2018秋八年级(安徽)英语人教版上册课件:unit 1 第一课时x

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1、Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?第一课时Section A (ia-2d) .根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写。1. The school trip was w (精彩的). We had great fun.一Did your sister go out with a (任何人)?一Yes,she went out with Julie,.Ttook quite af (很少) phetos at the Happy Valley(欢乐谷),.He stayed at homem 天多数) of the time pecause of the

2、rain。.一Did they find the book?一No,they didnt find it a (在任何地方),业 iDcn 工.单项选择。 )1LIdidnt go to Beijing vacation. 1 stayed home. A, for;in B. oni;at C,.on;in D.in;at( )2.Dont let it【考点 2】A.anyone know 了B,.someone knowC,anyone to know D. Someone to know( )3.(2016一2017, 重阳市八上期未五校联考)一You look sad, Kate.一

3、Yeah,I made mistakes in my exam.A.a little B.little C.a few D. few(中.一Did you gm ? 一Yeswe went to Hong Kong【考点5】 A. Somewhere interesting B. anywhere interestingC.interesting Somewhere D.interesting anywhere)5. the students go to school by bike,【考点 6A. Most B.Some C.Few D. Most of( )6.(2016 安徽中考)一Ni

4、ce to meet you Mr. Green. Fm Sandy andthis is Brad ,Ken and Emily. A.See you later B. Youre welcomeC. Pleased to meet yeu all D. You have a point there开.根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。1.“你去哪里度假了?”“我去了海滩。中考点 1】一Where you on ?一I went to to the2. “你买了什么 续别的宗 西四?风是的, 我 买了一 块手表。 ”一Did you buyD 一Yes, bousght a watch.3.上星期六我去看望了我的叔叔。工 my uncle二. 好久不见。【考点 3 Ne AT人Long timenosee) 网5.我没有去山里。我去打排球了。I _ to the mountains,工


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