2017春《典中点》人教版九年级配套练习 unit 11 课堂练习部分题来自《点拨训练》(3)

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2017春《典中点》人教版九年级配套练习 unit 11 课堂练习部分题来自《点拨训练》(3)_第1页
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2017春《典中点》人教版九年级配套练习 unit 11 课堂练习部分题来自《点拨训练》(3)_第2页
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《2017春《典中点》人教版九年级配套练习 unit 11 课堂练习部分题来自《点拨训练》(3)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017春《典中点》人教版九年级配套练习 unit 11 课堂练习部分题来自《点拨训练》(3)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1The kings wife is the q_2Mary has a p_ face. She must be ill.3The doctor e_ him carefully and gave him some medicine at last.来源:学优高考网4This experience will be great _(财富) to all of us.5If you believe in the _(力量) inside you, you can make your dream come true.二、单项选择6He only waited

2、two minutes before he _.Awas calling in Bcalled in来源:学优高考网gkstkCwas called in Dcalling in来源:学优高考网7(2016黄冈)My parents are crazy about Running Man.How about your parents?_ my dad _ my mom likes it.But they prefer Ode to Joy(欢乐颂)ANot only;but also BBoth;andCEither;or DNeither;nor8The computer doesnt wo

3、rk. There must be _ with it.Anothing wrong Bwrong nothingCsomething wrong Dwrong something9(2015青岛) We _ to start at once, or we will miss the train.Atell Bhave toldCare told Dtold10(2016潍坊)_ Jack was a little disappointed,he still went on with his work.AAlthoughBBecauseCSinceDIf三、根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词1

4、1. 他的妈妈总是担心他的健康。His mother is always _ _ his health.12. 恐怕我也不幸福。Im _ Im not _ _.13. 这些高大的树木会使我们的学校更美丽。These big trees will _ our school _ _.14. 吉姆经常没有理由地迟到。Jim is often late _ _ _.15. 我和他对唱歌都没有兴趣。来源:学优高考网_ he _ I _ interested in singing.答案:一、1.queen2.pale3.examined4.wealth5.power二、6.C7.D8.C9C点拨:本题可用句意分析法解答。由句意“我们被告知马上出发,否则我们就赶不上火车了。”可知,此处表示“被告知”,故选C。 10.A三、11.worried about12.afraid; happy either来源:学优高考网gkstk13make; more beautiful14.for no reason15Neither; nor; am点拨:本题可用主谓一致法解答。neither.nor.连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词的数遵循就近原则,即与nor后面的主语保持一致。该句中nor后面的主语是I,故be动词用am。


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