江苏省2019年高考英语总复习早读检测:module 2 unit 1 word study(教师)

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1、Word Study for Module2 Unit11. puzzling /puzzledpuzzling adj. 令人费解的,用于指物给人的感受。puzzled adj. (主语)感到困惑 be/feel puzzled by/about/at被/对感到迷惑/伤脑筋puzzle 1) vt. 使迷惑、为难、伤脑筋。常用句型:(sth.) puzzle sb.。 What he said puzzled everyone present.他的话令在场的每个人感到困惑。 2)n. 难题、谜、无法理解的事物。 a puzzle to sb. solve a puzzle 解谜2. step

2、 up(1) John waited until the teacher finished speaking to Mary, and then he stepped up. 走上前来(2) The factory stepped up the production. 加快,加速(3) Their social position had been much stepped up.加强,增加 step n. take a step forward/ back 向前走,向后走 take steps(action, measures) to do sth 采取行动/措施做某事 mind/ watch

3、 your step谨慎的说话,做事 step by step 一步步,逐渐地 keep/ be in step with 与 保持一致3. due to (1) due to (作表语)由于, 因为 His absence was due to the storm. 他的缺席是由于那场暴风雨造成的。(2) duo to (作状语) 由于,因为 He arrived late due to the storm. 他由于暴风雨而迟到了。(3) 表示“由于;因为”的常用近义短语还有: because of(作状语), thanks to(作状语), as a result of(作状语) than

4、ks to. 幸亏,由于;多亏(表示的是正面的原因) Thanks to his effort, it is more successful than we have expected. 由于他的努力,我们获得了比预期更大的成功。4.witness(1) n. 目击者、见证人(与of/to连用);证据,证词,见证(与to连用) The police found the witness to/of the murder case.警察找到了凶杀案的目击证人。 His whole life is a witness to his honesty.他的一生就是对他诚实品质的证明。(2) vt. 目击

5、、亲眼看到=see Did you witness the whole event? 你目击了整件事情吗?【联想发散】be a witness to sth. 目击,看见(某事发生) bear/give witness to sth.为作证,证明5. show up = appear, turn up (1) Did everyone you invited show up? 到场,出现,到达 (2) White shows up against a blue background.(使)明显,使显现,显示出来 (3) His speech showed him up as a selfish

6、 man. 揭发,暴露 拓展:show around / round 带(某人)参观(某地) show off卖弄,炫耀 show in 领某人进来 show out 把某人送到门口,送某人出去 (4) Most small children like to show off in front of visitors. (5) When I am free, I will show you around my school. on show/ display/ exhibit 在展览 6. possible adj. possibly adv possibility n. a). It is

7、possible that 他也许会及时来这里 It is possible that hell come in time.b). There is possibility of doing sth/that-There is no possibility that the train will arrive late. 火车晚点是不可能的。Is there any possibility of our getting there in time? 我们有可能及时到那里吗?7. make up She made up her face to look prettier. _化妆_ The bo

8、y made up a story; it was not true. _编造_ make up the bed for our guest _给客人铺床_ 30 boys and girls make up our class _组成_ Hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence (聪明,才智). 弥补 【联想发散】make up for补偿,弥补 make out 理解,弄懂;辨认;开出(帐单、支票等)8. evidence n. U证据,根据, (法庭上的)证据,人证、物证There is convincing evidence of

9、 a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer.有可靠证据表明日光曝晒与皮肤癌之间有联系。We found further scientific evidence for this theory.我们找到了进一步证实这种理论的科学依据。There was no evidence against him, so he was set free at last.没有证明他有罪的证据,他获得释放了。9. look into 向里面看 调查,观察,= research into/on He looked into the hole in the wall

10、. The police are looking into the cause of the traffic.look out 小心 look through 浏览 look onas 把看作 (= consider/count as) look up 查阅 look forward to sth. /doing 期待 I _ him _ my best friend. _! The car is coming!_ the word in the dictionary.Everyone is_ the festival. 【联想发散】look about / around四下环顾;朝四周看 l

11、ook back (on / upon / to ) 回顾;回想look down on / upon俯视;轻视;瞧不起look after照看, 照管10. base n. 基地、基础、根据地adj. basic 基本的、基础的vt. 基于;以作为依据 base A on B ;A is based on BThe film is based on a novel. 这部电影是根据一部小说改编的。11. exist v. existence n.There exists a big apple tree at the entrance to the valley.在山谷的入口处有个大的苹果树

12、Problems also exist in education. 在教育领域也存在问题The elephant is the largest animal in existence. 现存的,现有的When did the world come into existence? 形成12. convincing adj. 有说服力的a convincing speech令人信服的演讲vt. convince说服、使相信convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信 常用结构 convince sb. to do sth. 说服(某人)做 convince sb. that 使某人确信 b

13、e convinced that深信 Finally he convinced me of his honesty.最后他使我相信了他的诚实。 We convinced them to go with us.我们说服他和我们一起去。 She convinced me that she didnt make the stupid mistake.她使我们确信她没有犯愚蠢的错误。 【联想发散】 convinced adj.确信的,坚信的13. run after If you run after two hares, youll catch neither.谚同时追赶两只兔子,一只也捉不到;脚踏两

14、头船,必定落空run across /into /out of/over/out1). Today I ran across/into an old friend on the street.2). Im running out of money but still havent have found a job.3) She ran over her notes before giving the lecture.4). Tom lost control of his car and ran into a tree.5). The petrol is running out【联想发散】be after想得到,寻求 go after追逐 look after照顾照料 take after长得像,性格上像1). She is after a job in publishing.2). The dogs went after the wo


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