2017-2018学年七年级英语下册(人教版)课件:unit 7 section b(2a~2c)(67)

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2017-2018学年七年级英语下册(人教版)课件:unit 7 section b(2a~2c)(67)_第1页
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《2017-2018学年七年级英语下册(人教版)课件:unit 7 section b(2a~2c)(67)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2018学年七年级英语下册(人教版)课件:unit 7 section b(2a~2c)(67)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

,Section B(2a2c),1.熟练读出并能写出本课的重点单词和短语。 2.阅读有关谈论活动的文章并完成练习。,任务一 看图回答问题 仔细观察2a的图片,然后两人一小组讨论完成下面的问题。 1.Hows the weather? 2.What are the people doing? 任务二 阅读理解 仔细阅读2b,回答下面的问题。 1. Where is Su Lin s aunt? 2. How is the weather in Canada? 3. How is the weather in Europe?,In Canada.,Warm and sunny.,Cool and cloudy.,打电话用语 Hello / Hi! 你好! This is / It s .我是 Who s that?你是谁呀? Is . at home?在家吗? This is . speaking. 我是 How s it going?最近怎么样? Oh, he / she is not here.哦,他/她不在家。 Can I take a message for you? 我能给你捎个口信吗? Could you tell him / her to call me back? 你能让他/她给我回电话吗?,


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