【名校推荐】辽宁省外研版高一英语必修四:module 4 great scientists1教案

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《【名校推荐】辽宁省外研版高一英语必修四:module 4 great scientists1教案 》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【名校推荐】辽宁省外研版高一英语必修四:module 4 great scientists1教案 (4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Module 4 Great ScientistsTeaching aims:1. Learn some new scientific terms.2. Get to know some famous scientists worldwide and nationwide.3. Learn sth. about Yuan Longping.4. Write a short passage.Review names of subjects:biology 生物 chemistry 化学 geography 地理 history 历史 IT 信息技术mathematics 数学 physics

2、物理 PE 体育Match words and definitionsbiochemistry biology botany chemistry genetics physics zoology1. the study of animals 2. the study of plants3. the study of all living things4. the study of physical objects and natural forces5. the study of chemical processes in living things6. the study of the st

3、ructure of substances and how they react with each other7. the study of inherited characteristics in living thingsDiscussion:1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Who are they?2. What did they invent or discover?Answers:1. 阿基米德 (Archimedes, 287212BC) Ancient Greek Physicist, mathematicianThe law of ArchimedesFather of Int

4、egral Calculus(微积分)Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand, and I will move the world.2. 居里夫人(Marie Curie, 1867-1934) Polish scientist Discovered Radium(镭) and Polonium Win Nobel Prize twiceScience is beyond nationalities, classes and races.3. 牛顿 (Newton, 1642-1727) English scientist The la

5、w of gravity The laws of motionIf I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.4. 爱因斯坦 (Albert Einstein, 1879-1955) German-born American physicistCreator of theories of relativity Won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921The Secret of Success: A=X+Y+Z X stands for hard wor

6、k, Y for good methods, and Z means stop talking and get down to work. v Zhang Heng Qian Xuesen Yuan Longping Father of Chinas aerospace King of rockets Father of hybrid rice Fill in the blanks:Yuan Longping is a _figure in _ world. As a boy, he was interested in _. He tried hard to find ways to prod

7、uce _ rice to feed people. After experimenting _ different types of rice, he found a naturally _ _rice plant. As a _, Chinese rice production _ by 47.5% in the 1990s. Then Yuan Longpings rice was _to other countries.Answers: leading, rice-growing, plants, more, with, sterile male , result, rose, exp

8、ortedIntensive ReadingRead the first para.1. Which country is the worlds largest rice producer? (China)2. Where is rice grown in the world? (Many Asian countries and some European countries.)3. Who is the leading figure in the rice-growing world? (Yuan Longping)Read the second para.1. Where was Yuan

9、 Longping born and brought up? (China)2. What nickname was he given? (The student who asks questions)Reading the third para.1. What did Yuan Longping study in college? (Agriculture)2. According to him, what was the key to feeding people? (To have more rice and produce it more quickly.)3. What is the

10、 only way to do it? (To cross different species of rice plant.)Read the fourth para.1. What special type of rice plant did he search for? (A male and sterile rice plant.)2. What was the breakthrough in 1970? (A naturally sterile male rice plant was discovered.)3. Who supported his research? (Researc

11、hers from all over China and the government.)Read the fifth para.1. What did his discoveries result in? (Chinese rice production rose by 47.5%)2. Where was his rice exported to? (Pakistan, the Philippines and so on.)3. Why were the rice fields converted to growing vegetable and other cash crops? (It

12、 is no need to plant so many rice because of the high production.)Read the last para.1. What is the most important crop in Pakistan? (Wheat.)2. Whats the feature of the new hybrid rice? (Its yield is much greater than that of other types of rice grown in Pakistan.)Summary Writing1. Write a summary according to the passage.2. Add some information if necessary.3. Less than 120 words.4. Time limit: 5-8 minutes.



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