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1、1Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park? Section B学案年级 八 科目 英语 课题 Unit9SectionB 执笔人审核人 学科组长 学习时间 第 周 星期 学习目标掌握重点句子1. Have you ever been to an amusement park?2. We can also call it a theme park.3. The roller coaster is themed with Disney characters.4. The Hilltop Language School has really he

2、lped me learn English.学习内容基本要求 1、体现学习的主要内容;2、典型例题;3、精选练习;4、课堂达标检测。学习的内容 学习笔记(一) 课前预习 中译英:1.说英语的国家: 2.空中小姐: 3 帮助做: 4.与其到不如: 5.宁愿也不愿: 6.比较喜欢做: 7.听力技巧: 8.曾今去过: 9.东南亚: 10.一方面: 11.另一方面: 12.的人口: 13.做有困难: 14.在白天: (二)课内导学 重点知识讲解1. All I ever wanted to do was traveling. I ever wanted to do 是定语从句我曾经想做的一切是旅行。2

3、. That the best way to do this was to become a flight attendant. That the best way to do this 是主语从句做这个的最好方法是成为一个机组乘务员。3. It was because I could speak English that I got the job. 这是个强调句型正是因为我能讲英语,我得到了这个工作。It is / was 被强调的部分that / who其他部分例如:I met Mary in a store yesterday. It was Mary who I met in a s

4、tore yesterday. 昨天我在商店遇见的是 Mary.It was in a store that I met Mary yesterday. 昨天我是在商店遇见的 Mary. It was yesterday that I met Mary in a store. 我是昨天在商店遇见的 Mary. 4. In fact, its all I have ever wanted to be. I have ever wanted to be 是一个定语从句2事实上,那就是我曾经所想的全部(三) 当堂训练I. 补全对话A:Im not feeling well.I _ _( get) a

5、 cold.B:_ you _ (be) to the hospital yet?A:Yes,I _ (go) to see Doctor Li this morning and he _ (give) me some medicine.B:_ you _ ( take) the medicine?A:Yes,I _ (take) it just a moment ago.B:Mr Li is a good doctor.I think you _ (be) all right soon.A:I hope so.By the way,where is our teacher? I have t

6、o ask for a sick leave.B:She _ _(go) to the office.(四) 学后反思 学生疑点:_学生学 习心得:_(六) 课后作业一、单项选择( )1. I _ never _ there before.A. have, been to B. have, been C. have, gone toD. have, gone( )2. Have you ever traveled _ another province _ China?A. to, of B. in, to C. to, to D. on, of( )3. The students are ve

7、ry _ music.A. interesting at B. interested atC. interesting in D. interested in( )4. Theyll _ the subway to the space museum. Itll _ them half an hour.A. take, bring B. bring, takeC. take, take D. bring, bring( )5.Where is Bill?He _ Sydney with his father.A. has gone to B. has been toC. have gone to

8、 D. have been to二、完型填空3Mr Smith looked at his watch at times. He _1_ to go home as soon as possible. There would be a 2 football match in London and he could not do anything in his office. He 3 home after work. Supper was ready and he went to his 4 after that. But he could not fall asleep. He was af

9、raid he would 5 the match though he had told his wife to wake him up at once in the night. He had to 6 and began to read some evening newspapers.Finally the match began. His team lost the 7 half of the match. He became angry. He was so sleepy that he did not know when he had gone to 8 . The next mor

10、ning his wife brought some bread and milk into the sitting-room. She found he was 9 sleeping on the sofa and called out “Oh, dear! Get up, or youll be 10 today. It is five to seven!”Hearing this, Mr Smith jumped off the chair and asked, “Who won?”( )1. A. hated B. hoped C. had D. liked( )2. A. commo

11、n B. dangerous C. wonderful D. lucky( )3. A. hurried B. swam C. walked D. jumped( )4. A. classroom B. library C. shop D. bedroom( )5. A. catch B. miss C. lose D . leave( )6. A. get up B. lie down C. stand up D. go away( ) 7. A. last B. third C. second D. first( )8. A. work B. play C. sleep D. rest(

12、)9. A. ever B. yet C. already D. still( )10. A. late B. early C. ill D. tired三、阅读理解One day a man went home and said to his wife, “I bought something for you. ” “Thank you! ” said his wife. “ What have you bought for me?” “Ive bought a gold ring (金戒). Here it is.” He took it out for his wife to see.

13、Then he dropped it to the ground. He began to look for it on the ground, but it was dark in the house and he could not see anything. Then he went out and began to look for it in the street. Just then a friend came along. “ Whats the matter with you?” asked his friend. “ I am looking for my ring. I lost it just now.” said the man. “ Where did you lose it?” “ I lost it in my house.” “ You lost your ring in yo


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