高中英语 每日一题(第02周)每周一测试题(含解析)新人教版必修2

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《高中英语 每日一题(第02周)每周一测试题(含解析)新人教版必修2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 每日一题(第02周)每周一测试题(含解析)新人教版必修2(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、廉政文化是社会主义文化建设的重要组成部分,是在我国五千多年文明历史发展过程中形成的博大精深的中华文化,是中华民族的传统美德每周一测I. 阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AThe Winter Olympics is also called the White Olympics. At this time, many colorful stamps are published to mark the great Games. The first stamps marking the opening came out on January 25, 1932

2、 in the United States for the 3rd White Olympics. From then on, publishing stamps during the White Olympics became a rule.During the 4th Winter Olympic Games a group of stamps were published in Germany in November 1936.The five rings of Olympics were drawn on the front of the sportswear. It was the

3、first time that the rings appeared on the stamps of the White Olympics.In the 1950s, the stamps of this kind became more colorful. When the White Olympics came, the host countries as well as the nonhost countries published stamps to mark those Games. China also published four stamps in February 1980

4、, when the Chinese sportsmen began to take part in the White Olympics.Japan is an Asian country that has ever held the White Olympics. Altogether 14,500 million stamps were sold to raise money for this sports meet.Different kinds of sports were drawn on these small stamps. People can enjoy the beaut

5、y of the wonderful movements of some sportsmen.1. The world made it a rule to publish stamps to mark the great world Games_.A. after the year 1936B. after the 3rd White OlympicsC. before the 3rd White OlympicsD. before the year 19322. The Winter Olympics is held once_.A. every two yearsB. every thre

6、e yearsC. every four yearsD. every five years3. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Only the host countries can publish stamps to mark those Games.B. Only the nonhost countries can publish stamps to mark those Games.C. All the countries can publish stamps to mark those Games.D. Japan cant publish stam

7、ps to mark those Games.4. What may appear on the stamps of the Winter Olympics?A. Basketball. B. Table tennis.C. Football. D. Skating.BThe BBC was founded in 1922, including radio and television services. It is based at Broadcasting House in London.The BBC is controlled by some governors chosen by t

8、he government, but these people have freedom and the government cant interfere(干扰). That is, the BBC is supposed not to be the mouthpiece(代言人) of the government. It has to be as fair as possible in giving radio and television time to, for example, political parties and religious groups.There is a ki

9、nd of interesting service in Britishrental services. Many people prefer to rent their television sets instead of buying them.The rent for a black and white set is about 80 pence a week. The rent of a color set is more than twice that of a black and white set. If the sets go wrong, people can have th

10、em repaired free of charge or replaced immediately.Everyone has to buy a yearly license, since there is no advertising on BBC radio or television. It is from the sale of licenses that the BBC gets most of its money. A license for a black and white set costs 8 pounds, and for a color set 18 pounds a

11、year.There are four special radio channels, which broadcast different kinds of programmes. Radio 1 is mainly pop music. Radio 2 deals with light music, sports and other programmes. Radio 3 broadcasts serious music, talks on serious subjects etc. News broadcasts are mainly given by Radio 4. There are

12、 special programmes for Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and certain parts of England. It also broadcasts programmes about Britain in many different languages as well as in English to all parts of the world.5. The officials in charge of the BBC _.A. must say what the government wants to sayB. shou

13、ld give more time to political parties than to religious groupsC. are elected by the citizens from all over the countryD. can decide things without the permission of the government6. If one wants to watch TV at home, everyone _.A. has to buy a television set of his ownB. must rent a TV setC. has to

14、buy a license once a yearD. can change his damaged TV set for a new one without payment7. How does BBC get most of its money?A. It gets money from all kinds of advertisements.B. The BBC depends on the rent of TV sets.C. The BBC gets money mainly by selling licenses and TV sets.D. It gets its money m

15、ainly by selling licenses.II. 完形填空阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A couple of weeks back, my friend had a yard sale, and she offered to sell some of our stuff for us. I thought it would be a good _1_ to clean my 7yearold sons room and _2_ some toys that he had long outgrown. We agreed that whatever

16、 we _3_ in toys would be his money.The night before the sale, we _4_ up the truck with toys and a little bike that he was now too _5_ for. He had taken the bike for a final spin before we left home but _6_ put it on the truck for the sale. This little bike had had at least 2 previous_7_ that we knew of. I


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