2019高考英语精编优选练:完形填空提升练 精编优选练(二十五) word版含解析

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《2019高考英语精编优选练:完形填空提升练 精编优选练(二十五) word版含解析》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019高考英语精编优选练:完形填空提升练 精编优选练(二十五) word版含解析(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、精编优选练(二十五)完形填空记叙文1(限时:35分钟)AWhen my wife and I decided to open our bookstore in 2012, we were a little _1_. The challenges facing small bookstores wereand remain_2_. Aside from the obvious _3_ in online selling, the increase in the popularity of ebooks has had a(n) _4_ effect on independent provider

2、s. The question is why a new, smallscale (小规模的) provider would _5_ enter such a(n) _6_ market?From a personal view, our reasoning was sound: we wanted to _7_ our love of great books and reading for pleasure with as many _8_ people as possible.Having done our homework, one thing became_9_. In order f

3、or us to succeed, we would have to offer something that none of our larger competitors already provided.And so we _10_ the Willoughby Book Club. We set up our website in the summer of 2012and we havent looked back. The idea of our _11_ is simple. We offer a range of book subscription gift packages,

4、_12_ in three, six and 12month options. Our customers _13_ a package, tell us a little about the person theyre buying it for, and we use this information to _14_ the recipient (接收者) a handpicked, giftwrapped (包装的) book once a month.We also recently decided to _15_ one new book to Book Aid Internatio

5、nal for every gift subscription sold. These books are sent out to subSaharan Africa, _16_ the educational work there.Within four months of starting out, we won the Young Bookseller of the Year award at the 2013 Bookseller awards. Our brief _17_ from new booksellers to award receivers has been challe

6、nging and _18_ . The biggest thing weve learned is that, despite the _19_ facing independent providers, there is a _20_ for them in the UK market. It s just a question of finding it. 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。作者在文中讲述了自己开实体书店的经历。1A.proudBcurious Cworried Dshocked 解析:根据下文的The challenges facing small bookstores可知,

7、因为面临挑战,所以作者夫妻二人准备开书店时也有一丝“担忧 (worried)”。答案:C2A.abrupt BsignificantCdistant Dpotential 解析:根据下文的online selling和the increase in the popularity of ebooks可知,小型实体书店面临着“巨大的(significant)”挑战。答案:B3A.need BfaithCchange Drise解析: 此处与本句中的increase并列,故选rise (增长)。答案:D4A.immediate BmagicalCharmful Dequal解析:网络书店和电子书的增

8、长对小型实体书店“不利(harmful)”。答案:C5A.voluntarily Bgradually Csecretly Dfinally解析:根据下文所提到的原因可知,作者此处在讲他们夫妻二人为何要“心甘情愿地 (voluntarily)”开书店。答案:A6A.active BglobalCpromising Dchallenging解析:根据上文可知,市场形势“严峻 (challenging)”。答案:D7A.share BseekCenjoy Dvalue解析:既然开书店,那么自然是想和别人一起“分享(share)”对书的热爱,想和“志同道合的(likeminded)”人一起体会阅读的

9、快乐。答案:A8A.strongminded BlikemindedCopenminded Dsimpleminded解析:见上题解析。答案:B9A.easy BclearCpossible Dsafe解析:根据上文的Having done our homework及下文作者书店的经营策略可知,看清形势之后,“很显然(clear)”,要想成功,就必须提供比我们大的竞争者没有提供过的服务,另辟蹊径。答案:B10A.joined BvisitedCstarted Dleft 解析:根据下文的set up our website可知,本段讲作者的书店所开展的工作:“开办 (started)”了读书俱

10、乐部,创建了自己的网站。答案:C11A.success Bservice Cdevelopment Dactivity解析:根据下文可知,此处指作者的书店所提供的“服务(service)”。答案:B12. Aaffordable BacceptableCreliable Davailable 解析:根据下文的three,six and 12month options可知,书店提供了三种选择。 available可用的,可以得到的。答案:D 13. Achoose BdesignCprovide Dprepare解析:上文提到书店提供了三种选择,故此处指客户可以“选择(choose)”其中一个。

11、答案:A14A.send BreadCbuy Dorder 解析:客户选好需要的产品并告诉书店接收人的信息,接下来书店每月就会按要求将书“送出(send)”。答案:A15A.pass BlendCgive Dreturn解析:根据下文的These books are sent out to subSaharan Africa可知,此处指书店“捐 (give)”书。答案:C16A.guiding BfollowingCcontinuing Dsupporting解析:捐书的目的是为了“支持 (supporting)”当地的教育事业。答案:D17A.journey Bdream Cbusiness

12、 Dattempt解析:from new booksellers to award receivers是作者的书店所走过的一段“历程(journey)”。答案:A18A.tiring Brewarding Cdisappointing Dinteresting解析:根据下文的The biggest thing weve learned可知,作者在此过程中“受益匪浅 (rewarding)”。答案:B19A.chances Bdemands Cpressures Djudgments解析:作者最大的收获是:尽管面临着“压力(pressures)”,但是在英国的图书市场,小型实体书店一定能找到自己

13、的“一席之地(place)”。答案:C20A.prize BtimeCresult Dplace解析:见上题解析。答案:DBDaniella Wride was brushing her daughters long brown hair when she noticed there was something wrong. That was January 1, 2017. Within 20 days, sevenyearold Gianessa Wrides hair and eyebrows were completely _1_, and her doctor said they w

14、ould never grow back. Gianessa had _2_ one of the 6.8 million Americans with alopecia, a disease that causes hair loss.Alopecia isnt _3_, but for kids who suffer from it, the suffering comes from standing out from the crowd. For the most part, the students in Gianessas firstgrade class were _4_ . But the occasional taunts (嘲笑) made her feel like she was _5_. “I did not want her to _6_ not beautiful, ” her mother said. They tried _7_ her baldness (秃头), but artificial hair made her feel _8_ and scarves wouldnt stay on. Then the schoo


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