高中英语 module 3 body language and non-verbal communication单元加餐练(一)-(二)外研版必修4

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《高中英语 module 3 body language and non-verbal communication单元加餐练(一)-(二)外研版必修4》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 module 3 body language and non-verbal communication单元加餐练(一)-(二)外研版必修4(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、安全教育学习是提高员工安全防范意识的重要措施。“百日安全活动”开展以来,保卫部从自身着手对本部门所有员工开展集中安全教育培训Module 3 单元加餐练(一) 完形阅读组合练.完形填空When I was in my teens, I knew my mother had problems seeing. Although she had a white cane (拐杖), she _1_ to use my sister and me as sighted guides. We were often _2_ by other kids and often I found myself _3

2、_ why me.When I reached my sixteenth year, I started having sight problems _4_ my own. As I struggled with my impending (即将发生的) sight loss, I gained a new and better _5_ of my mother. As a single parent she did things I used to consider _6_, but now I understand. For example, _7_ my sister went out,

3、 I had to stay home to help my mom. She _8_ to be alone.As the years passed and I became a parent, my sight _9_, but I refused to believe that I would go _10_. It wasnt until my oldest son _11_ the same illness and needed my support that I accepted my _12_.Since then I have been actively using the _

4、13_ of the CNIB (Canadian National Institute of the Blind). I now use a white cane and I carry a card showing I am a registered _14_ blind person. Without the services of the CNIB. I feel I wouldnt have had the _15_ to do the things for myself that keep me independent.Having the love and support fro

5、m my husband and children has _16_ my determination and independence. It has allowed me to pursue my love of writing and to make a _17_ for myself. I am very _18_ for it.Going blind is an awful affair, _19_ with love and support you can find your inner _20_ and overcome it.语篇解读:这是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者主要介绍了自己的母

6、亲看不见,自己也看不见,作者理解了自己的母亲,尽管自己看不见。作者拥有来自丈夫和孩子的爱和支持,作者就拥有了自己的事业。拥有爱和支持,你会发现你内在的力量,并支持你战胜所有的困难。1A.hatedBpreferredCstopped Dbegan解析:选Bhated厌恶;preferred更喜欢;stopped停止;began开始。根据前文的although可知母亲偏爱让我们做她的向导。故选B。2A.made fun of Blooked up toCknocked down Dcheered up解析:选Amade fun of取笑;looked up to尊敬;knocked down撞倒

7、;cheered up 欢呼。根据前文母亲是看不见和下文的“other kids”应该是作者和姐姐经常被人取笑。故选A。3A.wandering BwonderingCdiscussing Dtelling解析:选Bwandering闲逛;wondering疑惑;discussing讨论;telling告诉。根据语意:我常常想,为什么要捉弄我呢?故选B。4A.in BforCon Dof解析:选Din在以里;for为了,因为;on在之上;of的。of ones own某人自己的。我快十六岁的那一年,我也开始有我自己的视力问题了。故选D。5A.understanding BviewClook D

8、point解析:选Aunderstanding理解;view观点;look看;point要点。“当我和即将失去视力相抗争的时候,我才开始对我母亲有更深的理解。”故选A。6A.unimportant BnecessaryCunfair Dfavorable解析:选Cunimportant不重要的;necessary必要的;unfair 不公平的;favorable受益的,有好处的。根据下文的but I now understand可知作者过去认为母亲做的不公平的事。故选C。7A.while BifCalthough Dfor解析:选Bwhile在期间;if如果;although尽管,虽然;for

9、为了。比如说,如果我姐姐不在家,我要照顾我的母亲。根据主从句之间的关系判断。故选B。8A.hated BlikedCappreciated Dhesitated解析:选Ahated讨厌;liked喜欢;appreciated欣赏,感激;hesitated犹豫。母亲讨厌独处。故选A。9A.improved BlessenedCdeepened Dworsened解析:选Dimproved改善,提高;lessened减少;deepened加深;worsened使更坏。根据前文作者也有了视力问题,此处是作者的视力更糟了。故选D。10A.deaf BdumbCblind Dlame解析:选Cdeaf聋

10、的;dumb哑的;blind看不见的;lame瘸的。根据前文作者的视力更糟了判断要变成盲人了。go blind变得看不见的。故选C。11A.developed BinfectedCbecame Dformed解析:选Adeveloped发展,养成;infected感染;became变成;formed组成。“是直到我的大儿子也患有这种疾病,需要我的关爱的时候,我才开始接受这个事实。”develop an illness患病。故选A。12A.situation BdifficultyCcondition Ddecision解析:选Csituation环境;difficulty困难;conditio

11、n条件,状况,现实;decision决定。作者原来不相信自己也会和母亲一样,直到作者的大儿子也出现同样的问题,作者才接受自己变瞎的事实。故选C。13A.help BservicesCsupport Dsuggestion解析:选Bhelp 帮助;services服务;support支持;suggestion建议。从那时起,积极配合接受加拿大全国盲人协会的服务(治疗)。根据下文的services判断选B。14A.carefully BrudelyCfrankly Dlegally解析:选Dcarefully认真地;rudely粗鲁地;frankly坦率地;legally合法地。现在,我也在使用一

12、根白色手杖,并且带有一个牌子,表明我已经成为一名注册了的合法的盲人。故选D。15A.opportunities BluckCability Dambition解析:选Aopportunities机会;luck运气;ability能力;ambition雄心。根据前文的“without the services”可知这里是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,我感觉我就没有机会。故选A。16A.won BachievedCstrengthened Dsolved解析:选Cwon 赢得;achieved成功;strengthened加强;solved解决。根据该句的主语“Having the love and

13、support from my husband and children”可知作者拥有来自丈夫和孩子的爱,这加强了作者的决心和独立。“拥有丈夫和孩子们的爱和支持强化了我的决心和独立意识”。故选C。17A.plan BcareerCpromise Dmistake解析:选Bplan计划;career职业;promise诺言;mistake错误。“它让我继续追求我挚爱的写作,并创造属于自己的事业”。make a career for oneself创造属于自己的事业。故选B。18A.sorry BhelpfulCgrateful Duseful解析:选Csorry对不起;helpful有帮助的;g

14、rateful感激的;useful有用的。根据前文作者享受来自丈夫和孩子的爱,应是心中充满感激。故选C。19A.and BsoCthus Dbut解析:选Dand和;so所以;thus这样;but但是。空格前后分句是转折关系,故选D。20A.strength BenergyCforce Dweakness解析:选Astrength力量,优势;energy能量,精力;force武力,外力;weakness弱点。“拥有爱和支持,你会发现你内在的力量,并支持你战胜所有的困难”。故选A。.阅读理解Small talk is truly an art form. While most people th

15、ink making small talk just means talking about the weather, sports, or other neutral (中性的) topics, it actually can be just about anything. And can be quite powerful for building attraction if done right.While talking with women, please keep the following in mind:1Create Multiple_Conversation_ThreadsSmall talk becomes awkward (尴尬的) when the two of you begin to sense that you have nothing to talk ab


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