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1、Human Resource Management PART1,Personnel Management to Human Resource Management,Recognition of the need to take a more strategic approach to the management of people Began in the 1980s in the USA UK followed quickly Concept is a strategic approach to acquiring, developing, managing and gaining the

2、 commitment of the organisations key resource the people who work for it Armstrong 1991,Features of HRM,Management focussed and top management driven Line management role key Emphasises strategic fit integration with business strategy Commitment oriented Two perspectives hard and soft Involves stron

3、g cultures and values,Performance oriented Requires adoption of a coherent approach to mutually supporting employment policies and practices Employee relations organic rather than pluralistic Organising principles are organic and decentralised Flexibility and team building important policy goals Str

4、ong emphasis on quality to customers Rewards differentiated by skill, competence or performance,Features of HRM,Fombrum, Tichy and Devanna Model 1984,Selection,Performance,Appraisal,HRD,Reward,Warwick Model of HRM,Business Strategy Context,Inner Context,HRM Content,HRM Context,OUTER CONTEXT,Warwick

5、Model content of the boxes,Outer context socio-economic, technical, politico-legal,competitive Inner context culture, structure, politico-leadership, task-technology, business outputs Business strategy context objectives, product market, strategy and tactics HRM context- role, definition, organisati

6、on, HR outputs HRM content HR flows, work systems, reward systems, employee relations,The Harvard Model,Stakeholder Issues: Workforce characteristics Business strategy & conditions Management philosophy Unions Task technology Laws & societal values,Stakeholder Interests: Shareholders Management Empl

7、oyee Groups Government Community Unions,HRM Policy: Choice Employee influence Reward systems Work systems Human resource flows,HR Outcomes: Commitment Congruence Competence Cost effectiveness,LT consequences: Individual well being Organisational effectiveness Societal well being,Guest Model,Defines

8、four policy goals of HRM Further development of the Harvard model Strategic integration HRM into strategic plans, in line decisions,within HR policies High commitment strong identification with company High quality including management of people Flexibility functional, adaptable structures, capabili

9、ty to innovate,Soft HRM,Stresses human aspect Emphasis on HRD Participation Motivation Commitment Leadership HUMAN resource management,Hard HRM,People as a resource Used dispassionately Used in calculating rational manner Head count Human RESOURCE Management,Competence-Based HRM,Definitions: The ski

10、lls, knowledge and experience that an individual brings to their role IDS 1997 Basic personal characteristics that are determining factors for acting successfully in a job or situation McClelland 1993 Underlying traits, motives, skills, characteristics and knowledge related to superior performance B

11、oyatsis 1982,Uk v. US definitions,US - input oriented what the individual brings to the job UK - output oriented the skills, attitudes and knowledge , expressed in behaviours for effective job performance One or both?,Levels of Influence,Strategic Functional Systems Individual,Implications at Strate

12、gic Level,The identification of core competencies of the organisation which confer sustained competitive advantage Owned by more than one person and grow through use and experience therefore difficult to imitate,Implications for the Human Resource Function,Develop managerial competence Strategic sel

13、ection and staffing Develop internal labour market Design jobs round capability Develop individual competence Develop culture to foster innovation Build learning organisation Develop organisational learning mechanisms,Implications for Human Resource Systems,Vertical integration link individual compe

14、tence to the core competence of the organisation Horizontal integration provide a framework for the integration of HR systems components Vital player in the development of core competencies Can be used to develop individual HR systems,Recruitment and Selection,Based on past behaviour as the most val

15、id predictor of future behaviour Building the competence framework requires multiple information sources Competence specification should cover both technical and personal/interpersonal competencies,Develop interview questions that elicit examples of past behaviours In assessment centres create tasks

16、 that require demonstrated competencies Use competencies to select test instruments Use competencies to evaluate candidate performance,Recruitment and Selection,Appraisal,Set outcome and performance targets for each competence Outcome levels and performance targets can be graded if desired.e.g standard performance; above standard; excellent etc Below standard performance can be used to generate deve



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