2017年秋人教版(河北专版)九年级英语上册练习 unit 7 第五课时

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2017年秋人教版(河北专版)九年级英语上册练习 unit 7 第五课时_第1页
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2017年秋人教版(河北专版)九年级英语上册练习 unit 7 第五课时_第2页
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1、第五课时Section B(2a2e)01基础过关.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。succeed,fair,support,enter,choose1It is believed that you will succeed if you try your best.2Which football team will you support,RM or FCB?来源:gkstk.Com3You shouldnt treat him like that.I think its unfair to him.4He had to make a choice between the black shi

2、rt and the white one.5All the students stopped talking when the teacher entered the classroom.来源:gkstk.Com.单项选择。(C)6.I couldnt get through the door because there was a big box _.Aon the way Bby the wayCin the way Dout of the way(B)7.His parents wont allow him to train as as he would like to.Amany Bm

3、uch Cmore Dmost(C)8.Most people are _ building a paper factory near here.They are worried the river will get polluted.Afor Bwith Cagainst Dbeyond(A)9.The girl spent all her free time _ the sick old man.Acaring for Bcaring ofCcaring at Dcaring in(A)10.Its a wise _ to wear the white tie.It matches you

4、r shirt well.Thank you very much.Achoice BsupportCmixture Dhonour.英汉互译。11你的社交生活不应该妨碍你的学习。Your_social_life_must_not_get_in_the_way_of_your_study.来源:学优高考网12他对卖房子很谨慎。He_is_serious_about_selling_the_house.13You have nothing against my plan.你完全赞同我的计划。来源:学优高考网14I hope I can achieve my dream in five years.

5、我希望五年内我可以实现自己的梦想。15We will have a chance to visit our teacher next month.我们下个月有机会去拜访我们的老师。02能力提升.任务型阅读。阅读短文,并按要求完成1620题。If you often speak at the meetings, or meet new people at parties,knowing about the art of conversation is very important. It is good for improving your confidence. With the follow

6、ing ways,youll be a popular person.Listen to the other person talking above all else.Ask questions about their interests, family,work and backgrounds to get to know them better. As long as you can pay attention to what they are saying,what theyve said or think out more questions to keep the discussi

7、on going, theyll find the conversation fascinating.Use your body language to show how kind and open to conversation you are.Keep your idea open and your arms unfolded(展开的). Keep_smiling_as_you_listen_to_the_person_talking.And this can make him think youre paying attention to him.Do research about th

8、e people youll be talking to.If youre going to a party, for example,ask the host about the guests,backgrounds and interests, this can help you find some interesting topics for small talks. Read the newspapers, watch TV,surf the Internet and flip through books and magazines to come up with conversati

9、on starters and topics to discuss.Express your ideas clearly in a friendly tone(语气)If youre trying to make a decision, speak out your mind,then be open to any arguments and questions you get as a result. Clarify(澄清) if someone has misunderstood what youve said at once.16题完成句子;1718题简略回答问题;19题找出并写下全文的

10、主题句;20题将文中画线部分译成汉语。16To get to know people better, you should ask questions about their interests,family,work_and_backgrounds17Why do we had better keep smiling when listening to the person talking?Because_it_can_make_him_think_youre_paying_attention_to_him.18Why do we had better ask the guests back

11、grounds and interests, if youre going to a party?Because_this_can_help_you_find_some_interesting_topics_for_small_talks.来源:gkstk.Com19With_the_following_ways,youll_be_a_popular_person.20当你听别人说话时,保持微笑。名校讲坛support 的用法(1)support用作动词,意为:维持;供养;负担;支撑;扶持;支持;赞成。(2)support用作名词,意为“支持”。give support to意为“为提供帮助”。


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