高考英语一轮复习 课时规范练25 unit 5 first aid 新人教版必修

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1、我带领班子成员及全体职工,积极参加县委、政府和农牧局组织的政治理论学习,同时认真学习业务知识,全面提高了自身素质,增强职工工作积极性,杜绝了纪律松散Unit 5 First aid .阅读理解(2018福建莆田八中第二次月考)Imagine if our doctors are as easy to contact as our online friends and we can talk to them whenever we like to talk about our health concerns.With doctors already working so hard to prov

2、ide the universal healthcare we all depend upon,it seems like the realm(领域) of science fiction.But telehealth(远程医疗),bringing care into the patients home,is now one of the popular words worldwide.In a population where more and more people,often the elderly,have long-term health problems,such as heart

3、 disease or breathing problems,the greater part of a doctors work can be done in the home.In the Internet age,the best way to do that is to have a doctor on a computer signed in to a network of patients in the same way we are connected to our Facebook friends.ParkinsonNet is a special website which

4、links Parkinsons disease sufferers with doctors and nurses.The professionals communicate on the website,where patients can also find information about treatment and can also request an at-home consultation via video link in their homes.Since it was introduced in 2004,ParkinsonNet has expanded into 6

5、6 regional networks.Evidence suggests that the website improves the quality of care,shifts care away from institutions and into the community and lowers healthcare costs.Patients also appreciated being linked to experts on their condition,rather than having a long wait to see a specialist.A patient

6、with a long-term problem coming to a hospital for something routine is a waste of time for him and a waste of money for the hospital;so the more that can be done in the home,the better.England was developing similar models of care for more conditions and called ParkinsonNet “a very clear signal of t

7、he potential” of telehealth.England already has an online psychological medical service operating in some parts of the country.In Scotland,a special Centre for Telehealth and Telecare has been set up,with patient-centered and at-home care.1.What does the underlined sentence in Para.1 mean?A.It seems

8、 a joke.B.It seems amazing.C.It seems touching.D.It seems a good idea.2.What can we know about ParkinsonNet?A.It offers professional advice.B.It is faced with difficulty in developing.C.It is easy for patients to talk with each other.D.It allows patients to invite doctors to their homes.3.For patien

9、ts with long-term problems,telehealth .A.costs them more moneyB.leads to a delay in treatmentC.cures their diseases more quicklyD.provides them with easier access to doctors4.Whats the text mainly about?A.Long-term health problems will be cured.B.Health checks will be done on the Internet.C.The role

10、s of doctors are changing over time.D.The time to say good-bye to doctors has come.导学号23280102.完形填空(2018福建东山二中期中考试)I was waiting for the red light to change to green at a busy crossing in our city.Then I saw an elderly man1 to get up off the ground.He had fallen off his bike which had 2.It seemed th

11、at his leg was terribly hurt and he was crawling 3 forward to get his vegetable basket,which was now in the 4 of coming traffic.5 giving it a second thought,I hurried to get out of my car,rushed to him and 6 him to sit on the side of the road.Quickly I 7 the basket for him.Then I walked to 8 and sto

12、od it back up again.As he looked up at me,he smiled and said,“Thank you.” I made sure that he was OK and then I9 to my car BMW,which I had left at the crossing.10,there had been a long line of cars,waiting for me.But to my 11,those drivers just looked at me and 12 was honking(按喇叭).In fact,I clearly

13、remembered a man looking at me from across the 13,giving me a big smile.Generally,most people think rich men are14 and perhaps they found it strange that I would help a poor old man in the street.The funny thing is that I think the other drivers only thought of me as a selfish 15 person at first.The

14、y were judging me by my shining clothes and expensive car.16 they thought I was the 17 person to offer a helping hand to someone in 18.However,looks can be cheating 19.Today the smiles on peoples faces20 me.Now I know that I can be judged by what I do,not what I own.1.A.tryingB.hopingC.waitingD.mana

15、ging2.A.got downB.broken upC.got overD.turned over3.A.quicklyB.slowlyC.carefullyD.gradually4.A.wayB.faceC.controlD.road5.A.ByB.WithoutC.ThroughD.With6.A.persuadedB.advisedC.broughtD.helped7.A.gave outB.handed over C.picked upD.put up8.A.his bikeB.my carC.my seatD.his seat9.A.approachedB.cameC.returnedD.waved10.A.At a timeB.At one time C.At timesD.At that time11.A.surpriseB.angerC.amusementD.excitement12.A.somebodyB.anybodyC.nobodyD.everybody13.A.cityB.streetC.carD.crowd14.A.coldB.politeC.warmD.rude15.A.poorB.richC.madD.kind16.A.AsB.ButC.AndD.Because17.A


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