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2、描述为主,即按空间方位或时间先后顺序排列,可采用开头扩展结尾的写作方式。如果画面内容是以解释说明为主,写作时则先给出主题句,再围绕主题句完成各段落的写作,这是采用主题句扩展句总结句的写作方式。第三步,突出主题。展开段落要根据画面内容进行,同时也要围绕每一段的主题句进行。第四步,小修改。考生应重点检查图画内容是否准确地被表达出来,题目所给提示是否完整地反映在文章之中。如果存在与画面不相符的内容,或未能完全涵盖题目所给提示,应做出相应修订。写作题目 1Directions: Study the pictures carefully and write an essay about 200 word

3、s based on the following:1. describe the set of drawings and interpret its meaning2. point out its implications in our life2003 年的考题写作题目为“温室中的花朵经不起风雨” ,题目本身就显得话里有话,意犹未尽。观察两幅图画不能只看到温室和花朵,还要以小见大,与主题和现实意义挂钩联想,于是出现了以下的定位。花儿:代表独生子女,成长中的青少年;温室:代表父母的溺爱和优越的物质生活条件。风雨:代表逆境的考验,特别是现实社会中的残酷竞争。中国古训中有宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦

4、寒来的名句,结合现实中独生子女由于娇生惯养而不能独立面对困难的问题,通过两图对比得出现实意义,即父母要多给子女独立面对困难的机会,年轻人要多经历风雨、挑战和逆境考验才能走向成功。参考范文:The set of drawings above vividly depicts the destiny of a flower in two different living circumstances. As is shown in the first drawing, the flower is placed in a cozy greenhouse which shelters it from th

5、e severe wind and storm. With proper temperature and other good conditions, the flower is growing in full bloom. In contrast, when removed from the green house and exposed to the wind and storm, the flower immediately fades and withers, with most of its petals cast about on the ground.The implied me

6、aning conveyed by the drawings should be taken into account seriously. The weak flower is naturally associated with our young people, to be exact, the only children in our current society; the green house epitomizes our parentsexcessive doting care and material supplies that can protect the children

7、 from the wind and storm, to be specific, the harsh reality. Once our young people begin to seek independence and face challenges from the real competitive world, they are found too spoiled to be strong enough to endure the hardships and difficulties of various sorts.In sum it is essential for our y

8、oung people to derive positive implications from the above thoughtprovoking drawings. Only by undergoing more predicaments can young people develop strong personality and ability needed in the future, and only in this way can they eventually become winners in our competitive changing world.这篇作文结构衔接紧


10、文字多优美,也别指望获取写作高分。一定不要放过图中的文字提示。文字提示非常重要,文字提示通常十分清楚地提供一些写作要点。另外,面对漫画题型,考生应该展开合理而丰富的联想,用生动而恰当的言辞抒发自己对图画的所思、所想、所感。写作题目 2The two pictures in a brief history of commercial fishing show us that fish have become less and less since the begining of 20th century. In 1900, when only a few people fished with s

11、imple sailing vessels, there were plenty of fish. As it entered into 1995 and there came an in creasing number of advanced fishing ships, fish became extremely rare. Though it is an exaggeration to draw only one fish remaining, this really warns against the tendency for fish to become extinct. Evide

12、ntly, which is caused, directly by excessive commercial fishing. If this situation goes on, we will surely have no fish to eat in the near future.It is most likely that by drawing the pictures, the artist intends not only to tellus the story of fish but also to set us thinking more about nature. Fir

13、st, fish, together with ali other natural resources on earth are limited. Second, with modem science and technology, man should not fish excessively just for enormous private interests. Last but not least, we really should take active and effective measures now to counter the excessive commercial fi

14、shing for the future of fish and for our offsprings.Only on the basis of the protection can man have fish to eat permanently. So protecting and raising fish should go be fore or simultaneously with fishing. In my opinion, above all, laws must be made: before and while fishing, commercial fishers mus

15、t raise much more fish or pay high taxes and they must only be permitted to fish certain species in certain areas and seasons. Otherwise, they must be punished: fined, vessels confiscated or put in to prison. Gradually, man will learn to raise animals especially for earning money, which will be a sa

16、fe, long-lasting and prosperous cause. As for this, our ancestors, by keeping domestic animals, did much better than we modern human beings do.写作模式段落 内容 示例开始段 描述图画表层含义及深层含义并由此得出结论As is described/depicted/portrayed/illustrated in the picture As can be seen from the picture,According to the picture,The picture describes/shows/indicates /reveals中间段 解释原因、分析结果,或进一步论证主题思想It is obvious that the author of the picture wants to sayIt can be inferred from the p


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