高中英语 module 1 basketball 课时跟踪练(二)introduction & reading-language points 外研版选修7

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1、安全教育学习是提高员工安全防范意识的重要措施。“百日安全活动”开展以来,保卫部从自身着手对本部门所有员工开展集中安全教育培训Module 1 课时跟踪练(二) Introduction & Reading Language Points一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1They are trying to tell you that you are skillful and talented (有才能的) enough to make it.2The main source of studentsmotivation (动力) is how much they value what th

2、ey are learning in school.3In addition to a diet, she pursues various (各种各样的) exercises on TV.4In case she comes back, let me know immediately (立即)5The recognition you have received is well deserved (值得)6He wins the Nobel Prize for his outstanding (杰出的) contribution to physics. 7We must conserve our

3、 forests and woodlands for future generations (代). 8These gifts made by hand are valued (有价值的) more than the ones bought in stores.9It took us an entire (整个的) week to finish painting the home. 10How much is your _average (平均) personal monthly income of the recent 12 months.单句改错1Let us respond.Let us

4、 rise as one man in the defence of our motherland.去掉the2His mother was ill, so he must attend her. attend后加to3If we have finished our work, there is no point staying any longer. point后加in4The old doctor deserved be honoured for a lifetime of unselfish work. be前加to5I would be the last to attempting t

5、o answer the question. attemptingattempt6Above average, Mr. Kelly works out four days a week for at least an hour at a time. AboveOn.选词填空at one point, without doubt, above the average, in the history of, grow up, hold up 1Toms maths is above_the_average in class, but his English is below the average

6、. 2Children must be educated to serve their country when they grow_up. 3That playwright have a high place in_the_history_of American literature.4He is without_doubt the cleverest student Ive ever taught.5The train was held_up for one hour by the accident. 6At_one_point,_there were some famous educat

7、ors, such as Confucius in China.课文语法填空Michael Jordan was born in New York and grew 1.up in North Carolina. He 2.attended (attend) the University of North Carolina for a year and then joined the Chicago Bulls. In 1987, Jordan became only the second player 3.to_score (score) over 3,000 points in a sea

8、son. With him, the Bulls won their first NBA championship in 1991 and again in 1992 and 1993. Jordan surprised everyone 4.when he retired before the 19931994 season, but he rejoined the Chicago Bulls and won three 5.more/other championships from 1996 to 1998. 6.Wearing (wear) his famous number 23 sh

9、irt, Michael Jordan became the most successful basketball player in 7.the history of the game. He 8.was_named (name) the most valued player five times. 9.Off the basketball court, Michael Jordan opened his own steak restaurant because he loves steak so much. He also found 10.success (succeed) as an

10、actor in the film Space Jam.串点成篇微表达汤姆是个杰出的(outstanding)男孩,不仅功课学得不错而且乐于助人。他早晨7:30上学 (attend school),在学校他努力学习各门功课。每一次考试,他分数很高,平均为 (with an average of) 90分。一天,在上学的路上他看见一位老人躺在地上并立刻 (immediate) 采取行动将其送往医院。在医生的帮助下,老人好多了。校长得知这件事后,表扬了汤姆。毫无疑问 (there is no doubt that) 汤姆值得 (deserve) 表扬。Tom_is_an_outstanding_b


12、on_to_send_him_to_the_hospital.With_the_doctors_help,_the_old_man_was_better.When_the_headmaster_heard_of_it,_he_praised_Tom.There_is_no_doubt_that_Tom_deserves_to_be_praised/praising.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空When I was at my lowest point in life, I never would have guessed that after all the unhappiness

13、 I faced, I would eventually be able to have a successful career and business. When I look _1_ now, I can see clearly that there was _2_ one, simple step that I failed to take. I _3_ to craft (精巧地制作) a satisfying and successful career. Depressed and _4_, I thought to myself, “Maybe its just me maybe

14、 Ill just never find _5_ happiness.”Finally, after years _6_ in that depression, I decided that I wouldnt allow it to _7_ there. I decided to take a completely new kind of _8_, I allowed myself this time to dream as _9_ as possible. I committed (承诺) myself to the _10_ that no matter how strange and

15、crazy my dream _11_, or what Id have to give up, Id believe _12_ it, and Id go for it with _13_ I ve got. That was the simple step that turned everything _14_: to believe in what I was capable of and the impact I could _15_ to focus not on what I had been, but on what I could be. Now, with every single training program I deliver, I emphasize this one key message: that you are capable of much more than you can even _16_ at, but you cant bring into _17_ that shining new identity (身份) until you allow yourself to believe in what you cant see. Im



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