the last leaf 最后的常青藤叶

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《the last leaf 最后的常青藤叶》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《the last leaf 最后的常青藤叶(71页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、哈尔滨师范大学附属中学 曹文玲(Tamara),The Last Leaf,O.Henry,Text type,novel/fiction,Task One Literature knowledge(文学常识),3 elements,characters plot settings,Task One Literature knowledge(文学常识),Plot,beginning developing climax ending,Task One Literature knowledge(文学常识),Task Two Related knowledge(相关知识) O. Henry (186

2、2 -1910),1. O. Henry is one of the most popular writers in America, publishing over 500 short stories,such as “The Gift of Magi,” 麦琪的礼物“The Furnished Room,” 带家具出租的房间and “The Ransom of Red Chief,”红酋长的赎金 “The Cop and the Anthem”警察与赞美诗 2. O. Henry is best known for his ironic(讽刺的) _ and _endings.,plot

3、twists,surprise,Task Two Related knowledge(相关知识),3. In his stories he made full use of his knowledge of Texas, Central America, and life in _. 4. He was fascinated by New York _ life, which provided a setting for many of his later stories.,prison,street,Task Two Related knowledge(相关知识),The Bay of Na

4、ples in _ is the Art holy land in many artists heart at that time.,Task Two Related knowledge(相关知识),Italy,the Bay of Naples(那不勒斯海湾),Task Two Related knowledge(相关知识),the Bay of Naples(那不勒斯海湾),Task Two Related knowledge(相关知识),山顶国家博物馆(Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte),Task Two Related knowledge(相关知识),Tim

5、e: _ Place: _ Characters: _ _ _ Events: _, who picked up _, decided that she would die when _ on the blank wall outside her window _, but it did not _ even after the storm. This persistent last leaf brought back Johnsys will to live. Later on it turned out that _ wasnt the real one; it was the one d

6、rawn by _, who had drawn it at a night with heavy rain and cold wind at the expense of his own life he was attacked deadly by _. Thread/center clue : _ Theme/subject: _,Task Three General Understanding,Main idea,the last ivy leaf,A three-story brick building,Sue Johnsy Behrman,Johnsy,pneumonia,Novem

7、ber, cold winter,fell,the leaf,an old artist named Behrman,pneumonia,the last leaf,fall,love between friends,Character Description and supporting ideas,In-depth understanding Task Four,Task Five Why do they think the last leaf Behrmans masterpiece ?,Group work discussion,Group 1 Sue Group 2 Johnsy G

8、roup 3 Behrman Group 4 Why do they think the last leaf Behrmans masterpeice?,Useful adjectives: kind/desperate(绝望的)/ persistent(坚持不懈的)/ pure/good/negative/passive/ positive/ambitious(有志向的)/ poor/great/ fierce/devoted(献 身的)/warm-hearted,Task Four In-depth understanding,Johnsy,Sue,Behrman,helpful kind

9、 positive warm-hearted persistent,desperate negative/passive good kind ambitious self-examinative,poor / unappreciated / fierce, kind, devoted, great/instinctive,Task Four In-depth understanding,Task Three General understanding,“This is not any place in which one so good as Miss Johnsy shall lie sic

10、k,“ yelled Behrman.,Task Four In-depth understanding,Why do they think the last leaf Behrmans masterpiece ?,Task Five In-depth understanding,real; gain hope; heart; love; desire,Life is a circle. Just be kind to and help others in need, even those unappreciated ones for the moment, and you will gain

11、 sense of happiness as well as friendship.,Task Four In-depth understanding,Task Six A taste of vivid language,1. “Tell me as soon as you have finished,“ said Johnsy, closing her eyes and lying white and still as a fallen statue.,Task Six A taste of vivid language,still adj.,sit still stand still li

12、e still hold still,Task Six A taste of vivid language,Cloze (NMET 2006),On a hot summer day in late August, I sought shade and a cool drink at a waterfront cafe on a Greet island. Over hundred degrees in_ air. Crowded. Tempers(脾气) of both the tourists and waiters had risen to meet the situation, mak

13、ing it a rather quarrelsome environment(环境).,36. A. fresh B. cool C. still D. thin,Task Six A taste of vivid language,“She has one chance in ten,“ said the doctor . “He said the chances were ten to one.,“ said Sue. “Even chances,“ said the doctor. “With good care, you will win.“,A. 50%-50% B. high C

14、. little chance,C,B,A,2.,3.Then she went to Johnsys room with her drawing board, whistling ragtime.,a kind of music 雷格泰姆,pretend to be happy/not to worry her friend,Task Six A taste of vivid language,4. “But whenever my patient begins to count the carriages at her funeral, I take away fifty percent

15、from the curative power of medicines.“,What does the doctor imply here?,Task Six A taste of vivid language,Once my patient has passed away, I will have no way to cure her. B. My patient was seriously ill, so I will change this medicine into another. C. My patient cant count the carriages at her funeral,for there are too many. D. Once my patient lose hope of life, the medicine on her wont work well.,5. “I have something to tell you, white mouse,“ she said.,my darling,you rat,小人/无信之人,Task Six A taste of vivid language,6. F


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