2017春人教版八年级英语下册导学案:unit 8 period 5

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1、临泽二中“三段六环”课堂模式教学设计模板周次: 13 备课人: 张彩芸 日期 2017.5.22 教材单元Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?课时Period 1总课时5课题第五课时 Review the present Perfect Tense课型复习课教学目标来源:gkstk.Com核心来源:gkstk.Com知识知识目标:来源:gkstk.ComA.在现在完成时中熟练运用already, yet。B.核心句型预览: Have you introduced this singer / writer to others?能力目标:学会写有关自己

2、喜爱的作家或歌手的短文介绍及相关评论。来源:学优高考网情感目标:帮助学生了解国内外文学名著和音乐,激发他们对生活的热爱。学习策略:小组学习激发学生学习英语的兴趣和参与课堂活动的积极性。来源:学优高考网gkstk可控目标重点:熟练运用现在完成时。难点:写有关自己喜爱的作家或歌手的短文介绍及相关评论。预设目标熟练运用现在完成时。重难点重点熟练运用现在完成时。难点能够运用现在完成时介绍自己并询问他人读过的名著知识联系纵向学生学习并掌握现在完成时的用法.横向 学会写有关自己喜爱的作家或歌手的短文介绍及相关评论。学情分析易理解重点的单词、词组及重点句型探究点在课堂上构筑师生、生生、生师等多层次多维度的交

3、流方式和空间,从而达到学习的目的。教学资源 充分利用多媒体资源,课件及电子课本上图片录音等资源开展对话练习和听力训练。教 学 策 略教学环节师生活动设计自学阶段确立目标复习及运用现在完成时态自主学习一、自学现在完成时讲解(1) 构成:现在完成时由助动词have+过去分词构成,助动词have有人称和数的变化。第三人称单数用has,其余用have.(2)用法:内化阶段合作探究 探究学习:1)现在完成时通常表示在说话之前已经完成的动作或存在的状态。说话人强调的是该动作或状态对现在的结果或影响。Mydaughterhasjustgoneout.我女儿刚出去。Imsurewevemetbefore.我肯

4、定我们以前见过面。Shehasarrived.她到了。2)表示持续到现在的动作或状态,往往和包括现在在内的表示一段时间的状语连用,如recently,already,just,lately,for,since,yet等。since和for的区别since后接时间点,如1993,lastterm,yesterday,thetimeIgottherefor后接一段时间,表示“长达多久”,如tenyears,awhile,twodays等。但不论是since.还是for.所表达的动作都必须是延续性的动作。.have (has) been to和 have (has) gone to的区别 have

5、(has) been to表示“曾经到过某地”,人已经_(回/未回)来have (has) gone to表示“已经去某地了”, 人_(在/不在)这儿。 展示交流用since和for填空1.JimhasbeeninIreland_Monday.2.JillhasbeeninIreland_threedays.3.HisaunthaslivedinAustralia_15days.4.Maryisinheroffice.Shehasbeenthere_7oclock.5.Indiahasbeenanindependentcountry_1974.6.Thebusislate.Theyvebeen


7、延续性动词或者表示可以延续的状态的短语。 arrive at / in sp / get to / reach sp / come / go / move to sp be in sp / at school / at home / on the farm / be here / be there 1) He got to Beijing five minutes ago.He Beijing for . 2) I moved to the USA in 2008. I the USA since . 3) I went home yesterday. I home for . 4) They

8、 came here last week. They _ here since _. come to / go back to / return to be back to go out be out 1) He came out two years ago.He _ for _. 2) We return to Beijing yesterday.We _ _ to Beijing since _. become be 1) I became a teacher in 2000. I _ a teacher for _. 2) The river became dirty last year

9、. The river _ _ dirty for _ _. close be closed open be open 1) The shop closed two hours ago. The shop _ _ for _. 2) The door opened at six in the morning.The door _ _ _ for six hours. get up be up; die be dead; leave sp. be away from sp. fall asleep / get tot sleep be asleep; finish / end be over;m

10、arry be married; 1) I got up two hours ago.I _ _ _since _. 2) He left Shanghai just now.He _ _ Shanghai for five minutes. 3) My grandpa died in 2002.My grandpa _ _ _for _ _. 4) The meeting finished at six.The meeting _ _ _ for six hours. 5) I got to sleep two hours ago .I _ _ _ since _ _. 6) They ma

11、rried in 1990. They _ _ _since _. start / begin to do sth. do sth. ;begin be on 1) I began to teach at this school in 1995.I_ _ at this school since _. 2) The film began two minutes ago. The film _ _ _ for _ _. borrow keep; lose not have ;buy have ;put on wear catch / get a cold have a cold; get to

12、know know 1) They borrowed it last week. They _it since _. 2) I bought a pen two hours ago. I _a pen for _.3) I got to know him last year. I _ him since _. 4) I put on my glasses three years ago.I _ my glasses for _. have / has gone to have been in He has gone to Beijing.He _ Beijing for two days. join the league / the Party / the army be a league member /a Party member / a soldier be a member of the league / the Party be in the league / the Party / the army 1) He joined the league in 2002. He _ a _ for two yea


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