(遵义专用)2019中考英语高分一轮复习 第1部分 教材同步复习 grade7 book1 units 5-9课件

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《(遵义专用)2019中考英语高分一轮复习 第1部分 教材同步复习 grade7 book1 units 5-9课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(遵义专用)2019中考英语高分一轮复习 第1部分 教材同步复习 grade7 book1 units 5-9课件(44页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、教材同步复习,第一部分,Grade 7 Book 1,Units 59,中考考点 精讲,重点突破,1,2,重点突破,(二)辨析ing与ed形容词(201774;201384;201286),3,4,用所给词的适当形式填空 1Listen! The music _ (sound) sweet. 2Tom _ (smell) the mooncake and then tasted it again. 3Good medicine _ (taste) bitter(苦的) to the mouth. 4Its skin _ (feel) really smooth(光滑的) 5That _ (lo

2、ok) like an interesting book. 改错 6His voice sounded strangely on the phone. _,活学巧练,sounds,smelled,tastes,feels,looks,strangelystrange,5,汉译英 7妈妈做的菜尝起来很美味。 _ 8一整天的辛苦工作之后,这个年轻人感觉很累。 _,The dishes that Mum cooks/cooked taste delicious.,The young man feels very tired after a days hard work.,6,用所给词的适当形式填空

3、1My mother was _ (annoy) with me because I stayed up late playing computer games last night. 2The movie Us and Them(后来的我们) was so _ (move) that I couldnt help crying.,活学巧练,annoyed,moving,7,用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,3She found an _ book in the library. 4During the Spring Festival, sending the red packet on WeCh

4、at was so popular and most of us were _ in it. 5Those _ photos were taken in Guilin. The scenery there is pretty good. 6He is _ at the news.,interesting,interested,amazing,amazed,8,改错 7We are all very surprising at her sudden appearance. _ 8We were all worried with the safety of the people in Syria.

5、_,surprisingsurprised,withabout,9,重点突破,辨析look, see, watch与read(201243),10,11,选词填空,活学巧练,1The Tshirt _ nice. I want to buy one for my son. 2I havent _ the book exactly. I just looked it through to see what it was like. 3Lucy and Lily are twins. They _ the same. 4You look ill. You had better _ a doctor

6、 right now. 改错 5Lets see the TV play together _,looks,read,look,see,seewatch,12,汉译英 6把餐桌收拾干净,你就可以看一个小时的电视了。 _ 7你看起来生病了,你最好去看医生。 _,Clean the dinner table, and you can watch TV for an hour.,You look ill. Youd better see a doctor.,13,重点突破,need的用法,14,用所给词的适当形式填空 1He needs _ (win) this game to stay in th

7、e match. 2This shirt needs _ (wash) 改错 3You neednt to give it back._ 4It started raining, so I didnt need watering the flowers._ 汉译英 5我需要一个新书包。 _,活学巧练,to win,washing,wateringto water,I need a new schoolbag.,15,重点突破,辨析buy, sell与sale(201483),16,用所给词的适当形式填空 1There are lots of goods on _ (sell) during C

8、hristmas Day. 2I _ (sell) my car to James for $800. 改错 3Tickets are for sale from the booking office._ 汉译英 4昨天我的妈妈给我买了一件漂亮的裙子。 _ 5他们卖光了所有的小麦。 _,活学巧练,sale,sold,foron,My mother bought me a beautiful dress yesterday.,They sold out all the wheat.,17,重点突破,18,活学巧练,用恰当的介词填空 1Her birthday is _ spring, the m

9、ost beautiful season in a year. 2You are supposed to get up _ six oclock. 3The Childrens Day is _ June 1st. 改错 4She arrived in China at the evening of May 1st._ 5We always have lunch on 12 oclock every day._,in,at,on,aton,onat,19,重点突破,20,1I didnt go to school yesterday _ I had a cold. 2We put off th

10、e sports meeting _ the heavy rain. 改错 3Please be brief because of I am in a hurry. _ 4John didnt attend the meeting because his illness._,活学巧练,because,because of,because后加of,21,请点击此处进入WORD文档,课堂达标 演练,22,话题写作 指导,分析遵义近5年中考真题及2018全国中考真题可知,书面表达涉及校园生活相关话题的考查角度多为学校活动、学校规则、科目及学习生活等话题。主要涵盖以下几方面:描述校园生活的某个或某几个

11、方面,亦可记叙某个事件,感悟事件本质,寻找内心触动点,升华内心情感。 主体时态:一般过去时。 主要人称:第一人称。,23,1Time is quick. School life is short. 2Life is like a box of chocolate. Youll never know what the next bite tastes like. 3Guangming Middle School is where my dreams take wings. 4Looking back on my middle school life, theres much to remembe

12、r. 5Throughout the years, one thing about my school life impressed me the most. 6Everybody knows that school is the best place to study. 7For me, school time is the best time in life. 8Thanks to my school, I know how to chase after a dream.,24,1美好的时光很短暂,该说再见了。 _ 2学校是追梦的好地方。 _ 3多亏了老师们和同学们,学校生活是我最好的记忆

13、。 _ 4三年的生活有很多值得去记忆的。 _ 5回首学校生活,我有很多想说的。 _,Good time is short. Its time to say goodbye.,School is the best place to chase after a dream.,Thanks to teachers and classmates, school life is my best memory.,Three years life has a lot to remember.,Looking back on school life, I have a lot to say.,25,1There is a tall teaching building in my school. 2There are many clubs in our school. 3I found it relaxing to take a walk on the playground. 4Of all the subjects, h


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