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1、综合英语(一) (高/专)开始时间 2016 年 12 月 11 日 星期日 20:36状态 完成完成于 2016 年 12 月 11 日 星期日 21:03耗时 26 分钟 52 秒反馈 您已完成答题!具体成绩和答案会在测验截至后公布。窗体顶端题目 1完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332317&q 0题干338. The next tax law will affect everyone, but _ those highly-paid.选择一项:a. unusually b. specially c. uniquely d. particularly 题目 2完成满分 1.00

2、标记题目0 qaid=9332306&q 0题干328. _ while the iron is hot.选择一项:a. Beat b. Hit c. Stick d. Strike 题目 3完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332319&q 0题干44. Excuse me, where is the headmasters office? _.选择一项:a. Pardon? Why ask me? b. You ask the wrong person c. Sorry Im stranger here. d. Oh, you must know our headmaster 题目

3、 4完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332286&q 0题干31. Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now? _.选择一项:a. Sorry, you cant b. I dont know c. No, you cant d. Sorry, he is busy at the moment 题目 5完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332324&q 0题干38. Hello, Id like to speak to Mark, please._选择一项:a. This is Mark speaking. b. This is me.

4、c. Its me here. d. Yes, Im Mark 题目 6完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332313&q 0题干334. He has _ Jimmy of lying for some time.选择一项:a. suspected b. inspected c. sustained d. supposed 题目 7完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332314&q 0题干335. The thought of seeing her again was all that _ him.选择一项:a. maintained b. sustained c. obta

5、ined d. retained 题目 8完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332302&q 0题干324. Do you have anything _ to this material but cheaper?选择一项:a. familiar b. similar c. alike d. same 题目 9完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332321&q 0题干35. Good morning. Can I help you, sir? _.选择一项:a. Oh, thats all right b. No, I dont need help c. Sorry, you

6、cant d. Yes, I want to buy some oranges 题目 10完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332305&q 0题干327. The way a person is dressed may express his _ or social position.选择一项:a. curiosity b. identity c. status d. post 题目 11完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332320&q 0题干340. A kind teacher always takes a very _ attitude when correcting

7、 students mistakes.选择一项:a. negative b. potential c. partial d. positive 题目 12完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332308&q 0题干33. My brother Jerry was promoted PR manager last month. _.选择一项:a. Congratulations b. Good for you c. Oh, please d. Ok, if you like 题目 13完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332297&q 0题干32. Henry, this is m

8、y sister-in-law, Jane. _.选择一项:a. Nice to have talked to you b. Your sister-in-law is so pretty! c. Nice to meet you d. Who is Jane? 题目 14完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332325&q 0题干39. May I have three tickets, please?_选择一项:a. You are too early. b. It may have begun already. c. Im sorry weve sold out. d. Pleas

9、e come tomorrow. 题目 15完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332296&q 0题干319.Living in the western part of the country has its problems, _ obtaining fresh water is not the least.选择一项:a. for which b. which c. with which d. of which 题目 16完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332318&q 0题干339. Theres no _ in arguing with himhe wont chang

10、e his min选择一项:a. end b. spot c. use d. point 题目 17完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332295&q 0题干318.The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds _ his arguments in favour of the new theory.选择一项:a. which to base on b. on which to base c. to be based on d. to base on 题目 18完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332298&q 0题干320

11、. There are signs _ restaurants are becoming more popular with families.选择一项:a. that b. whose c. which d. in which 题目 19完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332289&q 0题干312.She ought to stop work; she has a headache because she _ too long.选择一项:a. had read b. is reading c. has been reading d. read 题目 20完成满分 1.00标记题目

12、0 qaid=9332316&q 0题干337. Tianan Men is the _ of Chin选择一项:a. signal b. symbol c. sign d. sympathy 题目 21完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332304&q 0题干326. His trousers _ when he tried to jump over the wall.选择一项:a. burst b. cracked c. split d. broke 题目 22完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332310&q 0题干331. A _ meeting of OPEC lea

13、ders was called to find a solution to the oil crisis.选择一项:a. superiority b. summit c. crown d. peak 题目 23完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332312&q 0题干333. Global warming threatens the _ of the whole human race.选择一项:a. summit b. survival c. superiority d. status 题目 24完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332303&q 0题干325. The pro

14、fessor gave us a _ example of alcohols effect on the body.选择一项:a. slight b. specific c. sensitive d. sensible 题目 25完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332307&q 0题干329. They _ a great deal in those difficult days.选择一项:a. struck b. sought c. suffered d. stuck 题目 26完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332294&q 0题干317.Beer is the mos

15、t popular drink among male drinkers, _ overall consumption is significantly higher than that of women.选择一项:a. which b. what c. whose d. that 题目 27完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332315&q 0题干336. Always _ your computer when youve finishe选择一项:a. take off b. switch off c. put off d. send off 题目 28完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332309&q 0题干330. This summer, there is _ rain for the crops to grow.选择一项:a. potential b. sufficient c. efficient d. suitable 题目 29完成满分 1.00标记题目0 qaid=9332288&q 0题干311. By the time he arrives


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