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1、看美剧一定要懂的 10句地道俚语(上)No.1 bag重现美剧场景 MakeBookman, director of the New York Public Library, visits Jerry Seinfeld for a book he borrowed 20 years ago and never returned.纽约图书馆馆长 Bookman 查到 Jerry Seinfeld 20 年前借走的一本书一直未还,特地上门训话。Bookman: I dont judge a man by the length of his hair or the kind of music he

2、listens to. Rock was never my bag. But you put on a pair of shoes when you walk into the New York Public Library, fella.听着,年轻人!我不管你头发有多长,听的是什么音乐 我从来就不喜欢摇滚。但不管怎么样,你只要跨进纽约国立图书馆,那就得遵守这里的规章制度。模仿地道美音 Modelbag: an area of interest or skill 有兴趣或擅长的领域例:Cooking is not my bag.做饭我并不拿手。例:I got sunshine in my ba

3、g and my future is coming on. (lyrics by “Gorillaz”)我有一身好手艺,我的未来一片光明。(“街头霸王”乐队的歌词)扩展语言知识 Multiply1. bag 的本义是 a container used for carrying or storing items,即“袋子”。一个人随身携带的袋子,引申为“所拥有的手艺”。2. You put on a pair of shoes when you walk into the New York Public Library. 这句话字面上的意思是:你只要跨进纽约国立图书馆,最好还是穿上一双鞋!言下之

4、意是:(你平时怎么样我管不着)只要你在我管辖的地盘(纽约国立图书馆),你就得照我的规矩来。No.2 B. O.重现美剧场景 MakeJ is complaining about B.O.J 对 B.O.发表意见。So when somebody has B.O., the “O” usually stays with the “B.” Once the “B” leaves, the “O” goes with it.要是一个人有体臭,“臭”往往是跟着“体”的,身体一离开,臭味也就随之而去了。There should be a B.O. squad that patrols the city

5、like a “Smell Gestapo.” To sniff em out, strip em down, and wash them with a big, soapy brush.这儿应该有一个“体臭别动队”才好,像嗅觉灵敏的盖世太保那样在城里到处巡逻,去找出那些家伙,剥掉他们的衣服,拿个大肥皂刷子去洗刷模仿地道美音 ModelB.O. bioB.O. stands for body odor. B.O. 指体臭味,是 body odor 的缩写。例:A strong B.O. clung to the room.这房间里有一股强烈的体臭味,挥之不去。例:Jessie refused

6、to pay the taxi fare because she suffered severely from the cab-drivers B.O. the whole trip.Jessie 拒付车费,因为出租车司机的体臭折磨了她一路。扩展语言知识 MultiplyOther equally offensive odors include: bad breath, stinky feet, any cologne with the word “musk” on it.还有一些同样让人不快的气味,如口臭、脚臭,以及一些标有 musk(麝香)字样的香水等(有些香水真让人受不了,是不是?)。挖

7、掘文化背景 MineIn the workplace in the U.S., literally hundreds of managers have been confronted with complaints by others of fellow employees who smell bad. In addition to the B.O. problems, there are complaints about employees wearing perfume or cologne which may be overpowering to coworkers with a str

8、ong scent-consciousness.在美国的工作场所,有很多管理人员都遇到过雇员抱怨同事体臭的情况,还有一些“嗅觉灵敏”的人抱怨同事所用的香水过于浓烈,让人吃不消。No.3 catch on重现美剧场景 MakeGeorge is a balding man.George 日渐秃顶。Kramer: Well maybe baldness will catch on.也许秃顶会变成一种时尚。George: Hey, believe me, baldness will catch on. When the aliens come, who do you think theyre gon

9、na relate to? Who do you thinks gonna be the first ones getting a tour of the ship?嘿,相信我吧,秃顶肯定会变成一种时尚。哪天当外星人来到地球时,他们跟谁更亲近些? 你想想谁会先被请去参观他们的飞船?模仿地道美音 Modelcatch on: to become popular 受人欢迎,变得流行例:Skateboarding catches on among kids real fast.滑板在年轻人中间很快流行起来。例:U2s new hit caught on really quickly.U2 的新歌很快

10、流行起来。扩展语言知识 Multiplycatch 的原意是“抓住”,可以这么理解记忆:抓住大众心理,即变得受人欢迎、流行起来。挖掘文化背景 MineThe popular images of aliens are all hairless in modern movies, as if they are the next of kin to bald people. Thats why George is saying that people will want to become bald in the future, to look like the aliens relatives.现

11、代电影中,外星人总是以光头的形象出现,就好像是秃子们的近亲。所以 George 说未来大家都会希望自己变成秃头,以便看上去更像外星人的亲戚。Note: next of kin 指最近的血亲,最近亲属(在法律上,如无遗嘱,遗产由此人继承)No.4 double重现美剧场景 MakeKramer is telling Elaine about her mannequin double.Kramer 向 Elaine 描述一个看上去非常像她的橱窗模特。“They got a mannequin in there that looks exactly like you. Its like they c

12、hopped off your arms and legs, dipped you in plastic, then screwed you all back together again and stuck you on a pedestal. Its really quite exquisite.”“那边橱窗里摆了个模特,看上去跟你一模一样。就像是他们砍下你的胳膊和腿,放在塑料液体里浸过了,然后再组装起来,固定在那个底座上。做得可真精致。”Note:mannequin 又作 manikin,指“人体模型;时装模特”。Seinfield 剧中一个暗恋 Elaine 的设计师按她的样子制作了一

13、批橱窗人体模型。模仿地道美音 Modeldouble: a look-alike; one that closely resembles another; a duplicate 相似者,酷似的人或物,翻版例:Jessie: I saw your double on the subway today! She looks and talks exactly like you, Will!Will!今天在地铁里我看到一个女孩长得跟你一模一样,连说话都那么像你,真是你的翻版!Will: A “she”?一个女孩像我?扩展语言知识 MultiplyA double can be an actor w

14、ho takes the place of another actor in scenes requiring special skills or preparations. double 也可以表示“替身 ”。例 a stunt double 特技替身演员a body double 身材类似的替身例:In the sitcom Friends, Joey got a part in a movie as Al Pachinos ass double.在情景喜剧老友记里,Joey 被一部电影选中,做 Al Pachino 的屁股替身。Note:Al Pachino(阿尔帕西诺)是美国著名演员,

15、代表作有教父天使在美国闻香识女人等。No.5 first come, first serve重现美剧场景 MakeElain, Jerry and George are in a Chinese restaurant.Elaine、Jerry 和 George 在一家中国餐馆。Elaine: Its not fair that people are seated first-come, first-serve. It should be based on whos hungriest. I feel like just walking over there and taking some fo

16、od off somebodys plate.我看谁先来就谁先吃是不公平的,应该是谁最饿谁先吃才对。我现在饿得真想到那边,从别人的盘子里抢点东西来吃。Jerry: Ill tell you what, theres fifty bucks in it for you if you do it.那好啊,你去的话,我这儿给你 50 美元。Elaine: What do you mean?什么意思?Jerry: You walk over to that table, you pick up an eggroll, you dont say anything. You eat it, say thank you very much, wipe your mouth, walk away, I give you fifty bucks.你到那张桌子跟前,拿起一个蛋卷,什么也别说,吃掉它,然后说谢谢,非常感谢,完了擦干净嘴就走开。能做到的话,我就给你 5



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