2018年秋人教版八年级英语上册习题课件:unit 6 第一课时

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1、Unit 6 FTm going to study computer Science,第一课时 。z Section A(1a-2d)一practice 的用法作动词,意为“练习”,后接名词或动名词EGGgj(作不可效各半,直为“实路; 练习 ( “) makes perfect(熟能生巧),A,. Practice 了B, PromiseC, Program D. Plan( “ )2. Keep English and Im sure you willpass the test,A, practice Speaking B, practice to SpeakC,practicing Sp

2、eak 了D. practicing speaking二,sure 的用法 SUITe besureofjabout“对有把握” 作形容词, make sure+that从句“确保”意为“确信besureto dosth.“务必/一定要做革寻的; 肯定的”一人Jesisabai愉多“肯定5; 有把握”主名的主语一定是人 作副词,意为“当然”,表示赞同,相当于ofcoursa 1,一一你能帮我把书放到书柜里吗?一 当 然 可 以 0一 yotlhep ie put tte books 记 the bookcase?2. 一定要照顾好你自己。take go00d care of yourself,

3、3, 当你离开房间时,要确保关掉灯。that you turn off the lights when you leave the room,4.我对这次考试很有把握。TPm the test,工,单项填空。(省,(2017一2018 ,河源市正德中学第二次月考)一What are you going to be when you grow up?一Pm going tobhea ,Flying in the sky is my dream.A, driver B,. cook C,pianist D,. pilot(2.Ginas fatherisa ,andhealways dinner

4、for ws,A, cookicooks B. cook :cook C, cooksicook 了D. cooksicooks(3.Li Ming is so careful ihat Je alWays Jo0ks over jis humevork io of no mistakes(错误),A,.make sure B.find out C,think of D.look out( )4There atalkshowonCCTV3atg this evening.A.is going to have B.is going to be C,have D, are going to be)

5、5. He is going to practice basketball every day,A. play B.to play C.playing D. plays)6. Linda is going to anart teacher when she up.A. do;grow B. do;grows C.beigrow D. be;grows)7.Iwanttobe engineer and my brother wantstobe violinist,A.aian B.sn;an C.an;a D.ai;a)8.一How are yoa going to 5ecome a tenai

6、s player?一Well,Tm going to keep on tennis,A.practice B. practicing C,to practice D. practiced)9. Dave really likes driving, I think being a is just right for him.A. doctor B.teacher C.farmer D. driver工.根据句意及首字母提示写出正确的单词。1,.Mom isnt in and I have to c meals for myself this week,2,Jane oftenp playing

7、the piano on weekends,3,.My mother sa4 .She works in abig hospitsl,4,.Jacks father is a P_ he often flies to different places in the world,S$, Peter is going to be an e ,He studies math really hard, 亚,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Mr, Greenisa (piano).He plays the piano very well,2.James is going tobea (violin) when he grows up,3. MY brother wants to be a computer (program) ,4.一What does YoUr father do07一Heisa (drive),.一Do you know the Science)? 一Yes, He is Yuan Longping,


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