2017-2018学年译林牛津版七年级英语上册课件:unit 8 fashion grammar

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《2017-2018学年译林牛津版七年级英语上册课件:unit 8 fashion grammar》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2018学年译林牛津版七年级英语上册课件:unit 8 fashion grammar(35页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 8 Fashion,Grammar,Kitty wants to put some photos on the school website. She is adding captions to the photos. Help her finish them.,1. _ are light and comfortable. 2. Simons red and grey _ matches his clothes.,Trainers,tie,3. Amy is wearing a blue _. 4. Daniel is wearing a blue _. 5. Young peop

2、le like _. 6. Sandys red _ is made of silk.,scarf,T-shirt,jeans,blouse,Complete the conversation using the information on page 94.,Kitty: What a great show, Sandy! I really like your long red boots. Sandy: Thank you. I think they match my red (1)_ blouse. Kitty: I also like your shirt. Is it silk to

3、o? Sandy: No, its (2)_.,silk,wool,Kitty: You look (3)_ and beautiful today, Sandy. And you, Simon, do you like your clothes? Simon: Yes, I like them very much. Do I look (4)_, Kitty?,modern,smart,Kitty: Yes. You look great in your (5)_ shirt, (6)_ trousers and red and grey tie. Simon: Thanks. I also

4、 like to wear jeans. Kitty: Most young people like jeans. Amy and Daniel look (7)_ in blue jeans.,purple,grey,cool,1. I am wearing sports clothes and a pair of trainers. 2. Now Amy and Daniel are coming. 3. Amy is wearing a yellow cotton blouse and a blue scarf.,上面三句话中所出现的动作有什么 特别之处?,Tom,play,footba

5、ll.,is,ing,Lucy,is,read,a book. zxxk,ing,They,watch,TV,are,ing,Look!,The kids,talk,are,ing.,now.,What is he doing now?,He is dancing.,当我们描述一个正在发生的动作时要用 现在进行时 (present continuous tense),结构,(左膀)beVing(右臂),go - going do - doing watch - watching wait - waiting eat - eating clean - cleaning read - readin

6、g talk - talking zx/xk,动词现在分词一览表,write - writing take - taking have - having make - making come - coming skate - skating dance - dancing leave - leaving practise - practising,动词现在分词一览表,shop - shopping cut - cutting stop - stopping put - putting get - getting begin - beginning swim - swimming chat- c

7、hatting plan- planning run- running sit - sitting,动词现在分词一览表,动词ing形式的构成:,1. jump _ 2. ski _ 3. clean _ 4. see _ 5. ride _ 6. make _ 7. take _ 8. love _ 9. stop _ 10. swim _ 11. run _ 12. chat _ 13. play _ 14. stay _ 15. lie _,jumping,skiing,cleaning,seeing,riding,making,taking,loving,stopping,swimmin

8、g,running,chatting,playing,staying,lying,I. 写出下列动词的现在分词。,现在进行时态,表示此时此刻正在进行的动作。 表示现阶段正在进行着的动作。,常见的暗示语: I am doing homework now. Hes dealing with his post at the moment. We are swimming at the moment. Look! They are sitting on the chairs. Listen! Amy is singing in the next room.,II. 根据句子中的时间情境完成动词填空。,

9、1. Its six oclock in the morning. Simon _ (get) up. 2. Look! Some boys _ (make) model planes. 3. The dog _ (lie) on the ground now. 4. At the moment, we _ (listen) to our teacher. 5. Listen, Daniel _ (sing) an English song.,is getting,are making,is lying,are listening,is singing,1. Look! Simon _ (pl

10、ay) football with his friends in the playground. 2. Its 4 oclock in the afternoon. Daniel _ (study) in the classroom.,Finish the exercise at page 97,is playing,is studying,3. Millie _ (write) a letter to her friend about the fashion show.,is writing,4. Sandy is a member of the basketball team. Now s

11、he _ (practise ) with other team members. 5. Where is Amy? Oh, she _ (talk) to her cousin Shirley. They _ (wait) for the school bus. 6. I have dancing lessons. I _ (look) for my dancing shoes.,is practising,is talking,are waiting,am looking,What is he doing?,What are they doing?,Hes riding a bike.,T

12、heyre walking.,Practise,riding,drawing,jumping,swimming,dancing,climbing,playing,What is he / she doing? Hes / Shes ,working,What are they doing?,They are running.,Are they writing?,No, they arent.,Practise,talk/chat,have a class,read,look for things on the Internet,What are they doing? They are ,Ar

13、e they ? Yes, No, ,Complete the conversation:,Sandy: Hello, Amy. Are you doing your homework now? Amy: No, Im not. My cousin Shirley _ (visit) me. Sandy: Oh, really? What _ she _ (do) now? Amy: Well, she _ (play) a computer game.,is visiting,doing,is playing,is,课本练习,Sandy: _ you _ (play) with her no

14、w? Amy: No, Im not. I _ on the bed and _ (watch) TV. Sandy: What _ your parents _ (do)? Amy: They _ in the kitchen.,Are,playing,am lying,watching,are doing,are cooking,Ask and answer,What are they doing?,Simon _ at some football cards.,Kitty and Sandy _ ice creams.,is looking,are eating,What are they doing?,Millie _ for her new shoes.,is paying,Daniel _ computer games.,is playing,What are they doing?,I _ lots of shopping bags.,am carrying,We _ some cold drinks.,are having,Wri


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