2018--2019学年人教版必修一unit 2 english around the world reading课件(63张)

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1、English,around the world,Lead in,The Road to Mordern Chinese,Chinese characters汉字(written Chinese) Mandarin 普通话(spoken Chinese) Both experienced a long period of development.,Chinese characters (written Chinese),古文(ancient Chinese prose) 士之耽兮,犹可说也。 女之耽兮,不可说也。,现代汉语mordern Chinese 男子沉溺于爱情仍可以脱身 女子沉溺于爱情

2、却不可以自拔,the difference we speak Chinese in ancient and mordern world,甄嬛版:“方才在精练上看到一道数学题,出法极是诡异,私心想着若是这题让你来做,定可增加公式熟练度,对你的数学必是极好的。”,“这题我不会做“,Warming up,你饿不饿? 咱们去吃点什么吧!,快饿死了,就去吃热狗吧。,This unit seeks to give us a better understanding of how English developed and how it is spoken in the world.,Warming up,

3、Countries speak English as their native language:,Britain,America,Canada,Australia,New Zealand,Ireland,South Africa,the USA,Canada,New Zealand,Australia,the United Kingdom,Ireland,How many people use English as their native language, second language, or foreign language?,the whites,the blacks,the ye

4、llows,the browns,375 million,750 million,375 million,USA, UK, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Ireland, New Zealand,China and many other countries,India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Philippines,Do you think the English spoken all around the world are all the same?,English,Canadian,Australian,English,British,

5、World English,American,Indian,Caribbean,What are the two main groups of English?,British English and American English,Do you know the differences between American English and British English?,What? Do you mean this autumn?,When you hear two native speakers of English, they may still not speak the sa

6、me kind of English.,Lets go to the pictures!,Er, but the subway station is far away.,OK. But how shall we go to the movies?,Why not go by underground?,the prime minister of the UK.,the president of the USA.,Wow, I want some sweets. What about you, Bush?,Well, I want some _.,candy,Well, lets go and s

7、ee a soccer game. It is very exciting.,Great. I like _ very much.,football match,Time to go home. Lets go to the elevator together.,Oh no, the _ must be full of people this time.,lift,The differences between Br. E & Am. E.,vocabulary,spelling,pronunciation,autumn fall typhoon tornado I think I guess

8、,colour color centre center traveller traveler,dance da:ns dancedns not nt not na:t,Am E neighborhood labor color honorable humor favorite theater kilometer,Br E neighbourhood labour colour honourable humour favourite theatre kilometre,center flat colour lift gray honor petrol underground pictures e

9、raser,grey centre apartment elevator honour color rubber gas movies subway,Match the words that have the same meaning.,AE,BE,1. more than,1). 超过,多于 +数字=(over) There are more than fifty students in our class.,2). 很, 非常=very His answer is more than satisfied me.,3). 不只是 +n.=not only His report is more

10、 than a survey.,4). More A than B 与其说是B不如说是A He is more hard-working than bright.,5). 是某人所不能 The secret is more than we can let out.,6)not more than 不多于(at most) no more than 仅仅(only),只是,和一样不,its no more than a misunderstanding. Mary is no more diligent than Tom. 7)more than one +n. 不止一个(作主语时谓语动词用单数

11、) More than one student has failed the exam. 8) more and more越来越 more or less 差不多,几乎 the more,the more.越越,Exercise 1. I am _ _ pleased to deliver goods to your home. 我非常乐意为您送货上门 2. Dont be too hard on him. He is _ misled _ stupid. 不要对他太苛刻。与其说他愚蠢,倒不如说他被误导了。 3. It took her _ to get there 到达那里花了他不止一个小时

12、 4. He caught _ _ _ six fish. 他捕的鱼不超过六条 5. He is _ _ a novelist. He is a poet as well 他不仅仅是一位小说家,他还是一位诗人,more than,more than,more than one hour,not more than,more than,都表示“相互, 彼此”, 在句中作动词或介词的 宾语, 但不能作主语。表示两个人或事物之 间的相互关系用each other:表示三个或三个 以上的人或事物之间的相互关系时, 用 each other或one another都可以。,2) one another/

13、each other区别,Tom and Mary looked at each other. We send card to one another/each other every year.,Homework Reread the passage and list the reasons why English is spoken in many countries. Review the words and expressions in the passage and try to use it in the sentences with context.,Thank You!,Pre

14、-reading,Why does English have differences in its vocabulary, spelling, and prounciation?/ How did English develop to present form?,The Road To Modern English,The road,the development of English language,ancient English before modern English?,Modern English,Guess according to the title.,The Road to

15、Modern English,reading,Task 1: skimming,1. Whats the main idea of the passage ?,The history and development(发展) of English.,Scanning,Scan the text and try to divide this passage into 4 parts. Find Out main ideas of each part.,Today, more people speak English as their _ language than ever before.(1),first, second or foreign,Native English speakers can _ even if _. However, they may not be able to understand everything.(2),understand each other,they dont speak the same kind of English,All languages change when


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