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1、完型填空 15 语法填空 10 阅读理解 35,信息匹配 5-10 基础写作 15 读写任务 25,高考英语答题时间,注意答题顺序:试卷顺序(先易后难;作文最后) 时间就是分数,时间就是金钱,时间就是前途,120:4 110: 10 100: 16 90: 18 89:23,班平均分: 95.24 级平均分:96.03 理科排 : 13 名,120: 3 110: 10 100: 12 90: 17 89: 32,班平均分: 92.05 级平均分:96.03 理科排 : 23 名,基础写作,存在问题: 1.词汇严重缺乏, 很多内容无法表达 2.中式英文, 逐字翻译,不按文法。 3.时态错误:

2、4.书写潦草, 卷面不整洁。 5.有相当部分的学生没写作文或写一两句。,我国首次对高速公路行驶的小汽车实行免费运行政策,Our country is first time to carry out the policy that cars drive on the highway are free.,第一句要用一般过去时, 而误用了一般现在时,陈述观点本来要用一般现在时或一般将来时的, 但学生误用了一般过去时等。,十一黄金周 小汽车实行免费通行 刺激消费 第三产业 亲友驾车相聚 人与人距离拉近了 车流量猛增 事故发生率上升,the National Day holiday,free passa

3、ge was given to cars on the highway,cars can run on the highway for free,you can drive cars on the highway for free,stimulate consumption,the third industry,friends and relatives reunite with each other by car,bring people closer,the traffic flow will increase tremendously,higher accident rate,好句子:

4、1.Some people are in favor of it for the reason that not only can it stimulate consumption, which is beneficial to the development of the third industry such as tourism, but also it contributes a lot to our getting closer to our relatives and friends by driving to visit them often. 2. Whats more, sh

5、aring cars with friends or relatives can make each other closer.,During the last National Day holidays, free passage was given to cars on the highway for the first time ever, which caused a heated discussion nationwide. On the bright side, some believe that it is good to stimulate consumption and bo

6、ost the third industry, such as tourism. To some extent, this policy brings people closer, for those who were reluctant to visit their friends are somehow seduced to reunite by car. However, with cars flocking to the highways, others are concerned that the traffic flow will increase tremendously,res

7、ulting in worse traffic jam and higher accident rate. Personally, free passage is what the public have been longing for, but more following measures should be taken, for example, some contingency plans should be made to deal with the potential problems and more clear road signs are needed to give dr

8、ivers precise guidance.,读写任务,存在问题: A. 概括部分: 1、概括要点不全 2、概括的表述错误:,The passage tells us that a nation survey about the sense of happiness.,1). CCTV did a survey about whether you were happy,2). most people gave a positive answer while some didnt,3).the Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan said he didnt know wheth

9、er he was happy or not,B. 正文部分: 1.书写潦草,涂改太多, 卷面不整洁。 2.每段段首空格不够, 全卷分段不明显,影响卷面效果。 3.时态错误。在正文部分第二段描述一件幸福的事时,有些学生全没有应该用一般过去时的概念,或者有的学生忘了谓语动词的相应词尾变化。 4.内容不够充实。 5.存在一些表述错误。如:谓语都是be+动词原形(my parents is love me.)、词性乱用(happy is very simply.)等,尤其中式英文出现率很高。,好句子: 1. As far as I am concerned, I firmly believe tha

10、t I do live happily for the reason that I have so many people to love and to be loved. 2. Although I will face some challenges sometimes, I feel satisfied as they are too small compared with the people who are suffering from hunger, cold and all kinds of illness. 3. As far as I am concerned, happiness lies in the process of pursuing our dreams and the moment when we achieve them.,


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