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1、实用英语口译Pragmatic English Interpretation By Jianwei Y Warming-up Exercises1.闪跳族 n.habitual job hopper2.He is full of novel ideas.他满脑子都是新奇的想法。novel用做名词表示小说,但上句的novel是个形容词,表示新的,新奇的,新颖的。又:That store sells many kinds of novel toys.那家商店出售多种新奇的玩具。novelty是个名词,表示新颖,新奇的东西。 a novelty shop专卖新颖小巧而廉价的小 玩意儿的个性小店。3.

2、我本来可以再睡一个小时的!I couldve slept another hour!4.to put on the back burner Honey, the boss told me today he cant give me that pay raise I was expecting. Im afraid that means well have to put our plans to buy a bigger house on the back burner until next year. 丈夫说:“亲爱的,老板今天告诉我他不能满足我的愿望给我加工资。所以我们想买栋大房子的计划恐怕

3、不得不等到明年再说了。” 我们经常说做事要看轻重缓急,有的时候不得不把正在做的事或计划要做的事先搁置一边。美国人把这叫做:to put on the back burner。Back就是后边,而burner在这儿的是指做饭的炉子。美国的厨房里,炉台上一般都有四个炉口,前面两个,后面两个。人们往往把很快能煮好的东西放在前面炉子上煮,把一些要慢慢煮的东西放在后面的炉子上。这就是to put on the back burner这个俗语的来源。5.to drag ones feet下面的例子是一个百货公司的雇员正在罢工,要求增加工资。这个公司的经理说: The union is dragging i

4、ts feet on agreeing to a settlement. They think the company is getting desperate to get people back to work because Christmas is coming and thats our busiest time of year. 他说:“工会拖拖拉拉地不肯就解决方案达成协议。他们认为,公司一定会迫不及待地要雇员回去工作,因为圣诞节快来了,这是我们一年最忙的时候。” to drag ones feet是拖拖拉拉的意思。6. 你知不知道如何打水漂? 打水漂我想很多人小时候都玩过吧,就是

5、把一块扁平的石头平平的丢出去,让它在水面上弹跳,谁的石头跳的次数最多,谁就赢了。还记得在经典日剧东京爱情故事里,三上就是和永尾打水漂赢得和关口里美的交往机会的。“打水漂”在英文里就是 skip stone。还有另一种叫法是 skip water。它在英文里还有一个正式的名字,叫 ricochet,但是好像比较少人用。Do you know how to skip stone?7.噢!我的天!你居然 8. 是什么?1.oil stick?2.twisted stick?3.dough stick?4.deep-fried _ stick?5.?9. 尊敬的客户: 为了您和他人的资金安全,请您在一

6、米线外等候。 谢谢合作!Respect customer,For you and other peoples fund safety,please wait outside rice flour noodle.Thanks the cooperation!10.Read the following conversationOne female foreign tourist from a travelling delegation asked the guide while they arrived at the foot of the Great Wall.“May I go somewhe

7、re? ”She asked.“Yes,you can go anywhere you want.”said the guide.Leading-inTeaching ObjectiveBy getting students familiar with the theories and background knowledge and the basic skills of interpreting , this course aims to facilitate the students with interpreting procedure and basic skills and str

8、ategies ,such as :memory training、note-taking、oral presentation and public speaking skills etc., to arise students awareness of current affairs and background knowledge, to cultivate their ability of discourse analysis , logical thinking ,cross-cultural communication and interpretation both from Eng

9、lish to Chinese and vice versa . * 英语口译课程是英语专业本科生的专业技能必修课,是英语专业主干课程, 其教学目标为:1) 初步了解翻译基础理论和英、汉两种语言的异同;2) 了解口译背景知识和训练口译的基本技巧,就专题进行交替传译,将中等难度的英语篇章或段落译成汉语,能将中等难度的汉语篇章或段落译成英语。译文忠实原文,语言通顺。3)能较准确、流畅地进行日常生活及一般外交活动的汉英对译。 02.课程内容 Course Contents口译概述口译技能与训练实用口译与实践一、口译概述 An Overview of Interpretation口译定义口译与口语口译

10、性质与标准口译的过程口译类型口译语体口译相关理论译员的素质#口译证书市场口译定义The Definition of Interpretation口译是一种通过口头表达形式,将所听到(间或读到)的信息准确而又快速地由一种语言转换成另一种语言,进而达到传递与交流信息之目的的交际行为,是人类在跨文化、跨民族交往活动中所依赖的一种基本的语言交际工具。口译是指“对口头表达的信息及文本进行的口头翻译”(Shuttleworth & Cowie, 1997:82)It is defined as oral translation of a written text (Shuttleworth & Cowie

11、: 1997:83).Interpreting is a service activity with a communication function. (Gile) It is usually a face-to-face communicative act.口译与口语Interpretation vs OE 1译入语TL口语是口译的基础 2口译的规范化,摒弃口语中的亲昵语、方言、粗俗语、过激语言,口译要“宁缺毋滥”,求实为信、流利为达、动听为雅 3. 中国目前的口译教学常常被认为是:口头表述的笔译教学 口笔译差异Differences Between Interpreatation and

12、 Translationthe difference in the mediumthe difference in the time limitThe key skill of a very good translator is the ability to write well,professional translators almost always work in only one direction, translating only into their native language ,using a good library of dictionaries and refere

13、nce materials,An interpreter, on the other hand, has to be able to translate in both directions, without the use of any dictionaries on the spot.口译性质The Characteristics of Interpretation即席性 extemporaneousness强压性 stressfulness独立性 independence综合性 comprehensiveness博杂性 miscellaneousness口译标准 The criteria

14、 of Interpretation严复:信、达、雅钟述孔、梅德明:准确、流利李越然:准、顺、快仲伟合:忠实、通顺、及时方凡泉:及时、准确、完整、易懂、自然、流利D Seleskovitch:达意、通顺综合观点:信、达、捷口译类型The Categorical Classification of InterpretationBy forms:交替口译 ( alternating interpretation )接续口译 ( consecutive interpretation )同声传译 ( simultaneous interpretation )耳语口译 ( whispering inte

15、rpretation )视阅口译 ( sight interpretation ) By ways:单向口译 ( one-way interpretation )双向口译 ( two-way interpretation )By contents:导游口译 ( guide interpretation )礼仪口译 (ceremony interpretation )宣传口译 ( information interpretation )会议口译 ( conference interpretation )谈判口译 ( negotiation interpretation )*按操作方式分两大类型:即席翻译和同声传译即席翻译(Consecutive I)同声传译(Simultaneous I)会议传译Conference simultaneous I视阅翻译Sight I



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