understand. While archetypal outsiders such as myself. rarely fit comfortably into high school environements - this is

12、 as good as your life will get. The big football star and his vacuous cheerleader girlfriend. Head cheerleader. Because, lets face it. The old gray matter. aint exactly top level, is it Woodster? So you end up with a job with your dad - and probably marry Breanna here. But soon you start drinking to

13、 numb this aching feeling you have inside. Fast forward a few years and youre a drunk. fat guy at a bar talking about the good old days. While your little wife whose looks have gone to the dodo - is prepping up her self esteem with squalid. sexual encounters with your friends behind your back. - Wha

14、t friends? - Im guessing most of them. Have a good day. Class, please turn to page 488. Paragraph. demarked Early history - which reads: Combined with the study of mankind - in all its aspects, especially human culture - we are therefore examining that society through. the exploration of classical structure. Now, do not forget to make full use of your abstract database. And class, please make sure the references of. the source material include the internet. Thats OK for now but - you might want to omit that page from your reference list. Now, Mr. Zbornak will


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