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1、,梦想成就未来 马云,Deep concave cheekbones, twisted hair, a five feet high, 100 pounds heavier naughty look. This looks weird people have the same stature of Napoleon, more like Napoleon great ambition! 深凹的颧骨,扭曲的头发,淘气的露齿笑,一个5英尺高,100磅重的顽童模样。这个长相怪异的人有着拿破仑一样的身材,更有拿破仑一样的伟大志向! 美国福布斯杂志 2000年对马云的评价,马云创业史,Ma was bo

2、rn in Hangzhou 马云出生在杭州,Although his results have never been to first three, but he has a great goal is to exam Beijing University. 虽然他的成绩从来没有进过前三,但是他有一个伟大的目标就是考北大,His first year college entrance math exam got a points ,second-year got 19 points 第一年高考他数学考了1分,第二年高考考了19分 exam for three years, he was In

3、to college. 考了三年,他才考上大学.,1988 Ma graduated from Hangzhou Normal College English major. 马云1988年毕业于杭州师范学院英语专业。,After graduating from the University of Ma six and a half when the English teacher 大学毕业后马云当了六年半的英语老师,Period, he set up the first foreign language translation agency in Hangzhou, pick up some

4、live trade units of translation. did not earn much money, but added hit a little fame. 期间他成立了杭州首家外文翻译社,用业余时间接了一些外贸单位的翻译活。钱没有挣到多少,倒是创出了一点名气。,1995, “Hangzhou English best,“ Ma, commissioned by the Department of Communications, Zhejiang Province, so he went to the United States to recover a debt 1995年,

5、“杭州英语最棒”的马云受浙江省交通厅委托到美国催讨一笔债务,The result is no money to go to a point, pour discovered a “treasure house“ In Seattle, for the computer illiterate Ma, for the first time on the internet. 结果是钱没有要到一分,倒发现了一个“宝库” 在西雅图,对计算机一窍不通的马云第一次上了互联网。,“There is a big business to do!“ Ma was realized that the Internet

6、 is a gold “这里有大大的生意可做!”马云当时就意识到互联网是一座金矿,Ma tour abroad, also took place dramatic story, caught up by a local gang, and off. Ma robbed of all the money, had to go to a casino to gamble, actually win money, buy a ticket, before returning to China. 马云这趟出国,还发生戏剧般的故事,被当地的黑帮抓起来,又赶走。一名不文的马云,只好去赌场赌钱,居然赢钱了,

7、买了机票,才回到中国。,Ma dingy back to Hangzhou, who left $ 1 and a crazy idea. Is the establishment of “Ali Baba.“ Mas idea is: the Chinese companies the information together, express delivery to the US, there are good web designers publish to the world, the profits come from fees charged to businesses. 噩梦般的

8、讨债之旅结束了,马云灰溜溜地回到杭州,身上只剩下1美元和一个疯狂的念头。 就是成立“阿里巴巴”。马云的想法是:把中国企业的资料集中起来, 快递到美国,有设计者做好网页向全世界发布,利润则来自向企业收取的费用。,这就是马云的糟糠之妻, 正所谓:每一个男人背 后都有一个温柔贤惠的 女人.,Ma can not wait to find a partner to learn automated, with his wife, holding two million, rented a house, start a business. 马云迫不及待找了一个学自动化的拍档,加上妻子,拿着两万元,租了一间

9、房子,就开始了创业。,Ma very eloquent, after a long period of time, the food stalls in the streets of Hangzhou, often called Ma around a bunch of people who listen to him to sell their “great plan.“ At that time, many people still do not know what is the Internet, they called him big liar Ma 马云口才很好,在以后很长一段时间,

10、在杭州街头的大排档里,经常有一堆人围着一个叫马云的人,听他推销自己“伟大的计划”。 那时候很多人还不知什么是互联网,他们叫他 马云大骗子.,That is, in this year, the increasing popularity of the Internet. This is Mas attention by the Ministry of Foreign Trade. 1997, Ma was invited to Beijing to join a project initiated by the United Nations, in the process, Ma gradua

11、lly mature thinking: with e-commerce services for SMEs. His research suggests that traffic between businesses on the Internet, much larger than the traffic between businesses and consumers. 1999, Ma back to Hangzhou, the founder of “Ali Baba“ website. 也就是在这一年,互联网逐渐普及了。 这是马云受到了外经贸部的注意。 1997年,马云被邀请到北京

12、,加盟外贸部的一个由联合国发起的项目,并参与开发外经贸部的官方站点以及后来的网上中国商品交易市场,在这个过程中,马云的思路渐渐成熟:用电子商务为中小企业服务。 他研究认为,互联网上商业机构之间的业务量,比商业机构与消费者之间的业务量大得多。 1999年,马云回杭州创办“阿里巴巴”网站。,September 20, 2014 morning news, Alibaba Group, successfully landed on the NYSE yesterday evening, Alibaba Group, a market capitalization of $ 238,332,000,0

13、00. So far, the Executive Chairman Jack Mas Alibaba worth reached $ 21.212 billion, more than Jianlin and Ma, Chinas new richest man. 2014年9月20日凌晨消息,阿里巴巴集团昨日晚间成功登陆纽交所,阿里巴巴集团市值达到2383.32亿美元。至此,阿里巴巴执行主席马云的身价也达到212.12亿美元,超过王健林和马化腾,成为中国新首富。,哼昨天的我 你爱答不理,今天的我你高攀不起,Never lucky than others, I never thought I

14、 lucky than others, I am perhaps more than their perseverance in the most difficult times, they beat it, I can hold more than one second, two seconds . 永远不要和别人比幸运,我素来没有想过我比别人幸运,我兴许比他们更有毅力,在最困难的时候,他们熬不住了,我可以多熬一秒,两秒钟,马云,We still believe that this world as long as there is a dream, if we continue to strive, as long as continuous learning, no matter how you look, whether it is the case, or, as is often inversely proportional to the mans looks and his talent. 我们还是坚信一点,这世界上只要有梦想,只要不断努力,只要不断学习,不管你长得如何,不管是这样,还是那样,男人的长相往往和他的才华成反比。,Thank you! 么么哒,


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