4bunit8how are you第一课时教案

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1、英语四下Unit8第1课时教学设计教学内容Unit8 How are you?教学板块Story time类型对话教学教学课时第( 1 )课时教学目标1.Enable students to master the words: a cold, a cough, a fever ,a headache.2.Enable students to master the sentence patterns: How are you? May I speak to.?3.Develop students abilities of listening and speaking.教学重点1.Enable s

2、tudents to master the words: a cold, a cough, a fever ,a headache.2.Enable students to master the sentence patterns: How are you? May I speak to.?教学难点1.Develop students abilities of listening and speaking.教学准备Smart notebook ,pictures. 教学过程二次备课Step1:Warm up1. Sing a song :T: What day is it today?Is i

3、t a sunny day?Lets sing a songStep2:Pre-reading1. Lets callT:Look!The children are happy on a sunny day. What do they do?Whose kite is this?But Yang Ling is not here. Wheres Yang Ling? Lets call her. T: Now, Who can be Yang Ling?Ss work in pairs and practice.Step3:While-reading1.Watch and answerT:So

4、 Yang Ling is ill. Where is she now? She is calling. Who is she calling? Yang Ling is asking for a leave. Here are two questions. Q1.Can Yang Ling come to school today?Q2:Can Yang Ling come to school tomorrow?(Teach: tomorrow)T:You should watch and answer two questions.2. Listen and answerT:Yang Lin

5、g cant come to school today. Whats the matter?Lets listen carefully.Q.Whats the matter?A: I have a cold and a fever.3.Read and circleT: Miss Li is very worried. What does Miss Li say to her? Take out your pencil. Turn to page50.Please read and circle.T: Take care(爆破).Yang Ling has a cold and a fever

6、. How to take care? Do you have any suggestions?4. Read part oneT: You have many good suggestions.I think Yang Ling will get better soon. Lets listen and imitate.5.Ask and answerT:Miss Li is a nice teacher. In the afternoon, she calls Yang Ling. What will she say? Now turn to page51, ask and answer

7、in groups of four. T: Miss Li cares about Yang Ling. So she asks. How are you? Yang Ling says .Im fine, thank you.T:., how are you?6. Read part2T: Here comes our happy reading time.7.Read or act in pairsStep4:Post-reading1.Lets talkT: Miss Li cares about Yang Ling. Yang Lings friends care about her

8、too. They call Yang Ling after school. You can use these sentences and make a new dialogue. Now work in pairs, imagine and talk.2.free talkT:Who cares about Yang Ling?If our friends are ill, we should care about them.Homework:1. Read, imitate and act Story time.2. Make a telephone call with your friends.板书设计:Unit8 How are you?Whats the matter? How are you?I have . Im fine, thank you.Im sorry to hear that.Take care.



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