高考英语二轮复习 第四部分 阅读表达 专题二十 解释画线单词或句子意思课件

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《高考英语二轮复习 第四部分 阅读表达 专题二十 解释画线单词或句子意思课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语二轮复习 第四部分 阅读表达 专题二十 解释画线单词或句子意思课件(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题二十 解释画线单词或句子意思,-2-,考情概览 此题要求考生结合主旨大意、整合上下文语境信息进行猜测,还要利用同义或者反义关系、构词法和语篇文脉关系等理解生词,猜测其含义。有些题目需要在较大的上下文范围甚至理解整个语篇的基础上进行猜测判断,以此考查考生根据上下文理解词汇或者句子含义的能力。考查形式为解释某个画线词、短语或者句子的含义。,-3-,1.根据上下文理解句子含义 (2017天津卷) In the years of my growing up,Dad was strict with me.He made sure I made my bed and did my homework.H

2、e would call in advance to make sure there was no alcohol at the party.I got so angry with him for laying down the law.I would scream,“ I hate you!” Dad would yell back,“Good!I dont care!” Deep down I knew he did. One time at a party,I drank too much alcohol and got so sick.I said,“ Call my dad.” Ne

3、xt thing,Dad was carrying me to the car.I woke up the next morning,thinking I would definitely be criticised.As expected,I got a roasting,but I now understand why I needed discipline.,-4-,Dad was 29 when he got his big roles in films.I had an early start at the age of nine with a role in a 1990s TV

4、series,but it wasnt until I finished film studies that I pursued my career as an actress.Like those early days for Dad,I faced lots of rejections.Working in such a competitive industry,Ive sometimes thought,“ I cant do this any more.” Once,after a trip to Hollywood,I returned to Australia so depress

5、ed and spent months in my bedroom painting,listening to Eckhart Tolles music and trying to find myself again.Dad sat me down and said,“Alice,I know its hard,but its all about persistence(坚持不懈).”,-5-,Now I get to work with Dad a lot,which I love.We are both passionate about acting,which comes from us

6、 being so interested in people.If it werent for Dad,I wouldnt be where I am today.Hes my biggest fan,and when you have that in your life you can go a long way. 57.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 mean?(no more than 5 words) I got/was criticized/scolded. 由画线部分所在句子前的“thinking I would defin

7、itely be criticised”及“As expected”可知,作者如自己所预想的那样遭到了父亲的批评/责骂。,-6-,2.根据定义猜测词义 通过词汇后面给出的定义、同位语从句或同位语词组、定语从句等来确定词义。如果生词在文中直接被句子或段落解释,理解句子或段落本身就能推断出词义;构成同位关系的两部分之间多用逗号连接,有时也使用破折号、冒号和括号等;定语从句在文中起着解释和说明的作用,据此我们可以推断出所修饰词的含义。,-7-,【典例分析】 . The job was strenuousshe could get to the end of a page,make a mistake

8、 on the last line,and have to do the whole thing again.For a number of years,Low also worked in the CNIB sound studio reading books onto tape.Three years ago,she took up proofreading(校对) at the CNIBs word factory. What does the underlined word “strenuous” most probably mean?(1 word) _ Difficult/Hard

9、/Tiring/Tough. 根据破折号后面的“she could get to the end of a page,make a mistake on the last line,and have to do the whole thing again”可知,她可能进行到每页的结尾了,但最后一行出了错误,那么她就不得不重新做一遍。由此可知,这项工作非常难,而且让人疲劳。,-8-,3.根据逻辑关系猜测词义 在一个句子或段落中,有时会对两个事物或现象进行对比或类比性的描述,我们可以根据生词的反义词或同义词来猜测其意义。英语中表示对比关系的词(组)主要有unlike,not,but,however

10、,despite,in spite of,in contrast和while引导的并列句等;表示类比关系的词(组)主要有similarly,like,also,as well等。 在句子或段落中,若两个事物、现象之间构成因果关系、替代关系等,我们可以根据这些逻辑关系推知生词的词义。,-9-,【典例分析】 Born in 1949,Diana Nyad took an early interest in swimming as a sport and was a Florida State High School swimming champion.Like many young athlete

11、s,she had Olympic dreams,but a serious illness kept her from competing in the Games.The disappointment didnt stop her from going forward.Instead,she became interested in marathon swimming.A brilliant athlete,she was well-conditioned for spending long periods of time in the water.As a long-distance s

12、wimmer,she would compete against herself and the obstacles presented by distance,danger,cold,and exhaustion. . What does the underlined word “obstacles” mean?(1 word) _ Difficulties/Problems/Trouble(s)/Challenges. 根据后面的“by distance,danger,cold,and exhaustion”可知,obstacle 意为“困难,障碍”。,-10-,4.根据上下文及生活常识猜

13、测词义 我们可以根据文中与生词密切相关的句子,对生词进行合情合理且合乎上下文语境的推测,也可以根据生词后举出的有关例子进行适当归纳,猜测生词的词义。有时仅靠分析篇章内在逻辑关系无法猜出词义,这时就需要运用生活经验和常识确定词义。,-11-,【典例分析】 . People often ask me why we go to faraway places like Mars.My answer is simple:because were curious.We human beings do not just hole up in one place.We are constantly wonde

14、ring and trying to find out whats over the hill and beyond the horizon. What does the underlined phrase“hole up”mean?(1 word) _ Stay/Remain/Live/Hide. 根据后面的“are constantly wondering and trying to find out whats over the hill and beyond the horizon”可知,这里的意思是不能总是待在同一个地方。,-12-,5.借助构词法来猜测词义 英语单词的构成方法主要有

15、三种,即复合法、派生法和转化法。英语单词大多是由词根、词头(前缀)、词尾(后缀)所组成。词根是单词最基本的部分,表达单词的基本含义。在词根前面或后面加上前缀或后缀,可以用来引申或转变原词的意义。只要我们掌握了各种词根、词头、词尾的基本含义,那么就可以很容易地猜测出所构成的新词的含义了。中学英语中常见的前缀和后缀有: super-(超),inter-(在之间),-able(能的),mini-(极少的,微型的),micro-(极微小的),re-(再,反复),co-(共同),post-(后),pre-(前),trans-(超越;转换),under-(在之下;低于;不足),-hood(状态;性质;时期

16、),-ish(如的;有点儿的);-proof(防的;不能穿透的),-scope(镜),-ship(身份;资格;权力;性质);-some(易于的),-wards(向),un-(不;非),in-(不;非),im-(不;非),dis-(不),non-(不;非),-less(不;无),anti-(反;防)。,-13-,A,B,C,(2017天津和平区四模) Be careful what you say around your dog.It might understand more than you think. A border collie named Rico recognizes the n


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