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1、汉英词语比较与翻译,汉英词语对比,汉英词语关系比较复杂,这是语言和文化的异同造成的。 大致将其归纳为: 1.词义相符(semantic correspondence) 指称意义和蕴涵意义相符; 2.词义相异(semantic non-correspondence) 指称意义相符但蕴涵意义相异,或指称意义与蕴涵意义均相异; 3.词义空缺(semantic zero) 汉语词语的指称意义或蕴涵意义在英语中不存在,造成零指称意义或零蕴涵意义。,1. 词义相符 (semantic correspondence),(1). 有些词语,特别是名词,在没有特指语境的情况下,只具备指称意义。 例如:山 (mo

2、untain)、水 (water)、湖泊 (1ake)、森林 (forest)、阳光 (sunshine)、沙漠 (desert)、苹果 (apple)、蔬菜 (vegetable)、医生 (doctor)、学校 (school)、工厂 (factory)、教师 (teacher)、学生 (student)、历史博物馆 (history museum)、历史遗产 (historical heritage)、温室效应 (greenhouse effect)、环境保护 (environmental protection)等。 它们都可以用英语中词义相符的词语译出。,(2).有些词语既有指称意义,也

3、有蕴涵意义。 (1) 他是只狡猾的老狐狸。 He is an old fox 狐狸 (fox) 在汉语和英语中的指称和蕴含意义相同 (2) 那本书的作者似乎没有自己的观点,书里都是人云亦云的东西。 That book, whose author doesnt seem to have his own viewpoints, is full of parrot-learned knowledge 在汉语和英语中都具有“人云亦云”、“鹦鹉学舌”的贬义,(3) 他们的拉车姿势,讲价时的那随机应变,走路时的抄近绕远,都足以使他们想起过去的光荣,而且用鼻翅扇着那些后起之辈。” (老舍骆驼祥子) Thei

4、r pulling posture, their adroit bargaining, their shrewd use of short-cuts or circuitous routes are enough to make them relive past glories and turn up their noses at the younger generation. “用鼻翅扇着”:这个动作(指称意义)表示对某人的轻视(蕴涵意义) “turn ones nose up at sth.”意为“treat sth. with contempt”形象与意义与原文完全相符。,2. 词义相异

5、 (semantic non-correspondence),(1)指称意义相符,蕴涵意义相异 松、梅、竹在汉文化中称为“岁寒三友”,象征着不畏严寒,傲然风雪的品德 pine trees、plum blossoms 和 bamboo 在英语中不具备松、梅、竹在汉文化中的蕴涵意义。 “羊”:用羊合成的汉字多为褒义。 例如:美、羞、鲜、義(义)等,三羊开泰 (Three Rams Bring Bliss) 常用来表示人们希求开年大吉的心愿。 ram :表示“公羊”,还表示“撞击装置” Goat:替罪羊,色鬼 Sheep:胆小鬼 熊 bear C:愚笨, 窝囊 E:脾气暴烈或鲁莽的人 猫头鹰 owl

6、 C:厄运,凶兆 E:聪明,智慧,(2).指称意义和蕴涵意义相异 “龙凤呈祥” Dragon and Phoenix Bringing Prosperity The Union of A Dragon and A Phoenix Foretells / Brings Good Fortune Symbol of Harmony and Prosperity,3.词义空缺 (semantic zero) “不同的文化用不同的语义范畴分解和描述世界,因此一种文化里有的语义在另一种语言里可能就不存在”(Lado, 1957),这种现象被称为词义空缺。 独特文化的词语在另一种语言中必然没有与之对应的词

7、语,造成零指称意义或零蕴涵意义的现象。 翻译时需要用音译、直译、意译或加注法等表其义。,当汉语文化中特有的事物在英语文化中完全空缺时,可采用音译法将这些具有特殊文化内涵的词语“移植”到英语文化中。 气功 Qigong 太极 Taichi 风水 Fengshui 阴阳 Yin-yang 馄饨 Wonton,有些词语,采用直译,既可以使译文简洁,又能保留汉语文化词语的原汁原味,不会产生文化误解。 易经 Book of changes 号脉 Feel the pulse 京剧 Peking Opera 龙舟 Dragon boat 春节 Spring Festival 站票 Standing-roo

