2018届鲁教版(五四学制)九年级英语上册教案unit 6 section a 3a-3c

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1、临 淄 一 中 课 时 备 课主备人:李立君 审核人:课 题 Unit 6 Section A 3a-3c课 型New案序2教学用具Tape recoeder教学方法Five-step教学目标知识与能力:To learn the useful expressions. To practise using the useful expressions.过程与方法:To learn to talk about the feeling.情感态度和价值观:To try to think hard.重点难点To learn to use the useful expressions.教 学 过 程Ste

2、p I. Review1) 一直等她让我很生气。2) 我宁愿待在家里也不愿去公园。3) 为什么不去看电影呢?4) 汶川在2008年发生了一场大地震。5) 我们在一起越多,我们就越开心。Step II. Free talkWhat can make you happy?Step III. Reading来源:gkstk.Com1. 3a Read the story and answer the questions.来源:学优高考网1) Can medicine help the ill king? Why or why not?2) Why does power not make the pr

3、ime minister happy?来源:学优高考网gkstk3) Why does money not make the banker happy?4) Why does fame not make the singer happy?2. 3b Find words or phrases from the story with meanings similar to these phrases.1) did not want to eat _2) was asked to come and help _3) look carefully at _4) becoming less impor

4、tant _5) get my job _3. 3c Role-play the story with your group.Step IV. Language points.1. He slept badly and didnt feel like eating. 他的睡眠很糟糕,他也不想吃东西。 feel like doing 想做某事 e.g. I feel like having a drink. 我想喝点酒。2. His face was always pale as chalk. 他总是面色苍白。 (as) pale as chalk是一种明喻修辞结构,虽然英语把苍白比作chalk(白垩,一种白色石灰岩),但汉语不可真译,相当于我们说的“惨白;苍白”。 e.g. You look as pale as chalk today. Whats wrong? 今天你看着面色苍白,哪里不舒服?Step V. Homework1. 我今天不想打篮球。2. 她的爸爸和妈妈都不喜欢看足球。3. 父母总是很担心我们的学习。4. 学生们应该学好英语,这很重要。5. 一个星期后他会去北京。来源:gkstk.Com板书设计反思重建来源:gkstk.Com



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