高一英语暑假作业(6)unit 4 astronomy the science of the stars(无答案)

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高一英语暑假作业(6)unit 4 astronomy the science of the stars(无答案)_第1页
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《高一英语暑假作业(6)unit 4 astronomy the science of the stars(无答案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高一英语暑假作业(6)unit 4 astronomy the science of the stars(无答案)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、作为共产党员、作为政协人,我们要靠得住,政治上绝对过硬,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想作为行动指南Unit 4Astronomy: the science of the stars.单词拼写1What do you think of the new _ (制度)?2“What happened?” Johns mother asked him in a _ (温和的) voice.3Before the Earths protective_ (大气层) was formed, there was no life except in the sea.4With the _ (引力) of t

2、he moon and the sun each day, tides (潮汐) roll in and roll away.5He managed to finish the race, _ (不像) more than half of the competitors.6His face wore a _ (困惑的,迷惑的) expression.7Eating too many desserts can be _ (有害的) to ones teeth.8The plane _ (坠毁,碰撞) into the mountain.9According to the _ (理论) of re

3、lativity (相对论), nothing can travel faster than light.10Most of the evidence had been destroyed. _ (因此,于是), it was almost impossible to prove him guilty.完成句子1既然已做完了作业,你可以去玩会足球休息一下。_ _youve finished your homework, you can go and play football to have a rest.2没有什么可以阻止我爱她。Nothing on earth can_me_loving

4、her.3努力干好你的工作,你一定会成功的。Do your best in your career, and youll succeed_ _.4甲型流感今年在全球多个国家爆发。H1N1 flu_ _in many countries all over the world this year.5给玛丽打个电话,她需要鼓励。Give Mary a call; she needs_ _.单项填空1Noticing some broken toys_on the floor, I picked them up and_them on the chair, so I wasnt_.Alay; lay;

5、 lying Blying; lay; lyingClaid; laid; laying Dlying; laid; lying2The girl looked at me with a_expression. Maybe the problem was quite_.Apuzzled; puzzling Bpuzzling; puzzled Cpuzzled; puzzled Dpuzzling; puzzling3They managed to_the old buildings to widen the street and beautify the city.Abreak down B

6、pull downCput down Dburn down4Im thinking of tomorrows maths test. Im afraid I cant pass it._. Im sure youll make it.ANo problem BGood luckCGive up DCheer up5I cant help_the cleaning_Im busy making some dumplings now.Adoing; because Bto do; now thatCdoing; since Dto do; therefore6The study shows tha

7、t the_scenes in movies and TV are harmful_children.Acheerful; for Bviolent; toCdisappointing; for Dtouching; for7Some policemen were sent there to_the villagers_the trees.Akeep; cutting downBprevent; cutting downCprevent; to cut up Dstop; to cut up8Fortunately, I was just_to catch the last bus to th

8、e hotel.Aat times BaboutCin time Dtoo late9What did she want to know, Tom?She wondered_we could complete the experiment.Awhen was it Bit was when thatCwhen was it Dwhen it was that10_! Dont get too close to the building of which walls are being painted.AGet along BCome onCWatch out DSet off11The doc

9、tor had almost lost hope at one point but the patient finally_.Apulled through Bpulled overCpulled up Dpulled out12Early in April, this year some experts indicated that H1N1 would_this winter.Abreak down Bbreak out Cbreak up Dbreak off 13The young dancers look so charming in their beautiful clothes

10、that we took_pictures of them.Amany of Bmasses ofCthe number of Da large amount of14The new bridge is_the one built last year.Athree times as wider as Bthree times the width ofCthree times the width Das three times as15Sometimes he found_very hard to fall asleep at night, so he went to see the doctor.Ahim BthisCthat Dit 我们要跟得上,能力上胜任岗位;我们要干得实,工作上细致严谨;我们要扛得起,责任上敢于担当;我们要行得正,廉洁自律干干净净


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