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1、Unit 7Whats the highest mountain in the world?,Section A 3a-3c,By Wang Xiaofang,Qomolangma is one of the most popular places for mountain climbing.,Qomolangma,Free talk:,others?,Where?,weather?,How heigh?,What do you know about Qomolangma?Discuss in pairs.,Pre-reading,Its in the southwestern part of

2、 China.,It is 8,844.43 meters high.Its the highest mountain in the world.,Thick clouds cover the top. Its cloudy.,Snow can fall very hard. The weather is very freezing. Storms are very heavy.,Pre-reading,weather condition,succeed in reaching the top 成功登顶,challenge themselves 挑战自己 achieve their dream

3、s,Qomolangma- the Most Dangerous Mountain in the World,爬山运动横亘于中国西南边界厚厚的云层极寒的天气条件强劲的暴风雪首次到达峰顶的人实现我们的梦想自然的力量面对困难,Challenge yourself to learn new words,mountain climbing,run along the southwestern part of China,thick clouds,freezing weather condition,heavy storm,the first people to reach the top,achiev

4、e our dreams,the forces of nature,in the face of difficulties,Read aloud,challenge your memory,mountain climbing,run along the southwestern part of China,thick clouds,freezing weather condition,heavy storm,the first people to reach the top,achieve our dreams,the forces of nature,in the face of diffi

5、culties,1.横亘于中国西南边界,2.首次到达峰顶的人,3.极寒的天气条件,4.面对困难,5.实现我们的梦想,6.自然的力量,7.爬山运动,8.强劲的暴风雪,9.厚厚的云层,Climb this mountain,3a,Read the article and match each paragraph with the main ideas.,Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3,Spirit of climbersAchievements of climbersFacts and dangers,fast-reading,Qomolangma- the M

6、ost Dangerous Mountain in the World?,Listen and judge True (T) or False (F).,1. It is very dangerous to climb Qomolangma. 2. The Himalayas run along the southeastern part of China. 3. The weather of Qomolangma is cloudy,but is never snowy. 4. The first people to reach the top were in 1954.,fast-read

7、ing,T,F,F,F,Paragraph 1: Facts and dangers,2.They run along the southwestern part of China.,3. It rises the highest and is the most famous.,4. Its more than 8,800 meters high.,5. Its very dangerous to climb.,Its one of the most popular places.,Thick clouds cover the top.,Snow can fall hard.,freezing

8、 weather condition,heavy storms,Its hard to take in air as you get near the top.,careful-reading,Facts,Dangers for climbers,Paragraph 2: Achievements of climbers,Tenzing NorgayEdmund Hillary,in 1960,Junko Tabei,in 1975,on May 29,1953,careful-reading,Paragraph 3:Spirit of climbers,Why do so many peop

9、le try to climb it even though it is dangerous?,2. What does the spirit of the climbers show us?,Because people want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties.,1. We should never give up trying to achieve our dreams.,2. Humans can sometimes be stronger than the forces of nature.,careful-re

10、ading,=even if 即使,A: Do you know Qomolangma?B: Yes, it runs along ,and its thein the world. A: How high is it?B: Its high, A: Whats the weather like on it?B: , , A: So its very dangerous to climb it. but why do many climbers risk their lives?B: Because they.in the face of.A: What does the spirit of

11、the climbers tell us?B:.,after-reading,Make conversations using the information in the passage.,we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams.,Never give up !Never give up,永不放弃Never lose hope,永不心灰意冷Always have faith,永存信念Your dreams will come true,梦想就会成真And strength you will gain.你将重获力量,What c

12、an you learn from the climbers?,1960年5月25日,中华人民共和国人首次登上珠穆朗玛峰。他们是王富洲、贡布(藏族)、屈银华。此次攀登,也是首次从北坡攀登成功。,1960年,我国首次登上地球之颠的3名英雄。,Challenge yourself to know more,1975年5月16日,日本人田部井淳子的从南坡登上了珠峰。,Challenge yourself to know more,1975年5月27日,中国登山队的藏族女队员潘多成为世界上第一个从北坡登上珠穆朗玛峰的女性。,Challenge yourself to know more,2008年5月8日,中国登山队圣火传递珠穆朗玛峰突击队员,成功地把圣火从8300米突击队营地传递到了珠穆朗玛峰峰顶,创造了人类奥运历史上的奇迹。,Challenge yourself to know more,Thank you!,Listen and answer the questions using information from the article.,1. Where are the Himalayas?2. How high is Qomolangma?3. Find out the comparisons (比较等级)from Paragraphs 1 and 3.,


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