2018秋人教版(通用版)八年级英语上册习题课件:unit 6 综合阅读提升练

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《2018秋人教版(通用版)八年级英语上册习题课件:unit 6 综合阅读提升练》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018秋人教版(通用版)八年级英语上册习题课件:unit 6 综合阅读提升练(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 Im going to study computer Science,Self Check综合阅读提升练,完形填空。Alan is a 14-yearold middle school student, He1 some New Years resolutions yesterday,He wants to keep 2 ,So heis going to exercise moreand eat a lot of healthier food, He 3 junk food, He is going to 4 the soccer team becausehe likes it

2、 and he is also good at playing 5 ,He )1.A.had 了B.madeC,did .expeeted( )2.A.fat B. youngC,old D. healthy( )3.A,.didmt eat B.is going to eatCisnt going to eat D.eats( )4.A.take B.make C.look D.decide )S.A, basketball 了B. volleyball(CSoccer D, baseballalso wants to improve his 6 ,Heis going toread Eng

3、lish every morning. He is going to 7 apen friend in England or Australia, And he is going (人(to write emails in Englishn 8 his pen friend,)6.A, Chinese B, EnglishC,Japanese D.French)7.A,find B,.sendC,lose D. discuss)8.A, with 了B.in C,on D.to9 he grows upyhe is going to be a doctor forchildren. He wa

4、nts to help sick children, He isgoing to a medical school. He is going to workhard. He loves_children and_he think 10children will be wonderful, ( )9.A. Where B,. When C.Why D. What( )10.A,shouting to B. looking likeC.thinking of D. caring for工,阅读理解。We all know that old people should stay athome to

5、relax, However, English government hasSuggested that people in their Sixties should go touniversity to retrain ,because they will work longerbefore they retire(退休),“Older workers can keep their jobs by havingclasses to imnprove 人旭heir skils ”said DavidWilletts ,the higher education minister,David Wi

6、lletts also said that 证 the country wantedto have a go0od futureyit would depend on the skills andcontributions( 贡献) of old workers,One in four people will be older than 65 by2033 训 England.“If more people domt work forlonger, the aging population will give a heavierburden on taxpayers, Economists S

7、aid,Mr, Willetts said the classes in the universityWere g00d for old people and they could learn a lotfrom them,“Education is not Only for youniger people,”David Willetts said,“There will be people of allages Who will want to study, There is great value(价值) in lifelong learning,”( )1LAs for persons

8、in their sixties,FEnglishgovernment thinks A.they should stay at home to relaxB. they Should work even harderC,they should leam more skills by themselvesD. they shoald retrain 诅 Uniyersities( )2. What do older people improve their skillsto do?A. To keep their jobs,B,. To live longer,C, To change the

9、ir lifestyles,D. To See more education ministers,( )3, What do economists think about the agingpopulation?A, Its g0od for younger people,B, It makes tax hard 这 more people dontWOrk,C.ItS good for older people,D. It improves the taxpayers a lot,( )4. What does Mr. Willetts think of education?A, Older people donmt need to receivefurther education,B, Older people cant do well in learningnew Skills,C.Its helpful in lifelong learning,D.Its only right for younger pe0ple,



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