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1、烘焙课逐字稿Hello, everyone, welcome to reading English. 尊敬的各位家长们,可爱的宝贝们,欢迎大家来到我们睿丁英语。睿丁英语主要是一个通过阅读让孩子高效习得英语的培训机构,旨在让孩子形成英语思维从而让孩子们掌握一种受用终身的英语学习方法。今天,各位家长将会跟咱们的宝贝们一起动手做披萨。那kitty现在想考考咱们的宝贝了,谁知道比萨的历史呀?好,都不知道是吗。那咱们一起来看看。好,知道了pizza是怎么来的现在我们就和爸爸妈妈们一起动手做披萨吧。由于咱们今天是一堂纯英文的烘焙课,所以接下来我们在课堂上要说英语哦。表现好的宝贝们会得到小礼物。At the

2、 beginning let us know something. Look here, whats in English?(在这里就先带宝贝熟悉一下披萨工具和食材,英文名字在下面)游戏:萝卜蹲,等孩子们记住后和high起来再制作。确定孩子将工具和食材记住再做。Ok, now. everybody. Its our baking time. First, take up a piece of wet wipe(湿纸巾) to wash our hand. Then ,let us wear disposable gloves(一次性手套). Like this. Very good. Seco

3、nd, take up a piece of pie(面饼) and a fork, then we should make many hole slightly. Do like this. Very good. Third, have oil on the pie, both sides need, then have some pizza sauce on it, we need to smear(涂抹) evenly, the first layer, the second layer and then place some cheese on the top. Remember, w

4、e should smear it on the whole layer, like this. then let us place some fruit on it, mango, dragon fruit, pineapple, apple on it, press it slightly, and we put some currant to make it beautiful, then have some cheese on the fruit., ok we should put cheese on the whole face. Doing like this. Now, we

5、can put pizza in the oven, wait 10 minutes. Ok , lets play a game. Take off disposable gloves. (英文歌) 假如你要幸福你就拍拍手Wow, now we can eat. Its very delicious. 词汇:箱式烤炉 deck oven托盘:trayMango:芒果dragon fruit:火龙果pineapple:菠萝currant:葡萄干萝卜蹲:oil brush oven wet wipe gloveCheese mango apple pineapple dragon fruit current唱歌:字母歌 小星星



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