高考英语一轮复习 unit 4 wildlife protection话题(含解析)新人教版必修2

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1、为隆重中国共产党成立97周年,充分发挥基层党组织战斗堡垒和共产党员的先锋模范作用,在二轻系统营造奋勇争先、创造新业绩的浓厚氛围Unit 4 Wildlife protection(一)地球上速度最快的十种动物The animal kingdom is full of animals that have shown impressive physical skills and adaptable abilities. Some of them are known for agility,while others are known for strength. Below,you will fin

2、d out which animals are the 10 fastest on land:动物王国中有许多动物展现了傲人的体力和适应能力。有些以敏捷著称,有些则因力量而闻名。接下来就带你领略陆地上10种最快动物的风采。1. Cheetah 112 mph 猎豹:时速112英里2. Pronghorn 100 mph 叉角羚:时速100英里3. Springbok 60 mph 跳羚:时速60英里4. Ostrich 60 mph 鸵鸟:时速60英里5.Wildebeests 50 mph 牛羚:时速50英里6. Lion 50 mph 狮子:时速50英里7. Blackbuck 50 mp

3、h 印度黑羚:时速50英里8. Hare 50 mph 野兔:时速50英里9.Greyhound 45 mph 格雷伊猎犬(灵缇):时速45英里 10. African Wild Dog 44 mph 非洲野狗:时速44英里(二)西双版纳野象因失恋损坏15辆汽车A wild elephant strayed onto a national highway in Yunnan province during the Spring Festival holiday and damaged 15 parked cars.The animal,named Zhusunya,left the Wild

4、Elephant Valley Scenic Area in the provinces Xishuangbanna Dai autonomous prefecture on Friday afternoon and walked onto a section of the G213 National Highway,according to local police.Pictures and video of the elephant walking down the road,swinging its trunk and legs at the cars it passed,were pu

5、blished online and went viral over the holiday.In his 20 minutes on the loose,Zhusunya dented door panels and broke several car windows before disappearing back into the scenic area.The elephants escapade was fueled by the failure of a courtship which left Zhusunya with anerratic temperament,said th

6、e staff. The scenic area authority said its insurance company had carried out an investigation and would compensate for all damages caused.zx&x*kThe Wild Elephant Valley is a tropical rain forest park that opened in 1996,with a total area of 370 hectares. It is a popular draw for tourists with its p

7、opulations of buffaloes,green peafowls and macaques.春节期间,一只野象在云南省一条国道上游荡,还损坏了停靠在路边的15辆汽车。根据当地警方表示,这只野象名叫竹笋牙,周五下午离开了位于西双版纳傣族自治州的野象谷景区,走到了213国道的某路段。在节假期间,有关这只大象在公路上行走、用它的象鼻和腿推动它经过的汽车的照片和视频在网上迅速传播开来。在竹笋牙活动的20多分钟时间里,竹笋牙在回到景区之前将几辆车的门弄凹陷了,还打破了部分车窗。根据工作人员表示,竹笋牙的恶作剧是因为求爱失败,导致它脾气时好时坏。而景区方面也表示,其保险公司已进行调查,并将赔偿全部损失。野象谷是一个于1996年对外开放的热带雨林森林公园,占地面积达到了370公顷。由于该景区拥有大量的野牛、绿孔雀以及猕猴,所以深受广大游客喜爱。 全面贯彻落实党的十九大精神,经研究,决定在系统内开展以“不忘初心、牢记使命”为主题的“红七月服务月”活动。现就有关事项通知如下


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