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1、 春知学堂六年级英语下册模块检测 2听力题下面图中的人物是小明。听句子,在小明已经做过的事情下写 A,在他常做的事情下面写 B,在他正在做的事情下写 C,在他将要做的事情下写 D。(1)( ) (2)( ) (3)( )(4)( ) (5)( ) (6)( )1. (1)B (2)A (3)B (4)C (5)D (6)D听力题听句子,根据听到的顺序给下面的图编号。( ) ( ) ( ) 春知学堂( ) ( ) ( )FEA CDB听力题听句子,填空。We planted some trees on the hill behind our school_. 听句子,填空。The _crashe

2、d into the wall and broke it. 听句子,填空。The old man _the apple tree every day. 听句子,填空。There are more _on this tree. 听句子,填空。I was very tired when I _my homework. 听句子,填空。His mother was _when she saw the broken glass. 3. (1) last year (2) car (3) waters (4)leaves (5) finished (6) angry听力题(连题)听对话,选择正确答案填空。

3、( ) The boy _yesterday. A. planted a tree B. did some shopping C. did his homework( ) The boy planted _yesterday. A. one tree B. two trees C. many trees 春知学堂( ) The boy planted the tree with_. A. his friends B. his parents C. his teacher( ) _watered the tree. A. The boy B. The boys father C. The boy

4、s mother( ) The young tree was from _A. the boys home B. the flower market C. Dafu Mountain( ) The young tree was _yuan. A. 2 B. 10 C. 224. (1)A (2)A (3)B (4)C (5)B (6)C单选题选择正确答案填空。( ) They grew some flowers _the road. A. by B. beside C. to选择正确答案填空。( ) I was excited _I knew my daughter did very well

5、 in the race. A. than B. when C. then选择正确答案填空。( ) Where _you _yesterday?A. did, go B. do, went C. did, went选择正确答案填空。( ) Ill come to see you again _Monday. A. last B. next C. tomorrow 春知学堂选择正确答案填空。( ) Sally helped her father _the car. A. wash B. washes C. washed选择正确答案填空。( ) -What happened _the flower

6、? -Someone dug it out from the pot. A. to B. at C. with选择正确答案填空。( ) The teacher was _when her students did not do their homework. A. excited B. happy C. angry选择正确答案填空。( ) We will go back home_. A. the day before yesterday B. the day after tomorrowC. last Friday5. (1)A (2)B (3)A (4)B (5)A (6)A (7)C (

7、8)B词汇题写出下列单词的过去式。(1) dig _ (2) cut_ (3) see_(4) pick_ (5) carry_ (6) read_(7) grow_ (8) begin _ (9) live_(1) dug (2) cut (3) saw (4) picked (5) carried (6) read (7) grew (8)began (9) lived句子题重排下面句子的顺序,使它构成一段短文。( )I saw a sunflower! 春知学堂( )One week later, some shoots came out. ( )My garden looked rea

8、lly beautiful with the yellow sunflowers. ( )The plants grew very well. ( )Then one afternoon, I woke up and looked outside the window. ( )I was very happy, and I watered the shoots every day. ( )Then in the following(接下来的)days, more and more flowers appeared. ( )I was very excited. ( )Last May, I p

9、lanted some sunflower seeds in the garden. 6-2-9-4-5-3-8-7-1. 句子题根据中文将英文句子补充完整。昨天一辆汽车撞上了那棵大树。Yesterday a car _the big tree. 根据中文将英文句子补充完整。昨天早上八点钟我们出发去农场。We _the farm at 8:00 yesterday morning. 根据中文将英文句子补充完整。她往罐子里灌米。She _the pot _rice. 根据中文将英文句子补充完整。看到树上的果实,孩子们很激动。The children were _when they saw the

10、 fruit on the tree. 根据中文将英文句子补充完整。这个女孩越长越高。 春知学堂The girl grew_根据中文将英文句子补充完整。首先我们做饭,然后我们洗碗。_we cooked, _we washed the dishes. 8. (1)crashed into/hit (2) started for (3) filled, with (4) excited (5) taller and taller (6)First, then词汇题看图,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。Lin (1)_(like) flying kites. Last Sunday he (2)_(

11、make) a new kite and tried it in the park. It was a (3)_(wind) day. The kite flew (4)_ (high) in the sky. Lin (5)_(is) very happy. Later on, the kite hit a tree and was caught (k:t被卡住) in it. Lin climbed up the tree to (6)_(get) it. He was happy when he (7)_(see) the kite was not broken. But suddenl

12、y (突然) , the tree(8)_(break) down and Lin fell onto the ground. One of his (9)_(leg) was broken and he (10)_ (have) to rest in bed for a week. (1) likes (2) made (3) windy (4) high (5) was (6) get (7) saw (8) broke (9) legs (10) had情景交际根据实际回答问题。 How did your father go to work yesterday?根据实际回答问题。 What are you going to do after school? 春知学堂根据实际回答问题。 Did you have an English lesson the day before yesterday?根据实际回答问题。 Are there many flowers in your school?根据实际回答问题。 What is the weather like today?He went to work by bus. I am going to



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