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1、MODAL VERBS,-情态动词,1. Jim _ sing very well. 2. Hello, _ I speak to Jim? 3. He listened, but he _ hear nothing. 4. We are students. We _ work hard. 5. _ I come in? 6. You _ talk in class.,can,can? may? must? could? might ?,can/could/may,could,must,May,mustnt,There must be some mistakes. She cant be En

2、glish. Ask Jim. He may know the answer.,must,cant,may,must,be certain,may/might/could,be not certain; be possible,cant,be impossible,Work something out!,Whats this?,It must be.,Can it be.,What kind of ball?,It may/might could be.,Whats this?,. might/may/could .,Who can it be?,It may/might/ could be.

3、,Whats in the box?,There may/ might/ could be .,Chocolate,What do they do?,He must be a .,Policeman Postman Waiter Boss,Discussion,Where are they from?,He/She must be from/come from,He/She may/might be from/come from,Discussion,What can it be?,-Can it be a. -No, it cant be a I think it (Yes, maybe.)

4、,What are they going to do?,He/She/They may/might/could.,Discussion,can和 could,1表示“能力”I can swim , but my sister cant.,2表示“许可”、“请求” Can I go with you ? (请求) Father said I could go to cinema. (表示过去的许可) You cannot smoke in the meeting room. (cannot 表示“禁止”) Could I use your phone?Yes, of course you can

5、.肯定回答,不能用could ,一般是Yes, please. Thanks.,3“猜测”(主要用于否定句和疑问句): He cant be at home. (否定句) Can the news be true ? (疑问句),may 和might,1表示“许可” You may take a walk. Students may not make noise in the library. (may not 表示不许可或禁止) May I come in? 否定回答No, you mustnt. /cannot. 也可以 may not 肯定回答sure, certainly, of co

6、urse,Might I trouble you for a light? “You may indeed.“,2.表示“事实上的可能性“ It may rain tomorrow. (表示可能会发生),1.表示“必须”、“务必”: We must obey orders. Must I pay now ? 肯定回答 Yes, you must 否定回答 No, you neednt 或 No, you dont have to,2.表示“预测” (必定,必会) 一般用于肯定 句。可用于否定一般疑问句。 There must be a mistake. Mustnt there be anot

7、her reason for his behavior?,must,must may/might/could cant/couldnt,do,be doing have done,What are they doing?, must.,?,What is Ms Wang doing now?,It must have rained last night.,How did Tom reach the cake?,He must have used a chair.,What is the house for?,Discussion,Where are they?,Discussion,Homework: Finish Ex in your exercise book. Finish Ex. in your workbook.,THE END,


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