2017--2018学年北师大版选修7 unit 20 new frontiers lesson 2 artificial intelligence学案

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1、Unit 20 New Frontiers Lesson 2 Artificial Intelligence学案一、英汉互译1自治的_2_ original3同事_4_rescue5类别;类型 _6_ instructor答案:1.autonomous2.起初的;最早的3.colleague4.拯救,救援5.category6.指导者;教练二、完成短语1预先_ advance2泄露(秘密) give _3接收,接管take _4换句话说_ other words5被理解get _6在某人看来in ones _答案:1.in2.away3.over4.in5.across 6opinion三、说

2、出下面画线部分的时态1Look!The old man is_drawing a horse on the ground.2They are_going_to_build a new house next year.3They will_have_entered college by the end of next year.4I will_have a talk with him about it.5We will_be_flying to Hong Kong tomorrow morning.答案:1.现在进行时2.一般将来时3.将来完成时4.一般将来时5.将来进行时四、选择正确答案1Th

3、ey _ something about pollution this time yesterday.(were discussing,had discussed)2By the end of last term,our teacher _ us four English songs.(has taught,had taught)3By the end of next month,it _ the most beautiful city in China.(has been,will have been)4I _ in my bedroom this time the day after to

4、morrow.(will have sat;will be sitting)5By the time you get home I _ all the clothes.(have washed,will have washed)答案:1.were discussing2.had taught3.will have been4.will be sitting5.will have washed五、判断正误Ananova is the worlds first “virtual(虚拟的)” news reader.She presents the news twentyfour hours a d

5、ay on A.And tonight shes in the studio for an interview with us.Well,what I mean is,shes here on screen,of course,because shes not real.She falls into the category of being a virtual character just an image.And another thing,its not a real interview.What Im trying to say is that we sent the question

6、s to her programme readers in advance.She can do nothing autonomous but she certainly sounds good.1Ananova is a beautiful girl.2Ananova reads the news on TV.3Its a real interview.4We sent the questions to Ananovas programme readers in advance.5Ananova sounds good.答案:1.F2.F3.F4.T5.T1in advance 预先考点:I

7、f you want to get better service,you must inform the tourist spots in advance.如果你想得到更好的服务,必须提前通知旅游景点。1)in advance of在前面The cooks arrived in advance of the main party.厨师们在大队人马之前到达了。2)辨析:advanced 和 advancingAdvanced countries should help advancing countries in education and agriculture.发达国家应该在教育和农业方面帮

8、助发展中国家。归纳:advanced adj.表示“高级的;先进的”;advancing adj.表示“正在前进的”。单项填空My parents always tell me that its not a good idea to spend our income_.Ain vain Bin advanceCin general Din particular答案:B2take over 接收,接管考点:Whos going to take over my job when I leave?我离开的时候,谁来接收我的工作?Would you like me to take over the d

9、riving for a while?你愿意让我接替你开一会儿车吗?归纳:take over除了表示“接收,接管”以外,还可以表示“接替;接任”。记住以take为中心词的短语:take down记录,记下take.for.把认为take it easy别着急 take ones place就职take the place of 代替 take turns 轮流take up 开始从事 take in 吸收take part in参加 take on雇用,聘用单项填空After studying in a medical college for five years,Jane _ her job

10、 as a doctor in the countryside.Atook in Btook overCtook up Dtook turns答案:C3get across 被理解Your meaning didnt really get across to the students.学生们没能真正理解你的意思。1)注意get across的其他用法。They got across the bridge with the help of a local guide.在一位当地向导的帮助下他们过了桥。归纳:get across 除了表示“被理解”,还可表示“穿过”。2)有关get的常用短语:ge

11、t through 完成get ahead取得进步;获得成功get along 进展get down写下get away逃脱单项填空I dont think that your lecture _ the audience,for they appeared quite puzzled.Agot across to Bgot close toCgot away with Dgot along with答案:A4give away 泄露(秘密)考点:If he gives away the companys secret,he will be punished by law.如果他泄漏了公司的秘

12、密,他将受到法律的制裁。1)注意give away的其他意思。I dont want to give away the dog,because it is others gift to me.这只狗我不想送人,因为它是别人送给我的礼物。My teacher gave away his old books to us before the holiday.在假期之前老师把他的旧书分给了我们。归纳:give away还有“赠送;分发”的意思。2)注意相关短语:give back 归还give in投降give off发出(热、光等);散发出(气味等)give out 分发;发出(气味、热等);宣布

13、;用尽give up放弃单项填空1)In order to protect the environment,supermarkets and stores are forbidden to _ free plastic bags to shoppers.Aput away Bput offCgive off Dgive away2)The news of the mayors coming to our school for a visit was _ on the radio yesterday.Aturned out Bfound outCgiven out Dcarried out答案:

14、1)D2)C5come out 出现;开花考点:The rain stopped and the sun came out.雨停了,太阳出来了。Spring is coming and plum blossoms are coming out.春天来了,梅花开了。1)了解come out的其他含义。The news came out that the king suddenly fell ill.国王突然生病的消息传开了。When will Johns book come out?约翰的书什么时候出版?归纳:come out还有“传出,出版”的意思。2)注意下列短语的用法:come about发生come across 偶遇,碰到come along 进展;进步come to oneself恢复常态come up with想出(计划、回答)单项填空Ill never understand how it _ that you were late three times a week.Acame out Bcame acrossCcame abou


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