8、m-only tickets,八宝菜 Eight treasure pickles 北大荒 The Great Northern Wilderness 灯影牛肉 Shadow beef 希望工程 Hope Project 一国两制 One country, two systems 毛泽东思想 Mao Tse-tung Thought,在直译无法达到效果的情况下,可采用意译。 意译法舍弃了词语的语言形式和字面意义,着眼于传达词语的文化信息。 皮蛋 Preserved egg 元宵 Sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour 拜堂 Perform th

9、e marriage ceremony 拔火罐 Cupping 乌纱帽 an official post,加注法,通过注释的形式在译文中补充必要的文化背景知识,以弥补汉英文化的差异。 1. 八卦 直译:the Eight Trigrams 加注: the Eight Trigrams (Eight combinations of three linesall solid, all broken, or a combination of solid and broken lines joined in pairs to form 64 hexagrams, formerly used in di

10、vination.),2. 五岳 The Five Sacred Mountains (Taishan, the Eastern Mountain in Shangdong Province; Hengshan, the Southern Mountain in Hunan Province; Huashan, the Western Mountain in Shaanxi Province; Hengshan, the Northern Mountain in Shanxi Province; Songshan, the Central Mountain in Henan Province)

11、 3. 五经 The Five Classics (诗经 The Book of Songs; 书经 The Book of History; 易经 The Book of Changes; 礼记 the Book of Rites; 春秋 The Spring and Autumn Annals),3. 满月酒 加注:One-month-old birthday feast(a special ceremony held after a baby has been one month old) 4. 秀才 加注:Xiucai, one who passed the imperial exam

12、ination at the country level in the Ming and Qing dynasties 5. 铁饭碗 加注:iron rice bowl, a job that is stable, reliable, and guaranteed for life,5. 牛郎织女 加注:the Cowherd and the Girl Weavertwo figures in an ancient Chinese fairy tale (Later it also refers to husband and wife who live far apart),6.东郭先生 加注

13、:Mr. Dongguo (the foolish, softhearted scholar who narrowly escaped being eaten by a wolf which he had helped to hide from a hunter in a Chinese folk tale. Later, it refers to a nave person who gets into trouble through being softhearted to evil people),汉译英中的词义选择,1. 根据语境选择合适词义 “Each word is a new wo

14、rd in a new context.” (Firth, British linguist) 例1:“好” . 好的开始是成功的一半。 Well begun, half done. . 邻居对我都很好。 My neighbors are all very kind to me. . 这个问题好解决。 The problem can be easily solved.,. 计划定好了。 The plan has been drawn up. . 你留个电话,有事好联系你。 Give me your telephone number so that I can contact you when

15、necessary. . 今天下午好几个人过来找你。 Quite a few people came in looking for you this afternoon. 例2:“轻巧” . 这摩托车很轻巧。 The motorcycle is light and handy. . 她动作很轻巧。 She is nimble in movement. . 你说得倒轻巧,你也给捧个奖杯回来。 You talk as if it were just a walkover. Why not try yourself and see if you can bring back a trophy, to

16、o?,例3:“考察” . 中国明朝著名旅行家徐霞客一生周游考察了16个省份,足迹几乎遍及全国。 In his lifetime, Xu Xiake, a great traveler in Chinas Ming Dynasty, toured 16 provinces, leaving his footmarks in nearly every corner of the country. . 他总是选择道路艰险的山区、人迹罕至的森林进行考察。 He always preferred to venture into mountainous areas with rough tracks, and into forests seldom visited by human beings.,例4:“意思” 甲:这一点小意思,请务必收下。 乙:你这个人真有意思,怎么也来这一套? 甲:唉,只是意思意思。 乙:啊,真是不好意思。 A: This is a little gift as a


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