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1、一、按字母表的顺序填写下列所缺字母(5)A C E G I 二、在四线三格上正确抄写下列字母(5 分)K L m q三、按要求填空(5 分)1 小写字母 e 占( )格, ( )笔写成。2 大写字母 K 的第一笔是( ) ,小写字母 h占( )格。3大写 S 和小写 s 都是( )笔写成。四、根据单词意思,画出相应的图。 (分)a pen a ruler五、用手写体抄写下列单词,注意书写格式(6)Fish nose giraffe六、英汉连线( 16 分) a school 一块手表 a jeep 一个脚趾头 a T-shirt 一张嘴 a toe 一辆吉普车a watch 一所学校 a bi

2、ke 一只绵羊a mouth 一件 T 恤衫 a sheep 一辆自行车七、将下列单词的大小写连起来( 16 分)VEST watchWATCH vestQUILT quiltBAG mouthMOUTH bag八、选择正确的中英文翻译(20 分)( )早上好!A.Good morning B.Good afternoon( )再见A.Good bye B.Hello( )谢谢你A. Fine B.Thank you( )这是李燕A .Im Li yan B .This is Li yan ( )我八岁了A .Im eight B.This is eight( )生日快乐A.My birthd

3、ay B.Happy birthday( )起立Stand up B. Stand( )请坐下Sit up B.Sit down , please( )Here you areA.给你 B.给他( )Youre welcom A.你欢迎B.不用谢,别客气九情景会话,选择(24 分)1.你想知道对方叫什么名字,你应该怎样问? ()A. Whats your name ? B. What are you ?.当别人向你 Good bye, 你应该怎么说 ()A.Good bye ! B.Good morning !.当你想问别人年龄多大时,你应该怎样问( )A.How old are you ?

4、B.How are you ? .当别人给你 Nice to meet you?你应该说 ( )A. Im fine . B.Nice to meet you ,too.5.怎样向别人介绍你的名字 ( )AI m nine . B.My name is x x x.你要祝贺别人生日快乐,你应该说 ( )A. Happy birthday ! B. Birthday!别人给你说谢谢,而你应该说 ( )A.Youre fine. B.Youre welcome.别人给你帮了忙,你应该说. ( )A.Thank you . B. Youre welcome .1. ( ) 当你想问那个人是谁时,会说

5、:A.whats that? B .whothis? C.whothat? D.whats this?2 . ( ) 当想向别人介绍你的婶婶时,你会说:A.this is my aunt . B .this is my uncle.C.this is my father . D.this is my cousin3. ( )当想向别人介绍你的婶婶的儿子时,你会说:A.this is my aunt. B this is my cousin. C. this is cousin D. he is my aunts cousin.4. ( )当你想别人介绍你的爸爸的爸爸时,你会说:A.this i

6、s my dad B .this is my father C. this is my grandpa D. this is my grandma5. ( )如果你向别人介绍你爸爸是老师,你会说:A.his a teacher B .my father is a teacher C. this is a teacher D.my dad a teacher6. ( )如果你想告诉别人你爱你的爸爸你的爸爸也爱你,你会说:A. I love my father. B .my father loves me C. I love my father. My father loves me too. D

7、. I love my dad. My dad loves I二按要求写单词。16 分1.her(人称代词主格) 2.girl(对应词) 3.new(反义词) 4.that(对应词) 5.I (人称代词宾格 ) 6.they are(缩写形式) 7.name(复数形式) 8.they(人称代词宾格) 七.连词成句。(注意大小写及标点符号 ) 15 分1. at look picture the family my of2. my family uncles to come see3. names Jason Smith Jane Smith are their and 4. cousin boy this is my 5. meet to you nice



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