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1、镇成立由镇委书记孙广东任组长,镇委副书记、镇长任副组长,镇直相关部门主要领导为成员的意识形态工作领导小组,统筹协调全镇意识形态工作Unit 3 Tomorrow worldTaskWriting a proposalTeaching Aims:1. Help students to learn how to distinguishing between facts and opinions, asking for information, write formally.2. Learn to complete a note, to find more about the computer ro

2、om.3. Learn to write a proposal for a computer room.Teaching Important and Difficult Points:1. Improve students listening, reading, speaking, and writing ability2. How to complete a note sheet.3. How to interview someone.4. Learn to write a formal proposal.Teaching Approaches:Description, explanatio

3、n and practiceTeaching Aids: Multimedia, a record and a blackboard Teaching Procedures:Skills building 1:1. Show some pictures to help students to understand the definition of facts and opinions.A fact is a piece of information that is proved to be true.Facts can tell us numbers, names, places and e

4、vents.An opinion is a feeling or belief that is not certain or proved.People may start the sentences with:In my opinion,I (dont) believe / think (that) It seems (that) / looks like 2. Read some sentences to tell whether they are facts or opinions.1).China has a total land area of over 9.6 million km

5、2. Fact 2).On 15th October 2003, China sent its first astronaut into space. Fact 3).I believe our painting is worth quite a lot of money. Opinion 4).Suzhou is over 80 km away from Shanghai. Fact 5).It seems that people prefer living in urban areas. Opinion 6).I think that you should find a secure jo

6、b. Opinion 7).Mr. Wang came home to find his computer broken. Fact 3. Have students listen to the tape and fine Part B.Step 1 completing a note sheetRead a letter concerning problems with the school computer room. And try to complete a note sheet.Name of student: class: Date of visit to computer roo

7、m:Computer number:Problems with computer:Other problems:Suggestion:Skills building 2: asking for information1. Lead-inWe have known much about the computer room from the letter. Do you want to know more information about it? And how?2.Let them know what information they should know and what question

8、s they should ask questions, when they interview someone?Information:1) Usual time for doing a particular activity2) How often or much it is done3) Reasons for doing it4) Problems found when doing it.5) Suggestion for improving thingsQuestions When/what time do you usually ?How often do you ?How man

9、y times a week/a month/ do you?For what reason(s) do you ?What problem(s) have you got when you?What do you think can be done to solve the problem(s)?3. Complete the questions according to the answers. _ do you usually go to your local cinema to watch a film? When I usually go on Saturday evenings.

10、_ do you go there to watch a film? How oftenI go there twice a month. _ do you think so many people would like RealCine? Why Lots of people would like RealCine because they can experience something that they might never experience in real life. _ problem(s) do you think RealCine could have? What Tic

11、kets for this kind of experience might be too expensive. _ do you think can be done to solve this problem? What I think better and newer computer technology can be used to reduce the cost of making virtual reality programs.Step 2: finding out about the computer room1. Part A Listen to an interview a

12、nd complete the interview formInterview form Usual time of use How often it is used Reasons for use Problems found Suggestions for improving the computer room2. Part B Interview someone using the questions and vocabulary on Page55 (pair work)Skills building 3: formal writing1. A business proposal, a

13、 report or a letter to a stranger: the style is formal and businesslike.2. Read the general rules:Always be polite.Be very serious.Use formal greetings and endings.Use titles and surnames.Use Dear Sir/Madam if you dont know the persons nameDo not be personalDo not tell jokes or try to be funny.Do no

14、t use contractions.Do not use slang3. Read some sentences to tell whether they are formal or Casual.1) .Im sure youll agree itd be really cool to buy some more computers. Casual2). Dear Sir/Madam Formal3). When the book fell off the bookshelf and hit him on the head, I laughed until I cried! Casual 4). Thank you for your time. Formal5).Im sure the teacher wont mind you using the computer. Formal6). I would like to suggest that we buy some new equipment for the computer room. Formal7) So nice to hear from you again, Geoffrey.


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