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1、Unit 9What does he look like?Section B(1a1e) 从方框内选择适当的单词或短语填空mediumplaying basketballmusicianthinbeardfunnyquietpopularglassesstraight hair1Linda isnt_.She is very heavy.2Be_!Grandma is sleeping.3Whos your favorite _?4Mr. Brown is very _.He often tells us jokes.5Her brother likes _very much.Hes a ba

2、sketball fan.来源:gkstk.Com6Lucy is neither heavy nor thin.Shes of_build.7Will you please pass me my _?I cant see clearly.8Mickey Mouse is very _all over the world.9His father has a _.10The boy with _is my monitor.补全对话,每空一词A:Dont you love Johnny Dean, Danny?B:Johnny?A:Dean.The pop1_.B:I 2_know.What 3_

3、he look like?A:Hes really tall and hes really thin.And he has long curly4_.And he 5_funny glasses.Look, there he is.B:Oh, yeah, I see him.来源:gkstk.ComA:Hey, here come the movie actors.B:Oh, wow!A:6_your favorite actor?来源:学优高考网gkstkB:I like the woman 7_ long blonde hair.A:The tall woman?B:Shes of med

4、ium8_and she has long blonde hair.A:Oh, Tina Brown.B:Yeah.I 9_shes really good.She was in that great action movie last month.根据图画内容及提示词完成句子123Mr. King, Mike,short, Jim,of,buildshort,hair heavy45her sister,long,straightBills uncle,glasses1_2_3_4_5_Section B(2a3b) 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1Whos your favorite _(艺术

5、家)?2Can you _(描述)your favorite animal?3Dont _(放)your car here.Cant you see the sign “No parking”?4Please work out the math problem in two _(方式)5_(每个)student has an EnglishChinese dictionary in our class.单项选择1What _ things do you want?Some apples,please.Aanother Bother来源:学优高考网gkstkCthe other Dothers2

6、Do you know the boy _ sunglasses?Aon BtoCfor Dwith3Li Yang,_this pair of glasses yours?No.My glasses _on the dresser.Ais;is Bare;isCis;are Dare;are4To find the criminal,_,lets draw a picture of him.Ain the end Bafter allCfirst of all Dat the end从方框内选择适当的句子补全对话AIs she beautiful?BDoes she always wear

7、a white dress?CWhat does she look like?DCan you tell me her name?EIs she tall?A:I have a new friend in my class.B:Really? 1_ A:She has long straight hair.B:2_A:Yes.Shes as tall as 160 cm.B:3_ A:Of course.She has two big bright eyes and a goodlooking face.B:4_ A:Yes,thats her.B:I often see her at sch

8、ool.5_A:Emily.She comes from Hong Kong.B:Her parents must be working in our city.A:Yes,I think so.来源:学优高考网完形填空Do you _1_ George Jackson, the rock singer _2_ sunglasses? Now George Jackson has _3_ new look.He always _4_ curly blonde hair, _5_ now he is bald(秃头的)He was kind of _6_, but now he is of me

9、dium build.He liked to _7_ jeans(牛仔裤)and sunglasses, but now he always wears glasses._8_ the reporter asks him about his new look, George Jackson _9_,“Its great!I like to change my look _10_.Thats fun.”1Aknow Bwant Ctake Dlearn2Ain Bwith Con Dfrom3A/ Bwith Con Da4Ais Bhave Chas Dthere is5Abut Band C

10、or Dso6Abig Bheavy Crelaxed Dlazy7Aput Bbuy Cwear Dsee8AHow BWhat CWhy DWhen9Asays Btalks Cspeaks Dtells10Anever Boften Cthen Dnow参考答案Section B(1a1e)1thin2quiet3musician4funny5playing basketball6medium7glasses8popular9beard10straight hair1singer2dont3does4hair5wears6Whos7with8height9think1Mr King is short with short hair2Mike is short and a little bit heavy3Jim is of medium build4Her sister has long straight hair5Bills uncle wears glassesSection B(2a3b)1artist2describe3put4ways5Each1B2D3C4C1C2E3A4B5D1A2B3D4C5A6B7C8D9A10B


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