2018秋人教版(武汉)八年级英语上册习题课件:unit 5 第四课时x

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1、第四课时 Section B (2a一3b)工, 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。 |Suecess ,lucky,enjoy,dovsimple1. Ma Yun becomes one of the most businessmen in China now,2. The actors al agood job in the TV play Im the Nane of People(人民的名义), 3.0nce you like doing somethjng,you will think it 交 fhing,4. Theres something in the book, Ilove

2、it S. The boy was ,He lost his arm in the earthquake(地震),工, 选择填空。( )1.Mo Yanis his novels(小说),A.famous as 了B. famous for C,good for )2.一Itseems that you like talking with Jenny。一Yeah. We always have topics(话题 to talk about,A,create B.common C.simpleD.good at了D.serious( )3.一Do you know why Mr,Qin is

3、not here? lts already 10 oclock,一He womt come today, Ptake his place the park.A,cleaning B.clean C,to clean D.cleans( )4.Linda felt unhapDpy because She her best friend today。A, found 了,kept C,lost 了D,took JS.Elephants are the of Thailand,A.symbol B,.culture C,art D.history开, 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1, 哈珀,李

4、的新书(守望之心)于 2017 年初出版。Harper Lees new book Go Set a Waicjnaan atthe beginning of 2017,2. 老师说我们都做得不错。The teacher said we all3.在20 世纪 30 年代,他创作了 87 部米奇的卡通片。he made 37 carlouns With Mickey.4成功的主要原因之一是大家一起努力。Oneofthe for the success i that everyone works hard together.5. 他总是乐于尽他最大努力。He always try his bes

5、t, 机.词与短语选择填空。仔细阅读下面五个句子,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结构,句义和遇辑上正确。(提示:选项中有一个是多余的。) main,appeared,dressed up, becameyreadyysimple 1 After leaving School ,Bruce a 2500d doctor, 2. When | was 19 hayve Preakfast;may friend Tom came,3.The little girls like small angels(天使),4.The idea of the pasSage is to Sav

6、e the environment,S$,A woman at the end of the road,.阅读理解填词。先阅读短文,再在其后空白处写出各单词的正确形式。单词的第一个字母已给出。Roman Holiday人罗马假日)is an old American m 1 .1tmainly tells Pri3ss Anms life in Rome with Joe.Them 2 actressis Hepburn,She plays ther of the princess, In Romeyshe feels Very sad because she canmts 4 her bor

7、ing life Her doctorg Sher some medicine(药) to help her sleep, Howevershee 6 toleave her palace皇宫) and she suceeeds, She is Very excited, She can do anything as c 7 peopledo. But quickly she goes to sleep on a bench(长椅) because of the medicine she takes,On Joes way back home ii finds Ner HE wails tos

8、eng her honieyhut for ner 8 she nothing about where she lives, Then Joe takes her to his home, Next day,Joe finds that the girl is the princess from thenewspaper, Then hep 9 to get Some money from her and becomer 10 ,But after spending a day with heryhe changes his mind, lt is a very interesting and funny 任Im.2 8 二 8 有 10.on


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