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1、1. complain about 投诉 2.go wrong出毛病 3. return my money to me退还我钱 4. apply for申请 5.worse still更糟糕的是 6.delay in delivering推迟交货,相关短语,7. for the above reasons基于上述理由 8. a full refund全额退款 9. pay for the postage付邮资 10. travel agency旅行社 11. historical attractions历史名胜 12. make mistakes犯错误 13. be forced to被迫,1

2、4. a person with patience 有耐心的人 15. a pair of black shoes一双黑鞋子 16. make an apology道歉 17. to our disappointment让我们失望的是 18.again and again反复; 再三,1. Im writing to complain about a pair of sneakers I recently purchased from your website. 我写信的目的是要向你投诉我最近在你们网站上购买的一双运动鞋。 2. Worse still, there was a ten-day

3、 delay in delivering my shoes.更糟糕的是, 交鞋的日期推迟了10天。,相关句式,3. I demand either a new pair of black shoes be posted to me immediately or I be given a full refund.我要求要么马上寄给我一双新的黑鞋子, 要么全额退款。 4. Please give 30% of my money back, or I shall be forced to take the matter further.请退还我30%的钱, 否则我会被迫采取进一步的措施。,5. Sh

4、e was not a person with patience and didnt patiently answer my questions at all. 她是个没有耐心的人, 根本不耐心回答我的问题。 6. I demand that she make an apology to me face to face.我要求她当面向我道歉。,1. 投诉信要开门见山写明来信目的, 即投诉的具体内容, 切忌表达转弯抹角, 久久不入正题。,2. 写信时, 要注意写信的对象, 运用得体的语言表达, 并可在句中适当增加to ones disappointment, unluckily, unfortu

5、nately, worse still, to make matters worse等符合投诉信感情色彩的副词短语,以加强语气, 使表达更加丰富。例如:What I ordered was a pair of black size-nine shoes but to my disappointment, I received a pair of white, size-8.5 shoes instead. Worse still, there was a ten-day delay in delivering my shoes, which should have been received

6、on April 10.,3.要求:重新邮寄或退款; 4. 询问:若寄回, 谁承担寄费?,假设你叫李华, 最近在某英文购物网站上购买了一双鞋子,但出现了一些问题。 写作内容 请给网站写一封投诉信, 包括以下内容: 1.写信的目的; 2.投诉内容:,例题导写 1. 开门见山、写明目的。凡书信开头, 一般可使用“Im writing to.”的句型开门见山点明写信目的。请根据中文完成句子。 (1) I am writing to make a complaint about _.(我在你网站上购买的鞋子),the pair of shoes I bought on your website,(2)

7、 I am writing to complain that _. _(我在你网站上购买的鞋子有点问题),there is something wrong with the pair of shoes I bought on your website,(3) I am writing to inform you that _ _ _. (我不满意在你网站上购买的鞋子) (4) I am writing to _ _ (对表示失望)the shoes I bought from your website.,2. 确定文体、规范语言。这是一封投诉信, 因此必须注意语言的规范性和得体性, 不能使用与

8、朋友书信交流时的亲切语言, 但也不能出现语气倔强等不礼貌用语。,3. 划分信息、统筹全文。根据写作内容, 可把五句话写作信息划分如下:(1)写信目的; (2)申购情况; (3)实际情况; (4)要求; (5)询问。写信目的可在引入部分找到, 投诉的主要内容是“在某英文购物网站上购买了一双鞋子, 但出现了一些问题。”特别需要注意, 写作前要把“要求和询问”的内容补充为完整句子, 明确动作的主语, 写作时才不会出错。,4.突破难点、正确翻译。请翻译: 在你的网站上 :on your website (2) 投诉:complain about. (3) 从购买:purchase/buy sth. f

9、rom .,(4) 一双九码的鞋子:_ _ (5) 寄回: _ (6) 为付款: _,pay for .,send /post .back,(7) 邮费 _ (8) 给某人退款/某人获得退款 _ (9) (申购情况和实际情况的对比)我订购的是, 但我收到的是 _,What I ordered was. but I received.,postage,give sb. a refund/get ones refund,参考范文 Dear Sir, Im writing to complain about a pair of sneakers I recently purchased from y

10、our website. What I ordered was a pair of black size-nine shoes but I received a pair of white, size-8.5 shoes instead. Worse still, there was a ten-day delay in delivering my shoes, which should have been received on April 10.,For the above reasons, I demand either a new pair of black size-nine sho

11、es be posted to me immediately or I be given a full refund. Also, if I send back the wrong shoes, will your company pay for the postage? Thank you for your consideration. Yours sincerely, Li Hua,5.连句成篇。 能力提高 (1)我写信是要投诉你们餐厅服务差。 I am writing to complain about the poor service in your restaurant. (2)我写

12、信是要投诉你们公司产品质量差, 并要求你们尽快解决问题。 I am writing to complain about the poor quality of the products of your company and ask for solutions to the problem as soon as possible.,2.请根据括号给出的中文提示填空。 Dear Sir / Madam, I have just returned from the English Summer Camp at your School of Language, and Im writing to e

13、xpress my unhappiness with your program. I took part in the program in order to improve my English but(1) _ (使我失望的是), there were too many students in a class, in which case students were not able to practise a lot.,to my disappointment,Moreover, (2) _ _(课程内容简单, 话题不够新颖) so that students interest in E

14、nglish could not be aroused. (3)_(更为糟糕的是), no lunch was provided and therefore I had to go to the nearest restaurant, which was 30 minutes away.,Worse still,It was once said in your ad that(4)_ _(学生可以参加丰富的社会实践活动) but badminton was the only activity organized. You can imagine how upset I am to have w

15、asted my time and money and please(5) _ _(请在此处合理地提出你的赔偿要求), or I shall be forced to take the matter further. Yours, Li Hua,你参加了某旅行社组织安排的云南六天游。以下是旅行社广告宣传与你参团后实际情况的对比:,写作内容 请给旅行社写一封投诉信, 内容包括: 1. 写信的目的; 2. 行程安排、酒店住宿旅游广告宣传与实际情况的对比; 3. 要求退回30%团费, 否则将采取进一步行动。,参考范文 Dear Sir, Im writing to complain about the six-day trip to Yunnan organized b


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