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1、Word-formation,General Remarks Various ways of forming words can be classified on the basis of frequency of usage, into major or minor processes. The major processes are compounding, derivation and conversion.,The minor processes are eight, namely, acronymy, blending, clipping, words from proper nam

2、es, back-formation, reduplication, neo-classical formation and miscellaneous.,The percentage of firmly established new words since World War II,The three major processes of word-formation: a) Compounding or composition (about 27%): raindrop, snow-white, baby-sit; (b) Derivation or affixation (about

3、17.5 %): Prefixation: deescalate(逐步缓和,逐渐降级), antihero(反面主角); Suffixation: hawkish, modernize; (c) Conversion (about 10.5%): bottle (verb), buy (noun). Note that words formed by these processes account for 55% of the new vocabulary.,The eight minor processes of word-formation:,a) Initialisms and acro

4、nyms (about 9%): U. N., TV, UNESCO, NATO; (b) Blending (about 6%): brunch, telex, airtel; (c) Clipping (about 2%): phone, flue, lab; (d) Words from proper names (about 2%): an Uncle Tom, xerox; (e) Back formation (about 1%): gangle(笨拙地移动), vacuumclean; (f) Reduplication (about 0.5%): walkie-talkie,

5、go-go;,(g) Neoclassical formations (about 4%): psychodrama, neurolinguistic; (h) Others (about 3%): pizzazz(时髦派头), gazump(索高价). Words formed by these minor processes account for 26.5% of the new vocabulary. The remaining 18.5% is from borrowing, e.g. discotheque, ombudsman(专门调查官员舞弊情况的政府官员) and many

6、others.,Prefixes modify the lexical meaning of the base, but do not generally change the word-class of the base. e.g. fair-unfair. However, in current English, prefixes do convert words to a different word-class in comparison with their original bases.,e.g. be- adj.-v. becalm, belittle de- n.-v. def

7、orm, debug en- n.-v. enslave, endanger un- n.-v. unleash, unearth anti- n.-adj. anti-war, anti-craft inter- n.-adj. inter-state, inter-laboratory post- n.-adj. postwar, postliberation pre- n.-adj. prewar,preplant,Classification of prefixes:,They can be classified into the following eight categories

8、by their meaning: 1) “negative” prefixes (un-, non-, in-, dis-, a-); 2) “reversative or privative”(“非” “缺”) prefixes (un-, de-, dis-); 3) “pejorative” prefixes (贬损) (mis-, mal-);,4) Prefixes of size or degree (arch-, super-, out-, sub-, over-, under-, hyper-, ultra-, mini-) 5) Prefixes of attitude (

9、co-, counter-, anti-, pro-) 6) “locative” prefixes (super-, sub-, inter-, trans-) 7) Prefixes of time and order (fore-, pre-, post-, ex- re-) 8) “number” prefixes (uni-/mono-, bi-/di-, multi-/poly-),Negative prefixes,a-, an- : lacking of, lacking in; combined with n. or adj. used chiefly learned and

10、 scientific words eg. amoral, asexual, asymmetry, anarchy(无政府状态), aseptic(防腐的), anhydrous(无水的)。,Negative Prefixes,dis-, combining with Adj. Adv. N. and V. eg. dishonest, disjoint, disloyal, disunity, disuse (n.) disbenefit, disambiguate(消除歧义)。,in-, im- (before labials), il-, ir- incomplete, inconsis

11、tent, incorrect, insane, inattention, illiterate, illogical, imbalanced, immortal, irrational, irrelevant Note: less common than un-,Negative-prefixes,a-, an- (used before vowels) dis- in-, il-, im-, ir- non- un- ob- se-, sed-,Prefixation,1 Negative prefix a- Atypical pneumonia refers to pneumonia c

12、aused by certain bacteria. The Queen is an apolitical(不关心政治的) figure. in- / im- / ir- / il- About half the population in the country is still literate. The key to being resistible to men is more about you and less about them.,The encyclopedia provides a comprehensive survey of formal education and l

13、ifelong learning. Given Chinas long history, the new gender balance is something recent. key: illiterate irresistible informal imbalance,? The usage of in- & im-,materialism, mature, measurable patient, partial, passable Balanced accurate, capability, feasible,Immaterialism(非物质论);immature; Immeasura

14、ble Impatient; impartial(无偏见的); impassable Imbalanced inaccurate, incapability, infeasible.,non-,non-black, nonscience, nonbusiness, nonfree (without freedom), nongreen nonperishable, nontrivial, non-U (adj): (BrE.)not of the upper class,New meaning of non-,nonbook: a book which has little literacy

15、or factual information noncandidate: a person who has not announced or is unwilling to announce his candidacy of an office nonhero: antihero: a hero whose character is opposite to traditional one nonperson: a person regarded as non-existent; unperson,Difference : non-, un-,non-: binary (non-gradable

16、) contrast un-: the opposite end of a scale Example: non-scientific: fields other than science unscientific: not scientific,Productive prefix as non-,600 words with the prefix non- in Websters New Collegiate Dictionary, 1977,un- (adj, participles, n.),Unfriendly, uninformative, unwise, unremarked (unnoticed), unassuming (modest), unease, unrest Other meanings of un- unbook: a book bought not to be used but to be given as a pre



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