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1、 小学五年级英语各单元知识学习要点市教研小英科提供Tips: 以下这部分是重点的语言知识和语言机能的学习要点,是每个课时教学目标中语言知识目标和语言技能目标的内容所在。特别是提供的注意问题部分,教师要通过学习内化后转化到个人的教学中,分析重难点,采用合适的方法帮助学生更容易学习和掌握,而不要生搬硬套塞给学生接受。比如:这里是方便教师全盘了解,才把知识按同一类别归了类,建议教学中要在语言的整体情境中渗透、融会贯通,才有利提高学生的综合语言运用能力和掌握语言的准确性。此外,语法部分要注意在要求学生进行总结语法规律前必须先提供足够的相关语言情景让学生感知、理解,少用文字归纳、死记硬背,从而达到准确灵

2、活地运用语言。各模块的说明Module 1 Our Life一、技能 (交际运用语言)1)能就“自己的日常生活”的话题进行交谈; 2)能就“比较”的话题进行交谈; 3)能用电话用语进行交流。 二、知识: 1、结合音标的教学掌握下面读音规则,: e e these Chinese Japanese e he be me we she e-mail ee see need weekday ea easy seal team read speak leave i will hill live visit still winter y only story slowly usually factory

3、 Germany p put paper patient policeman stamp sleep b about baby beef bottle black broccoli t turn tape team tomato water letter d dear dollar doctor under hand head 2、复习时态,特别要求掌握好一般现在时第三人称作主语的特殊疑 问句: 1) How does he/she go to school. 2) What time does he/she get up? 3) Where does he/she study? 4) Who

4、se former pupil lives in Leeds? 5) Which school does she study at? 6) Who studies at Rose School? 3、初步体验形容词比较级的句型: 1) He is/looks thinner now than before. 2) Is he taller than me? 3) Does he look taller than me? 4) He isnt stronger than me. 5) She doesnt look stronger than me. 4、情态动词 should、could、ma

5、y 的用法及一些交际用语: 1) He should get up early. 2) She shouldnt play computer game too much. 3) Could you help me? Id be glad/love to. 4) May I speak to Jane? 5、电话用语: - May I speak to Mr Li? - This is Ben speaking. 三、要注意问题 1、总结主语是第三人称单数时, 一般现在时的肯定句,否定句和一般疑问句的变化, 例如: I eat dinner at six. He eats dinner at s

6、ix too. I dont eat dinner at six. He doesnt eat dinner at six either. Do you eat dinner at six? Does he eat dinner at six? 2、总结主语是第三人称单数时, 一般现在时的特殊疑问句形式, 如: What time does he get up? He gets up at six. Where does she live? She lives in Renmin Road. How does he go to work? He goes to work by bus. Who

7、 hands in the homework? Jiamin does. Whose friend practices the piano? Janes friend. Which school does she study, at She studies at Mo. 2 School? No. 1 School or No. 2 School? 3. 当主语是第三人称单数时, 一般现在时的动词的变化的规律:1) 一般情况加-s,例如: visit visits tell tells work works wave waves 2) 以 s, x, sh, ch 结尾的动词, 加-es,例如

8、: wash washes watch watches catch catches 3) 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的动词,改 y 为 i 加-es,例如: fly flies study studies 4) 部分以 o 结尾的动词加-es,例如: go goes do does 5) 特殊情况 have has Unit 1 4、(P2) Leeds 英国中部城市 5、(P3) for an hour 1) for 表示时间的长度,例如:for two year 2) an hour (h 在 hour 这个单词中不发音) 6、(P3) half an hour 半小时 an hour and

9、 a half 一个半小时 7、(P3) 注意句型: Could you ? Id be glad to. / Id love to. 8、(P3)比较级句型: She is older than I am . She is older than I am. She is older than I. She is older than me. (口语) She is one year older than me. 9、(P4) Rhyme: keep the rule 守规律;守规则 10、(P5) Ex 3 答案:an, wants, playing, like, Would 11、(P6)

10、 游戏规则:(1)学生甲抽到一个卡片,听学生乙读卡片; (2)学生甲根据读的句子中的时间拨出时钟的指针;(3)学生 甲根据句子做动作;(4)学生丙根据时钟表示的时间和学生甲 做得动作说句子。 Unit 2 12、(P7)电话用语: May / Could / Can I speak to This is speaking. / Speaking. Whos this / that? 13、(P7) He looks thinner now than before. 他现在看起来比以前瘦很多。look 看起来 14、(P7) be worried about 担心 15、(P7) be late

11、 for school 上学迟到 16、(P7) 比较句子: He always goes to bed later than me. He always goes to bed later than I. He always goes to bed later than I do. He always goes to bed later than I go to bed. 17、(P8) hand in 交;递交 18、(P8) on time / in time 依时;按时 19、(P8) catch up with 赶上 20、(P8) 比较:take (more) exercise h

12、ave sports take morning exercises take eye exercises 21、(P9) Try to read the words. 要求读出音标词。 bee 蜜蜂; bead 珠状物(如露珠、水珠); pit 坑 22、(P9) 动词加 s 的读法: a. 在清辅音后读/s/;在浊辅音后读/z/; b. ts 读 /ts/; ds 读 /dz/; c. es 常读 /iz/ 如 brushes; d. 以辅音字母加 y 动词,改 y 为 i 加 es 后,es 读/z/; e. 部分以 o 结尾的动词: goes; does。 22、(P10) Ex 1 答

13、案 The child often gets up at seven five. The lady usually goes to work by bus at eight. The boy is never late for school. The old man always has lunch at twelve oclock. The young man sometimes cooks dinner. The girl seldom goes to bed at half past ten. 23、(P10) Ex. 2 答案 图 2:The children shouldnt pla

14、y football in the classroom. They should play it on the playground. 图 3:The boy shouldnt swim in the river/lake. He should swim in the swimming pool. 图 4:The boy shouldnt sit on the desk. He should sit on the chair. 24、(P11) 游戏规则:做扮演 grandma 的人所说的话相反的动作。 做扮演 grandma 的人所说的话应有 should 或 shouldnt。 Unit

15、3 25、(P12) kid (口语)小孩子;小伙子;年轻人 26、(P12) 区别 sleep / sleepy / asleep sleep v. 睡觉 He is sleeping on his mothers bed. 他睡在他妈妈的床上。 sleepy adj. 困的 Im sleepy. I want to go to bed. 我很困,我想睡觉。 asleep adj. 睡熟了 He is fast asleep. 他很快睡觉。 27、(P12) ten more minutes 十来分钟 28、(P12) Z-z-z-z!睡觉鼻子发出的声音。 29、(P12) Tips: 利用图画(插图)帮助理解。 30、(P13) Did You Know: 1. Dont be late for party. 参加聚会不要迟到。 2. Dont ask adults about ages. 不要文成年人关于他们的年龄。 3. Dont talk to others when theres too much food in your mouth. 在满嘴是食物是不要根别人说话。 31、chat 聊天;闲谈 hurry



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