2017-2018学年(牛津译林版)八年级上册教案:u3 reading 1

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2017-2018学年(牛津译林版)八年级上册教案:u3 reading 1_第1页
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1、电子备课教案模板教学内容Reading I, Unit 3, 8A主备人授课人集体备课成员教学目标1. Get the general idea of the trip to the World Park2. Review the knowledge of places of interest around the world.3. Be able to express the feeling during the trip with the correct words教学重点Catch the main information about the trip to the World Park

2、教学难点1. Know the meanings of the new words: shine, clear, journey, boring, finally, arrive, main, culture2. Understand the meanings of the phrases: a little boring, arrive at/in, cant wait, get off/on, place of interest, not believe ones eyes, by oneself/for oneself突破难点主要策略Group work, pair work课前准备Po

3、werpoint, pictures, etc.集体研讨课文内容主备初稿集体讨论意见个性化内容 Step 1 ReviewReview the places of interest around the world with the help of pictures.Step 2 Pre-readingT ask questions to the trip:1) Where are you going on holiday?2) Which city are you going to?3) Why do you want to go there?4) How do you plan to ge

4、t there?Step 3 While-reading1. Know more about what Linda did and what she saw. Increase the Ss curiosity.2. How did Linda feel about the visit to the World Park?3. Read the passage and discuss the following questions:1) Where did Linda go?2) Who did she go with?3) How long was the journey?4) Did sh

5、e enjoy the journey at the beginning?5) How many models are there in the park?6) Which places of interest did they see?7) Which part did Linda think was also wonderful?8) Where can Lindas mother see the photos of the trip?2. Finish B2 and B3.Step 3 Activities1. Categorize the passage into three parts.2. Encourage the Ss to find out Lindas feeling of the trip.Step 4Homework1. Remember the new words.2. Try to recite the articles.3. Finish Part B4.。教学后反思


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