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1、History and Anthology of American Literature,Part I. The Literature of Colonial America Part II. The Literature of Reason and Revolution Part III. The Literature of Romanticism,How to Define American Literature Definition: American literature is the literature produced in American English by America

2、n citizens. Basic qualities of American Writers: independent individualistic critical innovative humorous,How to define American Literature Analytical approach Thematic approach Historical approach,List of Works,Sherwood Anderson Winsburg, Ohio James Baldwin Go Tell It on the Mountain Saul Bellow Se

3、ize the Day, Henderson the Rain King William S. Burroughs The Naked lunch Willa Cather My Antonia Kate Chopin The Awakening Stephen Crane The Red Badge of Courage,Theodore Dreiser Sister Carrie, An American Tragedy Ralph Ellison Invisible Man William Faulkner Go Down, Moses, The Sound and the Fury F

4、.Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby Alex Haley Roots,Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter Joseph Heller Catch-22 Ernest Hemingway The Sun Also Rises, The Old Man and the Sea James Jones From Here to Eternity Maxine Hong Kingston The Woman Warrior Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird Sinclair Lewis Main

5、 Street,Jack London The Call of the Wild, Martin Eden Norman Mailer The Naked and the Dead Carson McCullers The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter James A.Michener Cennennial Margaret Mitchell Gone with the Wind Toni Morrison The Bluest Eye,Mark Twain The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Alice Walker The Color

6、Purple Robert Penn Warren All the Kings Men Edith Wharton The Age of Innocence Thornton Wolfe Look Homeward, Angel Herman Wouk The Winds of War Richard Wright Native Son,Vladimir Nabokov Lolita Frank Norris The Ocopus J.D.Salinger The Catcher in the Rye Erich Segal Man, Woman and Child Upton Sinclai

7、r The Jungle John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath Harriet Beecher Stowe Uncle Toms Cabin William Styron Sophies Choice,Mark Twain The Adventurous of Huckberry Finn Alice Walker The Color Purple Rober Penn Warren All the Kings Men Edith Wharton The Age of Innocence Thomas Wolfe Look Homeward, Angel Her

8、man Wouk The Winds of War Richard Right Native Son,Part I. The Literature of Colonial America,Historical Introduction Early American writers and Poets Puritan Puritanism,Part I. Historical Introduction,I. The native American and their culture Indians II. The historical background of the colonial Tim

9、e Christopher Columbus discovered the American continent in 1491. Captain Christopher Newport reached Virginia in 1607. Puritans came to the New England area, by Mayflower in 1619. The first settlement was established in Plymouth in 1620.,Early American Writers and Poets,South, Jamestown, Virginia:

10、Captain John Smith-first American writer 8 works Contributions: his description of America were filled with themes, myths, images, scenes, characters and events that were a foundation for the nations literature. He lured the Pilgrims into fleeing here and creating a New land. North, New England, Pur

11、itan Writers William Bradford: first governor of Plymouth, The History of Plymouth Plantation, simplicity, earnestness, direct reporting, readable, moving. John Winthrop: first governor of Boston, The History of New England, candid simplicity, honesty Two Poets: Anne Bradstreet, Edward Taylor,Purita

12、ns,One division of English Protestant. They regarded the reformation of the church under Elizabeth as incomplete, and called for further purification from what they considered to be unscriptural and corrupt forms and ceremonies retained from the unreformed church. The 17th century American Puritans

13、included two parts: Separatists and Massachusetts Bay Group Their Religious Doctrines: original sin, total depravity, predestination and limited atonement through a special infusion of grace from God. They regarded themselves as chosen people of God. They embraced hardships, industry and frugality.

14、They favored a disciplined, hard, somber, ascetic and harsh life. They opposed arts and pleasure. They suspect joy and laughter as symptoms of sin.,Puritanism,A religious and political movement. Through it, one sees emerging the right of the individual to political and religious independence. Their

15、religious doctrines: original sin, total depravity, predestination, limited atonement. Their attitudes toward entertainment: joy and laughter are symptoms of sin. Their attitudes toward work: work itself is a good in addition to what it achieves, that time saved by efficiency or good fortune should

16、be spent in doing further work.,Puritanisms influence on American literature,Purpose: pragmatic Contents: practical matter-of-fact accounts of life in the new world; highly theoretical discussions of religious questions. Form: diary, autobiography, sermon, letter Style: tight and logic structure, precise and compact expression, avoidance of rhetorical decoration, adoption of homely imager


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