2016-2017学年 人教版 必修三 unit5 canada — “the true north” reading 课件(17张)

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1、,Justin Bieber,Avril,Niagara,maple leaves,The Canadian flag,Unit5 Canada -“The True North”,Period one Vocabulary Learning,海南农垦实验中学 胡小慧,Canada is a multicultural country with beautiful scenery, measuring 5,500 Km from west to east. Most Canadians settle down in the border area between Canada and the

2、USA. Rather than take the plane, Li Daiyu and Liu Qian took the train to cross the whole continent in Canada from west to east. With their baggage, they went to catch the cross-Canada train-“The True North” in Vancouver . Vancouver is a large and urban city surrounded by mountains and seas. When the

3、 cousins chatted and went eastward, they managed to catch sight of goats, bear and an eagle. They also went through Calgary and Thunder Bay. Cowboys, who have a gift for riding wild animals, come to compete in Calgary Stampede. After two daystravel , the train rushed southward towards Toronto.,A Tri

4、p On “The True North ”,n.,adj/adv,vi/vt,phrase,Step 2 Read and classification,n,mltkltrl,Step 3 Guessing Game,The man stands in the official line that separates the two countries.,1.border(n.),国/边界,The women traveled around the world with their baggage .,2.baggage(n.),行李,3.continent(n.),There are 7

5、continents in the world .,大陆/洲,4.scenery(n.),The scenery in the picture is very beautiful.,风景,5.urban(adj.),I am fond of living in the urban area, not the countryside.,城市/市镇的,6. chat (vi.),Every day Tom chats with his foreign friend on line.,聊天/闲聊,7.measure (vi.),The nurse weighed me and measured my

6、 height.,测量,8.surround(v.),Jackie Chan was surrounded by the reporters.,包围、围绕,Step4 How to remember the words?,border,b + order (命令),baggage,luggageld行李(英式),continent,violent (强烈的) + confident(自信的),scenery,scene(场景)+ ry,自信心强才能穿越大陆,urban,chat,cat + hat,带上帽子和宠物猫找朋友聊天去喽!,measure,pleasure(高兴) + treasure

7、tre (财富),surround,sur(外) + round(圆),surface(表面) = sur(外) + face(面/脸),用快乐衡量财富,ur(饿) + ban(禁止),越禁止的人们越想要(饿),行李拉着走,multi,media,+,=,multimedia,multicultural(多种文化的),multinational(多民族的),multipurpose(多重目的的),many,Affixation (词缀法),prefix前缀 suffix后缀,-ward(s)= in a certain direction,upward(s) 向上的/地,backward(s)

8、向后的/地,eastward(s)朝东的/地,westward(s)向西的/地,manage to do,The soldiers succeeded in saving the boy out of the ruins. =The soldiers managed to save the boy out of the ruins.,catch sight of,设法/成功做.,看见,1.As soon as the mouse caught sight of the cat, it ran back to its hole quickly.,Step 5 Self learning,he r

9、an away quickly.,2.As soon as the thief caught sight of the police,have a gift for,LangLang is good at playing the piano. = Langlang has a gift for playing the piano.,有.天赋,settle down,1 .LangLang settled down on the chair and started,2. Li people settled down in Hainan Island,坐下, 定居,to play the pian

10、o.,hundreds of years ago.,rather than,宁可 A 也不愿 B,1. I will have a cold drink rather than hot coffee,2. Students will watch TV rather than do homework,Li Daiyu and Liu Qian took the train to cross the whole continent rather than take the plane.,in hot summer.,on Sunday.,= Rather than take the plane,

11、Li Daiyu and Liu Qian took the train to cross the whole continent.,A B,A B,Step 6 Check time now!,border scenery baggage continent chat measure,1.To go to Russia from China you must cross the _.,2.Passengers checked their _ before getting on thier train.,3.It is known to all that there are seven _ o

12、n the earth.,4.This room _ 5 meters across and 8 meters in length.,5.He likes _ about things with his friends on the Internet.,6. The _ of the West Lake is beautiful beyond words.,border,baggage,continents,measures,chatting,scenery,A.Use the words below in the correct form to complete the,sentences.

13、,B.Use the phrases to write a short passage.,rather than have a gift for settle down catch sight of manage to do,汤姆很有音乐天赋。当他还是个小孩时,一看到钢琴就很 高兴。每天,汤姆宁愿坐在椅子上弹琴也不愿出去玩。多年,Tom has a gift for music. When he was a child, he felt happy every time he caught sight of the piano. Every day Tom settled down on the chair to play the piano rather than go out to play. After many years, Tom managed to become,之后,汤姆终于成为了一名著名的钢琴家。,a famous pianist.,Homework,1. Memorize the new words and phrases,2. Write down the short passage about Tom,on your workbook.,that we learnd today.,


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